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Translate.vc / portugués → ruso / Ashamed

Ashamed traducir ruso

9 traducción paralela
Sinto vergonha das coisas Por que passei
- I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through
Vergonha da pessoa que sou
- I'm ashamed of the person I am
# Oh, my mama would be so ashamed #
* Моей маме будет стыдно *
# My mama would be so ashamed #
* Моей маме будет стыдно *
now and then, i get insecure from all the fame, I'm so ashamed
* Время от времени меня охватывают сомнения, * * Я так стыжусь всей этой боли. *
♪ In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust ♪ Let me never be ashamed
На Тебя, Господи, уповаю да не постыжусь вовек
Não me odeia, só tem vergonha de mim.
А, она не ненавидит меня. She's just ashamed of me or something.
Se tem mesmo vergonha é a maior estúpida deste mundo.
Ну, знаешь что? If she's really ashamed of you, then... then she's the stupidest bitch in the whole wide world.
- Nunca tive vergonha de ti.
- I've never been ashamed.

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