/ portugués → ruso / Decided
Decided traducir ruso
19 traducción paralela
They can't take away Our day of liberty Like we all decided
- Когда они пробурили эту скважину, они наткнулись на подземный источник, о существовании которого не подозревали!
Que passei com os meus fantasmas O meu coração e eu, decidimos terminar com tudo...
My heart and I have decided to end it all...
Tipo, uma vez estava bêbado, acharam que eu estava a tentar suicidar-me, mas eu estava bêbado e caí do telhado e... Eu decidi deixar as pessoas achar o que entendessem.
Once I was drunk and, well, people thought I tried to kill myself, but I was drunk and I fell off a roof, and... and I just I decided to let people think it.
You're the one I have decided
* Что ты – единственная *
A Sarah descobriu e decidiu matar a personagem de Mandy.
Sarah found out about it, Decided to kill off Mandy's character.
No momento que a Mandy apareceu, a Sarah já tinha decidido o que fazer com o casamento.
By the time Mandy showed up, Sarah had already decided What she wanted to do with her marriage.
Mas mesmo que a Sarah tivesse decidido voltar para o Vince, não significa que não tivesse dúvidas.
Yeah, but even if Sarah decided That she was gonna get back together with Vince, It doesn't mean that she didn't have doubts.
E o que estavas a fazer quando decidiste tirar o Denny de Wall Street?
And what were you doing when you decided to push Denny out of our Wall Street turf?
Embarquei em Cancún porque... decidi ser a pessoa mais sensata na nossa relação difícil.
I boarded in Cancun because I've decided to be the bigger man in our feud.
Obviamente, decidiu que o sexo era mais importante do que viver.
So obviously, I guess he decided that sex was more important than staying alive.
Decidi verificar as cobranças do cartão de crédito do Starkel para tentar localizar a movimentação dele naquele dia.
Well, I decided to search Starkel's credit card charges, to see if it's possible to track his movements on the day he died.
Se calhar quando o dinheiro e os favores acabaram, decidiu cobrar-lhe.
Maybe when the money and the favors dried up, you decided to make her pay.
Eventually, they decided to take it beyond the telephone and meet in person.
Потом они начали встречаться.
Os que decidiram mudar de equipa E andar com o pessoal errado
♪ That decided to cross the road ♪ ♪ And roll with the wrong folks ♪
Os que decidiram mudar de equipa E andar com o pessoal errado
♪ That decided to cross the road and roll with the wrong folks ♪
Então, em Março, os Cruzados e a liderança Persa, decidiram tomar toda a cidade, dividindo o Império Bizantino entre eles.
"Then in March, the Crusader and Venetian leadership " decided to take the whole city, dividing the Byzantine Empire between them. "
Então decidiu fazer uma decoração antes de fugir?
So she decided to do some quick redecorating before going on the run?
Decidi começar do início.
I've decided to start from scratch.
Na verdade, eles decidiram seguir um outro rumo.
Actually, they have decided to go a different direction.