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Words traducir ruso

41 traducción paralela
Quais palavras sábias
What words of wisdom
Pára de me molestar com as tuas palavras de 10 dólares!
Прекрати терзать меня своими грубыми словами! ( with your $ 10 words... )
With words that were thought they could retort
Ктo-тo мoжeт на этo вoзразить
Mil palavras faladas alto
- Thousand words are spoken loud
Tu sabes que detrás de todas estas palavras
Do you know that behind all these words
My words, they say split
* Мои слова, они говорят о размолвке *
But my words may lie
* Но моим словам, не стоит верить *
And here's the last words Julie said...
И это последние слова Которые сказала Джули
Chuck S03E01 "Chuck Versus The Three Words"
Синхронизация : honeybunny. Редактирование : chamallow35.
Can all the words in all the books help me to face what lies ahead?
* Могут ли все слова из всех книг * * Помочь мне узнать, что ждет впереди?
Eu coloco transcrições nas entrevistas para gerar representações visuais das palavras do sujeito em uso.
I input transcriptions of my interviews to generate visual representations of words subjects used.
Metade num bloco de gelo no mar glaciar, e a outra metade na tromba da Norma Engerfelt com as palavras "Ânus Botwin diz'olá'."
One half set adrift on an ice floe in glacier bay, the other half blown into Norm Engerfelt's face with the words "Anus Botwin says hi."
Muitas horas. Então, fiz um aplicativo para o Iphone, que vendi na Rússia chamado "Palavras com camaradas"
The hours killed me, so I invented an iPhone app that I sold to Russia called "Words with Comrades."
Quando estou em Washington, procuro ex-namoradas no Facebook, jogo ligas de fantasia de hóquei, o Words with Friends, o Scrabble e o Draw Something.
Ищу на "Фэйсбуке" бывших подружек и играю в фантазийный хоккей, в слова и другие игры.
you are beautiful, no matter what they say words won't bring you down you are beautiful, in every single way words won't bring you down
* Ты красива, и не важно, что они скажут. * * Слова не могут сломить тебя. * * Ты красива, во всех проявлениях *
but tomorrow'll find a way, all the other times we are beautiful, no matter what they say words can't bring us down
* Куда бы мы не пошли, солнце будет светить * * И завтра я найду свой путь * * Мы красивы, не важно что говорят *
all of these words whispered in my ear tell a story that
Все те слова, что шептались в мои уши.
Foram mais palavras do que eu esperava.
That was more words than I was expecting.
Deve-se usar as palavras.
You should use your words.
Também usei as palavras'muito difícil'e'muito improvável'.
I also used the words, "highly unlikely" and "wildly improbable."
- Por outras palavras... "encontra o assassino do teu irmão nos tempos livres", não é?
In other words, find your brother's killer on your own time, right?
- Em outras palavras, sentimos que vais para um confronto violento.
In other words, we feel you're headed for a violent showdown.
# Well, those were the last words that the Devil said
# Well, those were the last words that the Devil said
O meu marido, sim. Ele ama-me muito.
The words Lisa Martinez just spoke, they were on Rhonda Manning's wall.
Ou estou a jogar "Words With Friends" com o Longines.
Или я играю онлайн в Эрудит с Лонжинесом.
Por outras palavras, eles estariam programados para fazer o mal.
In other words, they may be wired to do evil.
Posso provar que as minhas palavras são verdadeiras.
I can prove that my words are true.
Ela joga muito Words With Friends, embora ela não tenha muitos amigos.
Много играет онлайн в скраблс с друзьями, хотя таковых у неё немного.
Duas palavras
Two words :
Não se houver palavras como :
Not if it involves words like
Acho que ela esqueceu-se da letra. Queres que eu te ajude a lembrar da letra?
Oh, do... do you want me to help you remember the words?
- This is all their words.
— Так они говорят.
Ainda estou no estúdio, muito solitário, se alguém responder ao meu pedido do Words With Friends, prometo que o deixo ganhar e se já veio ao Texas...
Все еще на съемочной площадке. Очень одиноко, так что, если кто-нибудь ответит мне в Скрабл, обещаю дать тебе выиграть, и если ты когда-нибудь будешь в Техасе... зачем?
Um ninho para pássaros, não há palavras para a beleza, o esplendor
♪ A nest for birds There ain't no words
Ainda podemos avançar no nosso relacionamento.
But the words would come out wrong, and there is no... Мы все равно можем двигать наши отношения вперед.
¶ Words don't come easy ¶ Идиот.
- No "Words with Friends".
- "Слова с друзьями".
Eu peguei no meu telemóvel e apercebi-me de que a Lochlyn anda a jogar "Words with Buddies" e está a ganhar ao meu tio Dave. Ai, sim?
I think it's more she forgot the words.

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