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Translate.vc / ruso → español / [ T ] / Trying

Trying traducir español

166 traducción paralela
Think about what you're trying to do to me
~ Think about what you're trying to do to me
- What you trying to do to me
- What you trying to do to me
- What you're trying to do to me
- What you're trying to do to me
Я работаю как пес И трясу плату за товар
Well I work like a dog Trying to collect my pay
Poppy's trying to put the blame on you.
Poppy está tratando de cambiar el pasado de echarte la culpa.
И всё чем ты пытаешься быть
And all you're trying to be
Wait. You two are trying out for the footbaII team?
Esperen. ¿ Ustedes harán la prueba para el equipo de fútbol?
Kennedy was trying to keep us out of war. Я пытался помочь ему предотвратить войну.
Kennedy no quería guerra.
I was trying to help him keep us out of war. А Генерал Кёртис Лемей, у которого я служил...
Yo estaba tratando de evitarla.
Other indications of attack from patrol boats. Мы потратили около 10-ти часов в тот день, пытаясь узнать, что, черт возьми, случилось. We spent about 10 hours that day trying to find out what the hell had happened.
Pasamos 10 horas tratando de aclarar qué había pasado.
He was trying to save the country. Он пытался спасти наш народ. He was trying to save our nation.
Estaba tratando de salvar a nuestra nación.
И этот парень пытается уговорить меня сделать что-то... And this guy is trying to tell me to do something что я считаю неправильным и не собираюсь делать. ... that I know is wrong and I'm not gonna do.
" Y este tipo quiere que haga algo que está mal y no lo voy a hacer.
Ты сдаешься без попытки!
You're giving up without trying!
[Just keep on trying, keep on flying I will be light.] Не сдавайся, держи высоту - я буду светом.
Just keep on trying, keep on flying [Sólo sigue intentado, sigue volando ] I will be the light [ Yo seré la luz]
You are trying to leave.
Estás intentando irte.
* You're trying not to listen * * But they shout so loud *
* Intentas no escuchar * * pero ellos gritan tanto *
I lie awake, trying not to think of you
I lie awake, trying not to think of you
I guarantee you'll be trying to win me back
# Te garantizo que querrás recuperarme #
Я пытаюсь представить... это. Нет, нет.
I'm trying to think of a... this.
Какое то время они пытались сделать сиквел.
They've been trying to make a sequel for quite some time.
ак-то € смотрел твою передачу и кто-то сказал, что € не сдержал обещание убрать из города сдвоенные автобусы
I was watching your programme and someone was saying I was a faffing around in trying to remove the bendy buses.
Мы годами пытались залезть ему в штаны.
We've all been trying to get in his pants for years.
- In a minute. I'm trying to lock this job down.
Estoy intentando dejar cerrado el trato de este trabajo.
So I'm trying to understand.
Por lo tanto, estoy tratando de entender...
* О, детка, я стараюсь *
Oh, my, baby, I'm trying
I am just trying to get through this holiday without a fight.
Yo sólo estoy tratando de pasar por estas vacaciones Sin pelear.
What I am trying to say is that you haven't had to deal with a family for a really long time.
Lo que estoy tratando de decir es que no has tenido que tratar con una familia por mucho tiempo
I'm just trying to get used to all the changes around here, okay?
Solo intento acostumbrarme a todos los cambios que han habido por aqui, ¿ esta bien?
And I'm not trying to take her place, Oliver.
Y no estoy tratando de tomar su lugar, Oliver.
Lois, can you stop running damage control long enough to see that we are just trying to protect you?
Lois puedes parar de correr con el control de daños e intentar para ver que estamos tratando de protegerte?
I do get trying to protect dad.
Yo entiendo que hayas querido proteger a papá.
I think we were so busy trying to be the perfect daughter that...
Creo que estuvimos tan ocupadas intentando ser la hija perfecta que...
Я знаю, это правильно отпустить твою руку и твои страхи... и знать, что это я пытаюсь сказать Прощай.
* I know that this is right * * release your fist * * and your fears and know that this is me * * trying to say * * good-bye * * and this is me *
I'm trying to be sympathetic to whatever sickness or disease would allow someone to do something like this.
Estoy intentando ser compresiva a cualquiera que sea la enfermedad o dolencia que hace que alguien haga cosas como estas.
You end up breaking your neck trying to get a little liquid comfort.
Terminas rompiéndote el cuello tratando de conseguir un poco de consuelo líquido.
- Yeah, we're trying.
- Si, estamos intentandolo.
Yo. Look who got caught Trying to buy a ticket to the Bahamas at J.F.K.
Mira a quien pillamos intentando comprar un billete a las Bahamas en el JKF.
Sarah didn't tell me that, But whoever he was, they must have just split up, because he was trying to win her over.
Sarah no me dijo eso, pero quien quiera que fuese, ellos deben haber roto, porque él estaba intentando ganársela.
Just trying to keep you on your toes.
Solo intento mantenerte en tus zapatos.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out this heist.
Estoy intentando comprender este atraco.
Okay, so if Ganz is doing business poolside, he's probably trying to find a buyer for those bullets.
Vale, entonces Ganz está haciendo negocios en la piscina. Probablemente esté intentando encontrar un comprador para esas balas.
You know, I'm trying to decide who is the worse liar, him or you.
Ya ves intento decidir quién es el peor mentiroso, él o tú.
Hey, we're trying to get a vicious criminal off of your streets.
Oye, estamos tratando de sacar un criminal perverso de sus calles.
How many did Salk sacrifice trying to get his answers...
Cuántos sacrificios hizo Salk tratando de obtener respuestas...
All around the world everywhere I go No one understands me no one knows what I'm trying to say
En todo el mundo, donde quiera que vaya nadie me entiende, nadie sabe qué quiero decir...
I've been trying to call her.
He estado intentando llamarla.
So now the museum is trying to claim your Louie is theirs.
Así que ahora el museo está tratando de reclamar a Louie como suyo.
# И осталось только попробовать...
I've had enough of trying to...
и в этом вся я я очень сильно стараюсь
* I'm trying hard... *
She was just trying to be the best mom in the world. Она была.
y lo que hizo por tí.
Ты пытаешься убить нас раньше времени? Are you trying to kill us sooner? Do you have a better idea?
¿ Quieres matarnos antes?

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