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[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСП] бяе онкхрхйх х дпсцхе бюфмше кхжю, йнрнпше опхеуюкх, нмх бяе ялнрпекх мю лемъ рюй, йюй асдрн нмх ме гмюкх, врн декюрэ, йюй асдрн нмх ме онмхлюкх, оепбне - йюй нрпеюцхпнбюрэ, х брнпне - унд лшякеи реу кчдеи ( реппнпхярнб ), я йнрнпшлх нмх хлечр декн.
In terms of the politicians and the VIPs who came they looked to me as if they held none of the cards as if they basically did not understand, one, how to respond and two, the mind-set of the people they were dealing with.
лш онйюфел яеивюя нймю, гю йнрнпшлх, яеивюя 8 хкх 9, онпюфеммшу сфюянл кчдеи... мюундъряъ б окемс.
And we're moving in now on the windows behind which, at this moment, eight or nine terrified living human beings are being held prisoner.