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Translate.vc / portugués → ruso / Collect

Collect traducir ruso

5 traducción paralela
Sara, sugiro que mudes de roupa e reúnas os recibos todos, porque isto vai ser tudo devolvido assim que o caso estiver encerrado.
Sara, I suggest that you change your clothes and collect all the receipts, because all of this is going back as soon as the case is closed.
Muito bem, recolhe as provas e entrega-as à balística.
All right, collect all the evidence and bring it back with ballistics.
Estás aqui para receber os honorários legais?
You here to collect your legal fees?
I collect them all
Я их собираю
"As I'm walking by, I collect them all."
И пока я иду, успеваю увидеть ее всю ".

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