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Yesterday traducir ruso

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♪ As I was walking sometime yesterday
♪ Sometime yesterday
♪ I'll think of sometime yesterday... ♪
Ontem mesmo
Wasn't it yesterday
Yesterday e Today, Magical Mystery Tour, The White Album... Mantém-te quente, querida. Mantém-te quente, está bem?
Yеstеrdау апd "оdау, ћаgiсаl ћуstеrу" оur, " hе Whitе јlbum... √ лавное, чтобы тебе было тепло, мила €.
" Yesterday's long gone for ever
Папа, я нашёл твои волосы.
Já há algum tempo que ando a pensar nisso, e então ontem recebi um telef...
I had it in the back of my mind for a while, and then yesterday, I got a ph- -
But now I'm stronger Than yesterday
* Но сегодня я сильнее, * * чем вчера *
Stronger than yesterday
* Сильнее, чем вчера *
Where are you now that yesterday has come and gone and closed its doors?
* * Где ты сейчас, вчера появился и ушел * * И закрыл свои двери?
Vamos lá, a Chloe tinha feito isto num instante.
Chloe would have had this finished, like, yesterday.
Gostaste da armadilha que te prendeu a perna ontem?
Did you enjoy that bear trap snapping on your leg yesterday?
Esta... não é a cena na qual trabalhámos ontem.
This is... This is not the scene that we worked on yesterday.
De acordo com os registos, todas as vítimas iam à sopa dos pobres que visitaram ontem.
According to the sign-in logs, all of the victims were patrons at that soup kitchen you visited yesterday.
Desde o meio-dia de ontem. Sim...
- Uh... since noon yesterday, yeah.
Como aquela ontem na loja.
Like that chick at the store yesterday.
"Yesterday" por John Lennon e Paul McCartney.
"Вчера" - песня Джона Леннона и Пола МакКартни.
Pareces perturbado desde que atendeste aquela chamada ontem na autópsia.
You've seemed... troubled since you took that call in Autopsy yesterday.
- Desde ontem de manhã.
Since yesterday morning.
- Estava aqui ontem.
It was here yesterday.
Lembra-se de ter me visto ontem?
Yes. Do you remember meeting me yesterday?
Queria dizer-lhe que sinto muito se houve qualquer mal-entendido ontem.
I wanted to say that I am sorry if there was any misunderstanding yesterday.
12 Monkeys º S01E08 - Yesterday -
Перевод — cloudmachine _ subtitry.ru / subtitles /?
Talvez isto tenha algo a ver com... o que aconteceu ontem na hora do almoço.
Maybe this has something to do with what happened yesterday at lunch.
Nenhum deles sabe onde ele foi almoçar ontem ou porque é que ele queria os códigos para o X5.
None of them knows where he went to lunch yesterday or why he was asking for the X5 codes.
- A hora indica que foi ontem à tarde.
It's time-stamped yesterday afternoon.
Quando o Henry esteve aqui ontem, disse que havia algo de errado ou que estava a ter problemas com alguém?
When Henry was here yesterday, did he say that anything was wrong or that he was having problems with anyone?
- Estava a trabalhar aqui ontem?
Was she working here yesterday? Suyin?
Ela disse que houve um incidente ontem.
She said there was an incident yesterday.
Foi visto com ele ontem, no restaurante Templo de Jade. Juntos, a terem uma discussão acalorada.
You were seen with him yesterday at the Jade Temple Restaurant, together, having a heated argument.
Dizem que alugou uma limusina ontem.
They say that he rented a limo yesterday morning.
Filmei isto ontem no teatro por volta das 16h.
I filmed this yesterday at the theater around 4 : 00.
- We Were All Someone Else Yesterday -... idiotas inferiores... "BANSHEE" - S03E06
Банши Сезон 3 Серия 6 Вчера мы все были другими.

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