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Йюйни traducir inglés

44 traducción paralela
хгпюхкэ нярюкяъ меопейкнмем б рнл, врнаш ме гюйкчвюрэ мхйюйни ядекйх я реппнпхярюлх, мн врнаш онръмсрэ бпелъ, бедсыхе оепецнбнпш янкцюкх хяяе, врн нмх бя ╗ еы ╗ фдср нйнмвюрекэмнцн нрберю хг хепсяюкхлю.
Israel remained adamant that no deal could be struck with the terrorists but to buy time, the negotiators lied to Issa saying they were still awaiting a definitive answer from Jerusalem.
ъ ме унвс декюрэ хг щрнцн мхйюйни дпюлш, мн бя ╗ щрн бшцкъдхр йюй мювюкн йюйни-рн ноепюжхх.
I don't want to instigate any false drama here but it looks, at this point, like the beginnings of some kind of deployment.
йнцдю оепбши ямюиоеп нрйпнер нцнмэ, бяе мювмср ярпекърэ. мн ме ашкн мхйюйни йннпдхмюжхх он жекъл.
When the first marksmen opened fire, they would all open fire but there was no coordination of targets.
йюйни яюлши ункндмши, акхгйхи й юаянкчрмнлс мнкч щкелемр ондвхмхк яеае векнбей?
What is the coldest substance used by man, nearing absolute zero?
- фхгмэ - йюй йнпнайю йнмтер. мхйнцдю ме сцюдюеьэ, я йюйни мювхмйни.
Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
днкфем фе ашрэ йюйни-рн яоняна!
There must be a way to stop it. - Answer, Sid
йюйни сфюя!
йнднбши гюлнй. йюйни мнлеп бш опедонвхрюере?
Combination locks it. Do you have a number you prefer?
йюйни опейпюямши демэ.
It is a beautiful day.
- мс, рэ ╡ бедэ гмюеьэ, йюйни нм... дю. рэ ╡ лнцкю аэ ╡ онлнвэ лме я пнаепрнл.
You could help me with Robert.
цндэ ╡ яосяръ люкэ ╡ ьйю мнплю ськю мю онхяйх ябнеи люлэ ╡ он рни фе днпнце, он йюйни онькю е ╗ люрэ... опълн хг нймю.
Years later, little Norma... went in search of her mother... along the same road her mother had taken.
ю врн щрн мю онкс? йюйни-рн асйкер н яхлоюрхвмнл днле опеярюпекшу.
Some kind of literature for a really nice-looking nursing home.
Ты и Колман одурачили его увезли его на 49-ю улицу. Если бы он ни был курьером Дойла Лоннегана, то все было бы великолепно.
You and Coleman played the switch for him and blew him off to a cab on 49th.
Ђ "мен € нет намерений пр € мо или косвенно вмешиватьс € в институт рабства в штатах, где оно существует." вер € ю вас, у мен € нет ни законного права, ни желани € это делатьї ƒаже после начала войны, Ћинкольн продолжал утверждать, что √ ражданска € война никак не св € зана с рабством.
Even after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, Lincoln continued to insist that the Civil War was not about the issue of slavery :
фхгмэ ашкю мек ╗ цйни, мн ъ гюонлмхкю рнр цнд, врн лш опнфхкх рюл... йюй яюлши опейпюямши цнд б лнеи фхгмх.
It was very tough living there, but I remember that year we lived there as the most beautiful and most wonderful year of my life.
ъ мхйнцдю ме гюасдс, йюй нм онбепмскяъ х онь ╗ к йн лме... я скшайни мю кхже х яйюгюк,
Ankie Spitzer and they asked him about his results. I'll never forget when he turned around and came back towards me with this huge smile on his face and said...
ю б щрн бпелъ, сфюямше беых опнхяундър бмсрпх нкхлохияйни депебмх.
And yet this grim, terrible thing is taking place inside the village.
ашкн врн-рн щцнхярхвмне, якецйю бшгшбючыее... б юрлнятепе нярюкэмни вюярх нкхлохияйни депебмх.
There was something selfish, slightly obscene about the atmosphere in the rest of the village.
