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Copiaram a minha tartaruga para um passo...
Они подбайтили мой "тётл инту хоп" ( turtle into a hop )
When the light gets into your heart, baby
# When the light gets into your heart, baby #
When I looked into your eyes and saw
# When I looked into your eyes and saw #
When you walked into the room
# When you walked into the room #
Into the phantom night Doesn't matter where it leads
Лиза Бэйнс, Келли Линч, Лоуренс Лакинбилл
Mesmo assim, perdeste-te em pensamentos acerca dele? Ainda assim há outras coisas que eu queria perguntar-te, mas o nosso diálogo é abafado pelo som do carro, e pelos fortes ventos da rua. DAN DAN, pouco a pouco, estou a ficar encantado, é estranho, mesmo para mim, como quando acontece qualquer coisa, eu quero logo chamar por ti.
are you lost in thought over him? and drifts out into the street.
E da vez que entrei em Wimbledon. And that time I snuck into Wimbledon.
А ещё, когда прокрался на Уимблдон.
Choca e sai a primeira galinha.
Hatches into the first chicken.
Bem, para início de conversa, sem um ovo para chocar em uma galinha, não haverá nenhuma galinha para botar o outro ovo que irá chocar em outra galinha... que irá botar o ovo mencionado em primeiro lugar.
Well, conversely, without an egg to hatch into the chicken, there will be no chicken to lay the other egg that hatches into the chicken... that lays the egg I mentioned in the first place.
"Pub Crawl of Old London Town" ou "Shops We Can't Go Into Again"?
Что это за экскурсии? "Вылазка по пабам Старого Лондона" или "Магазины, которые нам не по карману"?
"Let us roll all our strength and all our sweetness " up into one ball, and tear our pleasures with rough strife " thorough the iron gates of life...
Давайте соберем всю нашу силу и все наше умение в один пучок и насладимся единственным броском сквозь кованые ворота жизни... ведь если мы не можем заставить наше солнце остановиться, мы заставим его бежать быстрее ".
Volta para nós directamente da Broadway, onde esteve em cena com o Into the Woods. Bem-vindo, Brad.
Он вернулся к нам с Бродвея, где успешно сыграл в "Into the Woods".
Talvez possamos tornar este artigo numa denúncia.
Hey, maybe we can turn this article into an expos.
And these cables--do anyof them run into the ocean? E esses cabos.. algum deles vai pelo Oceano?
А уходит ли какой-нибудь кабель в океан?
I look into a sunbeam Where I see you smile
I look into a sunbeam Where I see you smile
* Quando preto e branco se tornaram cinza *
МЕЖДУ ЛЮБОВЬЮ И ПРОЩАНИЕМ When black and white turns into gray
* Gritando pela noite que sinto sua falta *
Screaming out into the night that I miss you
* Quando preto e branco se tornaram cinza *
When black and white turns into grey
Eu vou... Vou transformar-me noutra pessoa.
I'll just--I'll change into someone else then.
- "Into the Mystic".
- "В неизвестность".
Sou a pessoa perfeita para assumir o lugar dele, e é no momento exacto em que o Parker começa o Jardim de Infância.
I am the perfect person to step into his job, and that is exactly when Parker starts kindergarten.
Acabei de chegar à cidade, à procura de trabalho.
Just moved into town. Looking for work. Sorry.
Tenho pensado nas pessoas que conheço, as que entraram na minha vida e a tornaram melhor do que era anteriormente. Pessoas como o senhor.
I've just been doing some thinking about the people I know, the ones who've walked into my life and made it better than it was before...
# And then it turned into "Oh, no, what have I done?" #
* А затем я поняла о нет, что я делаю *
# I had no clue # # What I was gettin'into #
* Я не понимала куда я попала *
# When I whip with my hips you slip into a trance #
Я очень надеюсь, что ты готов для всего того, чем я обладаю...
Rumspringa é uma forma bastante racional de ajudar os jovens a tomar decisões informadas, se devem ou não, ser baptizados na fé Amish como adultos.
Румшпринг - довольно рациональный способ помочь подросткам принять обоснованное решение хотят они или нет to be baptized into the Amish faith as adults.
Wind that makes the tall grass bend into leaning
* Ветер, который сгибает высокую траву *
* E transformá-lo em algo melhor?
? And mold it into something better?
* Estou quebrado em mil pedaços agora.
? I am broken now into a thousand pieces?
Não consigo decidir se quero que o Stan Lee autografe o 83 de "Journey Into Mystery", com a primeira aparição do Thor, ou o número 5 dos "Fantastic Four", com a primeira aparição do Dr. Doom.
Я не могу решить Хочу ли я автограф Стэна Ли на моем "Путешествии в Тайну № 83", первое появление Тора или четвертом номере "Фантастической четверки" первое появление доктора Дума.
Into your own all cause you won't Listen...
* Потому что ты не будешь слушать *
Well, did you ever think it'd be okay For me to step into this world?
* Но вы не думали, что мне будет хорошо * * если я ступлю в этот мир?
Always saying "little girl don't step into the club"
* * Говорят, что маленькие девочки не ходят в клуб *
Deixem para o Borrão tornar um incêndio numa sessão fotográfica.
Leave it to The Blur to turn a fire into a photo op. Found the cranberries.
Tornaste-te num belo homem nos últimos 6 anos, Clark.
You've grown into quite a man in the past six years, Clark.
Mas acho que... Uma parte de mim até gostava do facto de seres a arruaceira, porque... eu pude, finalmente, ser a boa da fita.
But I think that part of me sort of liked the fact that you turned into the troublemaker, because I was finally able to be the good one.
Eles não saltaram para a ribalta como eu.
They didn't step out into the limelight like I did.
Despe-te e vai para a descontaminação.
Strip down and get your ass into decon.
Isto não estaria a acontecer se o Caine não tivesse convencido esta gente a ficar naquele planeta.
None of this would be happening if Caine had not talked those people into staying on that planet.
Nascido sem condições, saudade, esperança.
Born into a bad situation, yearning, hopeful.
Entrei na faculdade?
I got into college? !
Talvez se eu mostrar que entrei na faculdade...
Maybe if I show him I got into college...
Metade num bloco de gelo no mar glaciar, e a outra metade na tromba da Norma Engerfelt com as palavras "Ânus Botwin diz'olá'."
One half set adrift on an ice floe in glacier bay, the other half blown into Norm Engerfelt's face with the words "Anus Botwin says hi."
Depois uma vez mais pela fenda, caros amigos.
Then once more into the breach, dear friends.
Lama translated into russian : Rupreht ( foo @ pisem.net )
Anatomia de Grey S05E17 "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"
јнатоми € √ рей 5 сезон, 17 сери € я пойду с тобой во тьму
* ha, ha, ha, ha * * i bust the windows out your car * * you know i did it'cause i left my mark * * wrote my initials with the crowbar * * and then i drove off into the dark *
* И я рада, теперь ты видишь, что случается, когда... * * ха, ха, ха, ха * * Я выбила стёкла в твоей машине, * * Ты знаешь, что я это сделала, потому что я оставила свою отметку - *
SO1 * EO2 "Into The Great Wide Open"
Вы смотрите "Город Грешниц" И это 1 сезон эпизод 2
Let's get into physical
Давай войдем в физику!
Investimento de valor.
To put their money into - value investing.

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