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Юмдпе traducir inglés

12 traducción paralela
дкъ юмдпе х бяеи йнлюмдш хгпюхкъ, нкхлохюдю 1972 цндю хлекю нянане гмювемхе, онрнлс врн нмю опнундхкю б лчмуеме, цеплюмяйнл цнпнде, цде гюпндхкяъ мюжхгл.
For Andre and the rest of the Israeli team the 1972 Olympics held a particular significance because they were held in Munich, Germany, the birthplace of Nazism.
янпебмнбюмхъ дкъ юмдпе х ецн йнлюмдш гюйнмвхкхяэ гю 10 дмеи. юмйх х нм онеуюкх б цнккюмдхч опнбедюрэ ябнч люкемэйсч днвэ юмсй, йнрнпсч нмх нярюбхкх я пндхрекълх юмйх.
After ten days, Andre's fencers finished their competitions and he and Ankie traveled to Holland to spend time with their baby Anouk whom they had left in the care of Ankie's parents.
б мнвэ мю 4 яемръапъ, йнцдю юмдпе бепмскяъ б нкхлохияйсч депебмч, хгпюхкэяйюъ декецюжхъ мюякюфдюкюяэ реюрпюкэмни онярюмнбйни яоейрюйкъ "яйпхоюв мю йпшье".
On the night of September 4, as Andre arrived back at the village the Israeli delegation was enjoying a night out at the theater watching Fiddler on the Roof.
ашрэ лнфер - щрн юмдпе.
Maybe it's Andre.
еярэ дебърэ гюкнфмхйнб мхйрн ме лнц лме яйюгюрэ, еярэ кх япедх мху юмдпе, ашк кх нм ндмхл хг гюкнфмхйнб, хкх яслек яйпшрэяъ.
There are nine hostages. Nobody could tell me if Andre was a part of this if he was one of the hostages, if he escaped.
гюрел, б 9 српю, ъ сгмюкю, врн юмдпе - ндхм хг гюкнфмхйнб.
Then at 9 : 00 in the morning, I found out that Andre is one of the hostages.
хняхт цнртпщмд, ъйнб яопхмцеп, юмдпе яохржеп, йеуюр ьнпп х юлхржсп ьюохпн.
Andre Spitzer, Kehat Shorr and Amitzur Shapiro.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] онд бевеп, ъ сбхдекю, врн нймн ашкн нрйпшрн... б рнл юоюпрлемре, цде мюундхкхяэ гюкнфмхйх, х ъ сбхдекю юмдпе б нйме.
I saw it. Late in the afternoon, I saw that the window was opened of the apartment where they were kept hostage and I saw Andre in front of the window.
нмх яопняхкх ецн бяе кх б онпъдйе, х йюйнбю яхрсюжхъ я дпсцхлх гюкнфмхйюлх юмдпе яйюгюк : "бяе б онпъдйе, йпнле ндмнцн"
They asked him, "Is everybody okay there and what is the situation with all the other hostages?" Andre said, "Everybody is okay except for one."
ъ рнкэйн унвс гмюрэ, врн я юмдпе. "
I just want to know what happened to Andre. "
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] рнкэйн 1 цнд х 3 леяъжю... ъ ашкю гюлсфел гю юмдпе яохржеп.
It was only a year and three months that I was married to Andre Spitzer.
гдеяэ мюохяюмн ецн хлъ - юмдпе яохржеп.
Anouk Spitzer... And it says on it his name : Andre Spitzer.

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