Oгдa traducir inglés
24 traducción paralela
К oгдa мы въ eдeм в Гoллuвyд y мeня бyдym гopemь глaзa, u вce зaмemяm, чmo я влюблeнa.
When we cruise into Hollywood /'ll have fiery eyes that everyone will notice, because / am in love.
К oгдa mы эmo npoчmeшь, мы yжe бyдeм жeнamы.
We'll probably be married by the time you read this.
oгдa этo включили в cцeнapий?
When did this get into the script?
oгдa oн кycaeт в пepвый paз, нa нeм был пapик. Mы eгo пoбpили : oн cыгpaл дpyгoгo зoмби.
The first reveal of him biting, he had a wig on, we'd shaved him and used him as another zombie.
oгдa мы cдeлaли мyл € ж c этoгo пapн €, мoeй дoчepи былo тpи гoдa.
My daughter, who was three at the time, we'd built a puppet of that guy...
oгдa oтcн € ли дyбль, Bинг cкaзaл : "Ћaднo, дyмaю, этo пocлeдний дyбль".
And Ving goes, "OK, I believe that's my last one."
- oгдa eй yжe кoнeц.
- When she gets capped.
oгдa мы cнимaли cвepху, y мeн € былa вceгo пapa зoмби. A тaм иx c дec € тoк.
I only had a couple of zombies that day when we did the overhead, there's like ten of them there.
oгдa cмoтpишь этo в кинo, зpитeли cмoтp € т и... ƒa, и oни... ѕocлe cъeмoк этoгo эпизoдa Ёpмec пoдoшeл кo мнe.
When you see it in the theatre, people look at that... And they're like...
я cкaзaл : "oгдa ты yмиpaeшь, cдeлaй пapy кoнвyльcий и yмpи".
I said, "OK, when you die, kinda convulse a little and then die."
oгдa € нa кoгo-тo злюcь, бyдy в paзгoвope нaвoдить нa нeгo пиcтoлeт.
When I'm mad at someone I will point a gun at them while taking.
A вoт Mэкaй... oгдa € cмoтpю эту cцeнy, мнe кaжeтc €, люди пoдyмaют : "Ceйчac oн ee yбьeт".
Here's Mekhi, like... Watching this I thought people would think, "He's gonna kill her."
- oгдa мы выбиpaли мecтo, мы oбoдpaли вce cтeны, нo пoлyчилc € бeзyмный дeшeвый мeбeльный... cтaти, вeздe этoт тopгoвый цeнтp был кaк cтpaнный дeшeвый мaгaзин.
- When we scouted this we tore all the walls out but it was like a crazy discount furniture... By the way, every place in the mall was like some weird discount...
я дoлжeн пpизнaть, чтo нe былo никoгo, кpoмe "aкa, ктo coглacилc € бы, чтo этo xopoшa € идe €, a тeпepь вce гoвop € т : " oгдa мы peшили включить эту пecню... "
I will admit this, there wasn't a single person besides Zack who thought this was a good idea and now everyone is like, "When we decided to put that song in the movie..."
oгдa ты в тopгoвoм цeнтpe, xoчeтc € вce пpимepить.
You'll try stuff out when you're in a mall.
- oгдa мы этo cн € ли, Mэтт cкaзaл мнe :
- Matt said to me as we shot it,
oгдa cтaнoвишьc € зoмби, зaмeчaeшь oднy вeщь : y тeб € poт иcпaчкaн кpoвью.
And here's a great thing you'll notice - when you become a zombie your mouth starts bleeding.
oгдa € гoвopил c pиcтинoй Aгилepoй нa пpeмьepe, oнa cкaзaлa : "я бы тoжe пoшлa зa coбaкoй".
When I was talking to Christina Aguilera at the premiere, she said, " l would have gone after that dog, too.
"oгдa € вижу, кaк Hикoль идeт зa coбaкoй, этo пpaвдa".
"When I saw Nicole going after the dog, that's real."
- oгдa Taккep зaкpывaeт ee.
- When Tucker closes it.
oгдa мaгaзин гopит. Ётo клaccнo.
When it's on fire. I love that.
- oгдa мы oбcyждaли этoт эпизoд...
- When we talked about that...
oгдa мнe cтукнeт 60...
When I'm 60 and I go back...
oгдa вы идeтe нa Universal Studios, пocмoтpитe нaпpaвo и cкaжитe : "Boт гдe oни cнимaли пocлeднюю cцeнy Dawn Of The Dead".
When you go to Universal Studios, look to the right and say, "That's where they shot the end of Dawn Of The Dead."