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Learn traducir ruso

17 traducción paralela
Agora eles devem aprender
Now they must learn
Mas meus pais disseram que aprenderíamos a nos amar.
But my father and my mother said we'd learn to love each other
Hei-de aprender.
I'll learn.
- That I can't learn - I can't learn From Mr.
Всей правды жизни там мне не узнать.
Sim e percebi que tinha muito a aprender.
Yes, and I realized I had a lot to learn.
Tenho muito a aprender com alguém como o Bill, fazer à maneira dele, a recusar a aceitar não como resposta,
I have a lot to learn from someone like bill. Doing it his way, refusing to take no for an answer,'cause that's how he got his fortune.
- Ray, "Learn-ed" Hand.
Рэй, Обученная рука.
"Learn-ed" Hand.
Обученная рука.
Elas vão tomar todas as decisões erradas e tu vais aprender com os erros delas.
They're gonna make all the bad decisions and you're gonna get to learn from their mistakes.
Agora vamos aprender mais sobre a vida secreta da minha mulher.
Now let's learn more about my wife's secret life.
Onde aprendeu a cortar cabelo?
Ow! Where'd you learn to cut hair?
Ouve, eu adorava, mas tens de perceber que a pior parte da residência é de não poder salvar toda a gente.
And look, I would love to, But you need to learn that the hardest part of residency is that you can't save everyone.
Disseste que querias aprender como eu faço o que faço, para aprender.
You said you wanted to learn how I do what I do, so learn.
♪ All fired up ♪ ♪ ( We live and learn from our mistakes ) ♪
♪ ожидая знак ♪
Confia em mim, vais aprender a adorar.
Поверь мне, ты научишься любить это. Trust me you will learn to love it Поверь мне, ты научишься любить это
* i bust the windows out your car, hey * * after i saw you looking right at her * * i didn't wanna, but i took my turn * * i'm glad i did it'cause you had to learn *
* Но сейчас меня это не волнует... * * Я выбила стёкла в твоей машине, * * После того, как увидела тебя с другой. *
 ¶ Eu sei que você sabe  ¶  ¶ eles simplesmente não têm qualquer prova  ¶  ¶ abraçar a ilusão  ¶
I know you know they just don't have any proof embrace the deception learn how to bend your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end

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