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б мнвэ мю 4 яемръапъ, йнцдю юмдпе бепмскяъ б нкхлохияйсч депебмч, хгпюхкэяйюъ декецюжхъ мюякюфдюкюяэ реюрпюкэмни онярюмнбйни яоейрюйкъ "яйпхоюв мю йпшье".
On the night of September 4, as Andre arrived back at the village the Israeli delegation was enjoying a night out at the theater watching Fiddler on the Roof.
[дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] нярнпнфмн оепедбхцюъяэ он йпшье, мюдеъяэ, врн ху ме сякшьюр ямхгс, б йнлмюрюу.
Walking cautiously on the roof hopefully not being heard in the rooms below.
[уюимж унуемяхм] лш фдюкх х фдюкх, мн йнднбне якнбн'янкмевмши ябер'ме онярсоюкн... ю лш ашкх йюй оепянмюфх тхкэлю мю гдюмхх бнярнвмни цеплюмхх мюопнрхб мюя... мю йнрнпнл б опълнл щтхпе яннаыюкх нан бя ╗ л, врн опнхяундхкн мю йпшье.
We waited and waited, but the code word "sunshine" never came because there was a film crew on the East German building opposite us which broadcast live everything that was happening on the roof.
[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСПЦ] мележйхе ямюиоеп ашкх... мю йпшье аюьмх сопюбкемхъ х мю гелке, мн нмх ме хлекх ябъгх дпсц я дпсцнл.
The Germans had marksmen on the roof of the control tower and marksmen at ground level but they had no communications between each other.
ъ хлеч б бхдс, ъ янлмебючяэ, врн щрн ашкх мюярнъыхе ямюиоепш, ясдъ он рнлс, врн ъ якшьюк, ндхм ашк мю йпшье, медюкейн нр мюя.
I can tell you that I doubt whether the snipers were really snipers according to what I listened to. One was lying on the roof not far away from us.