Йюйнцн traducir inglés
8 traducción paralela
йнцдю ъ ярюк бгпнякшл, ъ ондслюк, врн ме асдер мхйюйнцн асдсыецн дкъ мюя еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ б оюкеярхмс еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ, ъ пюярпювс бяч лнч фхгмэ... йюй аефемеж кхьеммши бяеу опюб векнбейю.
When I was growing up, I thought there was no future for us unless we returned to Palestine. If we didn't return, I would spend my whole life as a refugee deprived of any kind of human rights.
оюпмх, йюйнцн вепрю!
Shit! Get moving, guys!
онбепэре мюл, йюйнцн вепрю! цкюбмне - ме дюбюире елс гбнмхрэ!
- Don't let him make any calls!
деиярбсъ нр хлемх йюй тедепюкэмнцн рюй х аюбюпяйнцн опюбхрекэярб... ъ опедкнфхк реппнпхярюл менцпюмхвеммсч ясллс демец... б налем мю гюкнфмхйнб.
Acting on behalf of both the Federal and Bavarian governments... I offered the terrorists an unlimited sum of money in exchange for the hostages. This offer was rejected.
[бЕДСЫХИ] люпй яохрж, гбегдю юлепхйюмяйнцн окюбюмхъ, йнрнпши бшхцпюк 7 гнкнршу ледюкеи мю щрни нкхлохюде, ашк бгър онд яепэ ╗ гмсч нупюмс япюгс фе оняке рнцн, йюй пюгбепмскюяэ щрю дпюлю.
Mark Spitz, the American swimming star who won seven gold medals at this Olympiad was placed under heavy guard shortly after the drama unfurled.
йюй опедярюбхрекэ хгпюхкэяйнцн яонпрю "
Killed by murderers in the Olympic Games in Munich as a representative of the Israeli sport. "
ъ пеоерхпнбюк дкъ ьбедяйнцн щйоепхлемрюкэмнцн йпсфйю, еярэ рюйюъ реюрпюкэмюъ ярсдхъ...
I take Swedish experimental class theater. I mean theater class. Experimental porn?
мс, йрн-рн днкфем щрн ядекюрэ, лнпрх. щрх яелемю ме опнидср рюлнфмч, онйю нмх ме с йнцн-мхасдэ б опълни йхьйе, лнпрх.
Th-these seeds aren't gonna get through customs unless they're in someone's rectum, Morty.