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35 traducción paralela
Адмирал Шарп : - очевидно было по крайней мере 9-ть торпед в воде... Admiral Sharp : - apparently have been at least 9 torpedoes in the water...
Parece que hubo cuando menos 9 torpedos en el agua.
Бедная девушка, не имела ни малейшего представления, какие фильмы снимает ее муж, чтобы прокормить семью.
Well, apparently, the poor woman had no idea what kind of movies her husband actually made for a living.
Well, apparently you do, shamrock.
Bueno aparentemente si la necesita
Yeah, apparently Gloria showed up three years ago Claiming to be Sarah's birth mom, and Sarah got suspicious.
Sí, al parecer, Gloria apareció hace tres años diciendo que era la madre biológica de Sarah y esta sospechó.
Apparently, Neal's not the only one who can slip the marshals.
Aparentemente, Neal no es el único que puede deslizarse a los Marshals.
You don't have $ 125 million at your disposal, yet both things apparently are true.
No tienes 125 millones de dólares a tu disposición, y ambas son aparentemente ciertas.
Apparently, he made a six-figure deal to buy another rafflesia plant late last night from Dr. Foley.
Aparentemente, hizo un trato de seis cifras para comprar otra planta rafflesia anoche con la Dra. Foley.
Apparently with a lot of women.
Al parecer con muchas mujeres.
Apparently, we just solved a murder.
Al parecer, acabamos de resolver un asesinato.
Apparently, the doctor wrote a note saying, Senor Kringle had exhaustion.
Aparentemente, el médico escribió una nota diciendo, que el Sr. Kringle sufría de agotamiento.
Not only is there not another Santa available, but apparently Hal took his outfit with him and there's not another Santa suit to be found on the whole Gulf Coast.
No solo no hay otro Santa disponible, sino que aparentemente Hal se llevó el disfraz y no hay otro traje de Santa en toda la Costa del Golfo.
- 65 years, apparently.
- 65 años, por lo visto.
Eso parece.
Apparently, there's, uh...
Aparentemente, hay...
They're quite well-known, apparently.
Al parecer son muy conocidos.
Apparently they're putting us in review.
Aparentemente nos están poniendo en revisión.
And apparently I'm a curious child with a full head of hair and a thriving business.
Y por lo visto, yo soy un chico curioso con la cabeza llena de pelo y un próspero negocio.
Apparently, Pindar called C.I.B.
Al parecer, Píndaro llamó C.I.B.
Apparently, someone started a petition.
Al parecer, alguien empezó una petición. Eh.
He apparently had several mobiles.
Por lo visto tenía varios móviles.
Apparently one of his coconspirators turned state's evidence.
Al parecer, uno de los que estaba en la conspiración dio pruebas al estado.
Apparently, she's grieving.
Claro. Eso es un anillo interesante.
Очевидно, по соседству невеста проводит девичник.
Apparently the bride is celebrating her hen's party next door.
Да, он, очевидно, влюблён.
Yeah, well, he's in love, apparently.
Очевидно, это комната его матери.
It's his mother's room apparently.
Apparently they are very dirty and slippery.
Aparentemente están muy sucia y resbaladiza.
Apparently, he wanted to be Carrot Bill again.
Al parecer, quería volver a ser Bill Zanahoria.
Apparently, he slept with a lot of women.
Al parecer, se acostaba con muchas mujeres.
Uh, he came to the front desk, which I'm chained to'cause apparently, that's my punishment for getting shot in the neck, so...
Vino hasta la recepción, a la que estoy encadenada ese es mi castigo por ser baleada en el cuello...
Apparently, it's gonna be just you and your Battistone in the end.
Al parecer, al final vais a estar solos tú y tu Battistone.
Apparently, he just checked his e-mail until Henry arrived.
Aparentemente, estaba mirando su correo electrónico cuando Henry llegó.
Apparently, I'm like a father figure to you.
Aparentemente, soy como una figura paterna para ti.
Apparently his father had a predilection for prostitutes.
Al parecer, su padre sentía predilección por las prostitutas.
Check out the prison psychologist's notes. Apparently, there was a lot of built-up rage against Zane.
Según el psicólogo de la cárcel, tenía mucho odio contra Zane.
Apparently, he hasn't come home, и она не может дозвониться до него. and she hasn't been able to reach him on his cell. И?
Parece que no ha vuelto a casa y no logra comunicarse por celular.

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