ясыеярбсер ндхм пеонпрюф бхктю апхлякх хг юяяньхщиред опеяя, б йнрнпнл цнбнпхряъ, врн кеиремюмр онкхжхх яйюгюк елс, врн б 5 вюянб, опхакхгхрекэмн, вепег 29 лхмср нрпъд онкхжеияйху днапнбнкэжеб, ндершу йюй яонпрялемш, оношрюеряъ бгърэ ьрсплнл гдюмхе хгпюхкэяйни нкхлохияйни йнлюмдш.
There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press... There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press who said a police lieutenant told him that at 5 : 00 about 29 minutes from now, Munich time a volunteer squad of policemen dressed as athletes would storm the Israeli Olympic team headquarters and would come in shooting.
мн йюй нмх х ху гюкнфмхйх оноюдср б бепрнк ╗ рш, йнрнпше мюундъряъ мю нйпюхме нкхлохияйни депебмх?
But how would they get themselves and their hostages to the helicopters, which were on the edge of the village.
Мы звонили 6 раз вчера ночью, поговорили с 6-ю разными людьми ни один из них не знал кто ты вообще.
We called six times last night, spoke with six different people none of whom knew who you were.
я больше не з € служив € ю твоего вним € ни €.
I don't deserve to have you look after me anymore.
ни. йюйюъ цюднярэ! ю еы ╗ йпюямее ме лнц мюирх?
Wasn't there anything redder and grosser?
- мс, б наыел... ю рш-рн йрн рюйни?
Who are you?
ъ фе цнбнпч - щрн нянаеммши лнахкэмхй. ме рюйни, йюй бяе.
It's different from other cell phones.
ни, ме лнцс, йюй ялеьмн!
It was way too funny.
Bye. A... a... ow!
ъ унвс, врнаш рш ашкю рюйни, йюйюъ еярэ.
I want you to be exactly who you are.
Ты говорила, что бы ни случилось - он сядет за Майю!
You told me whatever happened he was going down for Maya!
я ни в чем ƒекера не обвин € ю.
Well, I ain't accusing'Decker of nothin'.
Пока не верну то, что потерял, и снова не назову тебя Ю Чжин... ни за что не остановлюсь.
Until I recover what I lost and can call you Yu Jin again... I can't ever stop.
Я не зна-ю ни-че-го!
I don't know a thing...
Я не зна-ю ни-че-го!
No, no, I don't know a thing...
Я спасу Ю Чжон Хо, чего бы это ни стоило.
I'll save YooJongHo no matter what...
йюй лни яшм асдер оняеыюрэ спнйх еякх рш онярнъммн рюяйюеьэ ецн он ябнеи бшянйнйнмжеорсюкэмни, мюсвмнтюмрюярхвеяйни тхцме?
How is my son supposed to pass his classes if you keep dragging him off for high-concept Sci-Fi rigamarole? Listen, Jerry, I don't want to overstep my bounds or anything.
яюл рюйни. оюою, йюй рш лнц, гюярюбхрэ мюьецн яшмю опнцскърэ жекне онксцндхе?
Dad, how could you make my son miss an entire semester of school?
мс... щу... яшмнй. ъ кчакч реаъ, мн лш наю гмюел врн рш ме рюйни ялшьк ╗ мши йюй дпсцхе пеаърю.
Well, duh doy, son. Look, I love you, Morty, but... we both know you're not as fast as the other kids, and if you want to compete in this world, you got to work twice as hard.
онщрнлс нм лни люкемэйхи онлньмхй. нм рюйни-фе йюй х ъ.
That's why he's my little helper. He's like me.
Я собираюсь отдать... ни Ю Чжун Вон не должны получить последнюю из бомб.
So I'm going to hand over those four nuclear weapons... So what I mean is, Yoo Joong Won nor IRIS should never get a hold of the last remaining nuclear weapons.
Это произносится "ал-ю-ми-ний"
It's pronounced "al-u-minium."
Я ни разу не выдвигал вам условийю
I never made any demands on you.
- я ни хера не представл € ю.
I do not fucking believe gun control...
я удовлетвор € ю потребности клиентов, какими бы они ни были.
I meet the clients'needs, whatever they may be.
Мы не сдадим вас ни Кэмпэйтайю, ни Сопротивлению.
We're not going to send you back to face the Kempeitai or the Resistance.

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