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Translate.vc / portugués → ruso / Could

Could traducir ruso

394 traducción paralela
" Que melhor idéia haveria P'rá Louisiana fugiria?
Nothing could be grander than to be in Louisiana. ( Ничего не может быть лучше Луизианы )
Pensar que posso entrar pelo cano.
That I could get stuck for good
É um que eujamais imaginei que pudesse acontecer
Is the one I thought could never be
Nada havia que pudesses perguntar que eu pudesse responder
There ain't nothing you could ask I could answer you, but I won't
Nada havia que perguntasses que eu pudesse responder
There ain't nothing you could ask I can answer you, but I won't
Pensaste que eu não sabia
Didn't you think I could
I could see you were no fool
# I could see you were no fool #
Only if my heart could see
# Only if my heart could see #
So how could I dance with another
Поэтому как я мог танцевать с другой,
Podemos ir directos à perseguição?
Could we cut to the chase?
Poderia dizer : "Bella, bella"
I could say, "Bella, bella"
Criei o Da Vinci para podermos chamar os Serviços Secretos, e eles prenderem o intruso e confiscarem-lhe o equipamento, coisa que nós não podemos fazer.
l создавал da Vinci так мы could get Секретная служба , чтобы арестовать хакера и seize the оборудование, которое мы не можем делать один.
No one could make that ram scram He kept buttin'that dam
# Ќикто не смог его остановить # # ќн продолжал дамбу долбить #
Now up until now, one could write this off to coincidence... mas depois... ela meteu a mão na pasta... e tirou uma Torta de Morango... o mesmo pequeno almoço que eu estava a consumir na altura.
Ну, всё это, возможно могло бы сойти за совпадние... если бы... она не открыла свою сумку... и не достала клубничный Поп Тарт... в точности такой же как был и у меня.
Tu eras tão frágil, ~ Não acredito que te vais embora, ~ Eu não acredito em despedidas.
You were the one so tender, ўЬ How could you do that to me... ўЬ I can't believe you're going, ўЬ I don't believe good-bye.
With words that were thought they could retort
Ктo-тo мoжeт на этo вoзразить
How many people want to kick some ass l would ifl could
Мнoгo ли людeй eздят пo странe, чтoбы надрать кoму-тo задницу У нас всe пoлучаeтся
Could you have the room made up for us? - Certo, senhor.
- Можете убрать у нас в комнате?
O que teria causado isto?
What could have caused this?
- "Sean Jo." - Could be Asian.
- Может, китайская подделка?
Eu podia ter.
Я could've.
Poderias ser ossos de Makuta!
Вы could've кости Макатаа!
Poderia ser. mas nao sou.
Could've. Но я - не.
- Could it be the cow's tooth?
- Иожет быть, это коровий зуб?
A primeira referência que encontrei foi em Black River Falls, por volta de 1890.
первое упоминание я нашел the earliest mention i could find is this place у места по названием Черные Речные Водопады - в далекых 1890-ых.
"E eu poderia deixar-te" "Correndo alegremente pela neve?"
o / ~ And could I leave you o / ~ o / ~ Running merrily through the snow... o / ~
"Verão, Inverno ou Outono" "Não, eu nunca te deixaria..."
Только не весной, o / ~ Summer, winter or fall o / ~ осенью, летом или зимой - o / ~ No, never could I leave you... o / ~ Я никогда не смогу проститься с тобой.
O pânico da indústria cinematográfica e fonográfica é que as pessoas poderiam começar a produzir e redes de compartilhamento - tecnologias de compartilhamento as permitem produzir coisas.
now people stayin colder so don'try n tell me your older you could be roller or be more music mix tapes promos and everythings out there, so don't try tell me I don't Киноиндустрия паникует, и музыкальная индустрия тоже - люди могут фактически начать производить, а эти файлообменные сети, файлообменная технология позволяет им производить всякое.
Desejando esconder-te Ou talvez dar uma volta
- And you wish you could hide - Maybe go for a ride
Eu podia gritar Quando tudo fica tramado
- Well I could call out when the going gets tough
Mas se visses tal beleza
- But if you could just see the beauty
As coisas que nunca Conseguirei descrever
- These things I could never describe
Sim, juro que é verdade
This could be love Because
Podia esfregar essa mancha do meu tablier?
Could you - Не могли бы вы стереть это пятно с моей торпеды?
Convidaram-nos para passarmos o dia juntos.
You guys invited us so we could spend the day together.
- Não aguentaste, pois não? Ela sabe tudo.
Couldn't keep up, could you?
If I could, I would.
Если бы я могла, я бы вышла.
* Me pergunto aonde você pode ter ido *
I wonder where on earth you could have gone
* Eu nunca poderia ser solitário *
I could never be lonely
* O que posso fazer se o amor faz as regras *
What else could I do when ever love makes the rules
* Por que acreditar que isso pode mudar algo? *
Why believing that it could change anything
* Se você pudesse sair desse espelho *
If you could get out of that mirror
# Thought I could fly when you held my hand #
# Я думала, что лечу, когда ты держал меня за руку, #
- # Thought I could fly
# - Думала, что лечу, # #
" What could it be?
"Что же это?"
What could be private?
Какие у него могут быть личные дела?
Nós podíamos apenas... continuar
We could just keep going.
Eu podia morar consigo...
I could live with you.
Você podia cuidar de mim...
You could take care of me.
How could it be important?
Почему это может быть важно?
E nós dançamos!
- And we could dance

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