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мелжш бхдекх б хцпюу бнглнфмнярэ яреперэ... оюлърэ н реу нрпхжюрекэмшу лнлемрюу, йнрнпше лмнцхе онлмхкх еы ╗ я нкхлохюдш 1936 цндю б аепкхме, йнрнпюъ ашкю хяонкэгнбюмю мюжхярюлх б опноюцюмдхяряйху жекъу.
The Germans saw the games as an opportunity to erase the negative memories many still had of the 1936 Berlin Olympics which had been misused by the Nazis for propaganda purposes.
йнцдю лш оепеахпюкхяэ вепег нцпюфдемхе... лш бярперхкх цпсоос юлепхйюмяйху юркернб... йнрнпше бнгбпюыюкхяэ оняке мнвх.
As we were climbing over the fence we ran into a group of American athletes who were sneaking in after a night out.
[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСП] бяе онкхрхйх х дпсцхе бюфмше кхжю, йнрнпше опхеуюкх, нмх бяе ялнрпекх мю лемъ рюй, йюй асдрн нмх ме гмюкх, врн декюрэ, йюй асдрн нмх ме онмхлюкх, оепбне - йюй нрпеюцхпнбюрэ, х брнпне - унд лшякеи реу кчдеи ( реппнпхярнб ), я йнрнпшлх нмх хлечр декн.
In terms of the politicians and the VIPs who came they looked to me as if they held none of the cards as if they basically did not understand, one, how to respond and two, the mind-set of the people they were dealing with.
мн бш опедкнфхкх мюл яжемс, х лш днкфмш ашкх хяонкэгнбюрэ щрс яжемс, врнаш онйюгюрэ мюьх бнглнфмнярх... лхккхнмюл хкх дюфе лхккхюпдюл кчдеи бн бя ╗ л лхпе, йнрнпше ялнрпър бюьх нкхлохияйхе хцпш "
But you offered us a showcase and we have to use this showcase in order to show our possibility to so many millions or even billions of people in the world who are watching your Olympic Games. "
[дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] мейнрнпше янпебмнбюмхъ бя ╗ еы ╗ опнднкфюкхяэ.
Some competitions are continuing. They will be allowed to finish.
х, мюбепмне, мейнрнпше ярюмжхх... нрмеякхяэ й щрнлс нвемэ жхмхвмн, цнбнпъ : " бюс!
And perhaps even some of the stations took a very cynical approach to it saying, " Wow!
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] мн мележйне опюбхрекэярбн х нпцюмхгюжхнммши йнлхрер... пеьхкх, врн лш ме онгбнкхл... хмнярпюмжюл бшбнгхрэ цняреи мюьеи ярпюмш, йнрнпше опхашкх ячдю, йюй цнярх мю нкхлохюдс.
But the German government and the organizing committee decided that we were not allowed at all to let foreigners bring out guests of our country who came as guests to the Olympic Games.
нкхлохияйюъ депебмъ онярпнемю мю пюгкхвмшу спнбмъу, х онд гдюмхел 31, онд бяелх гдюмхълх нкхлохияйни депебмх... жекюъ яерэ днпнц, йнрнпше яеивюя ашкх хяонкэгнбюмш дкъ рнцн, врнаш днярюбхрэ анкэьне йнкхвеярбн онкхжеияйху х апнмхпнбюммше юбрнлнахкх.
The Olympic village is built on various levels and underneath building 31, and underneath all of the buildings here there is a network of roads. Those alleyways now have been used to bring in a fairly massive security force, including armored cars and just a short while ago, Howard Cosell noticed that there was considerable activity there.
мн йюй нмх х ху гюкнфмхйх оноюдср б бепрнк ╗ рш, йнрнпше мюундъряъ мю нйпюхме нкхлохияйни депебмх?
But how would they get themselves and their hostages to the helicopters, which were on the edge of the village.
х лш онькх рсдю. ндхм хг реппнпхярнб ягюдх лемъ, я юбрнлюрнл. б щрн бпелъ мейнрнпше хг ярпекйнб мележйни онкхжхх... кефюкх мю опхкецючыху скхжюу.
So we walked there with one of the terrorists behind me with a machine gun in my back and at that time, some of the gunmen of the German police were lying in the side streets and when we approached, they were crawling away.
мейнрнпше хг мюя бшькх хг бепрнкернб мн дпсцхе нярюкхяэ б мху я гюкнфмхйюлх, йнрнпше реоепэ ашкх нвемэ мюосцюмш.
Some of us got out of the helicopters but others waited inside it with the hostages, who were now very scared.
бяъ реппхрнпхъ нйпсфемю бнияйюлх, бнияйюлх я яепэ ╗ гмшл бннпсфемхел х я янаюйюлх, йнрнпше ме дючр мхйнлс опнирх.
The entire area is ringed off by troops heavily armed troops with dogs, keeping everybody away.
йнрнпше онрпеанбюкх нябнанфдемхъ рп ╗ у лчмуемяйху реппнпхярнб.
The hijackers demanded the release of the three Munich terrorists.
мейнрнпше ярюмнбъряъ рсоее.
Some of y'all ain't gonna see 3 : 00.
мс, щрн наед, ндхм хг рп ╗ у опх ╗ лнб охых йнрнпше ясыеярбнбсчр мю опнръфемхх ршяъвекерхи.
I mean, it's one of three meals that have existed for millennia. Losing him.
ъ сбеднлкък бюя, пюгбе бш ме онксвюкх яннаыемхъ йнрнпше ъ оепедюбюк я деднл лнпрх?
Have you not been getting the messages I've been leaving with Morty's grandfather? Boom! Told you!
х рш асдеьэ онлюкйхбюрэ на щрнл, лнпрх. онрнлс врн б лхпе онкмн хдхнрнб, йнрнпше ме онмхлючр врн бюфмн. х нмх пюгксвюр мюя, лнпрх.
And you're gonna keep your mouth shut about it, Morty, because the world is full of idiots that don't understand what's important, and they'll tear us apart, Morty.
лш ееещщ [нрпшфйс] дхмярбеммше дпсгэъ йнрнпше с мюя еярэ, лнпрх.
We're the only friends we've got, Morty.
- лнфеьэ дюрэ лме демэцх, йнрнпше мю демэ пнфдемхъ?
- Now?
мн мейнрнпше днпнфе бяецн.
But some are dearer than the most.
мейнрнпше ме днфхбср дн рп ╗ у.
Hi, Morty.

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