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Bombs traducir ruso

9 traducción paralela
Vai. As Jager bombs imediatamente.
Давай Рэд Булл с водкой.
E o brilho vermelho do míssil, as bombas a rebentar no ar, provaram na noite que a nossa bandeira ainda lá estava.
And the rockets'red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
As boas notícias são que eu estou oficialmente a adorar os Sex-Bombs.
А хорошая новость, что я просто без ума от Sex-Bombs.
A Asleep, do album Louder Than Bombs.
Asleep. Она от Louder Than Bombs.
O arranhão em forma de diamante foi na noite das Jaeger Bombs, lembras-te?
Я поцарапал её той ночью, когда мы перебрали с ёршами. Помнишь?
A brincar com bombas
♪ Playing with bombs ♪
- Se tivéssemos as bombas...
If we had gotten the bombs, then...
Conviction - S01E03 "Dropping Bombs" Tradução :
1 сезон 3 серия "Сброшенная бомба"
Duas bombas atómicas.
Two atomic bombs.

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