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Stay traducir portugués

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- "Я должна держаться подальше".
Henry? - "I should stay away."
Это - Зефирный Человек Стея Пафта.
É o Homem do Stay Puft Marshmallow.
Гс. Стей Пафт.
O Sr. Stay Puft.
Мы имели обыкновение жарить зефиры Пафта у огня в Лагере Ваконда.
Costumávamos assar malvaíscos Stay Puft na fogueira em Camp Waconda.
Этот г. Стей Пафт является моряком.
Este Sr. Stay Puft é porreiro. É um marinheiro.
We need you to stay behind the barricade at this time.
Pedimos que fiquem atrás da barreira.
Everyone, please stay behind the barricade.
Por favor, fiquem atrás da barreira.
It's fun to stay at the
É divertido ficar na... BEBIDAS GRÁTIS E
I wonder why the hell I stay in this town
* Me pergunto porque infernos fico nessa cidade *
Where he goes I will stay
Para aonde ele for, eu vou *
Makes me wanna stay and fight
* Me faz querer ficar e lutar *
Бегите все! Спасайтесь!
Está aqui uma goma da Stay Puff.
Why don't you stay the hell out of it, old man.
- Por que é que não paga então, meu? - Disse desnecessário?
Tom, I cannot just stay at home wiping noses.
Tom, já não consigo ficar apenas em casa a limpar narizes.
* Ты останешься в моем сердце на веки-вечные *
You'll stay in my heart And I will love you Forever and ever We never will part
* удар в бит сделаем и будем отдыхать * * Да, да, дааа * * Я люблю тебя *
* hit the beat, take it to the rest now * * yeah, yeah, yeah * * i love you * * whoo, whoo * * but i gotta stay true * * whoo, whoo *
* Возможно на сей раз, он останется *
# Maybe this time he'll stay #
"Мне остаться или уйти?"
- Should I Stay or Should I Go.
I must be gone and live, or stay and die...
Eu preciso ir-me e viver, ou ficar e morrer...
¶ Before it's done You're gonna beg me to stay ¶
Antes de terminar Vão implorar para que eu fique
I needed you to stay good. Ты должен был стать хорошим.
Precisava que ficassem bem.
Ты скажешь "Стоп"
- You say "stop" - I can't stay
* Ты везешь меня домой * * и говоришь, что хочешь остановиться *
You're takin'me home You say you wanna stay
* Я тоже хочу остановиться *
I wanna stay
Малыш, останься со мной
Baby, stay with me
* Не могла же я всю жизнь Ходить со стоптанными каблуками *
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Может быть, лучше я бы осталась дома...
Maybe I'd better stay home
Может, я лучше останусь дома.
Maybe I'd better stay home
* Останься со мной * * Потанцуй со мной *
Stay with me, sway with me
* То просто будь собой *
Then just stay the same
Can't we stay and work this out?
Não podemos ficar e resolver isto?
I could tell him to stay away.
- Posso dizer-lhe para não vir.
I wanted to stay too.
Eu também queria lá ficar.
I'm gonna stay here where I belong, at the head of this family, right here in Agrestic.
Vou ficar aqui que é o meu lugar, com a família, em Agrestic.
* Я вижу льва Ползающего по твоей кровати * и если ты останешься Он завалит тебя на свою кровать
# I see the lion Crawling over your bed # And if you stay He'll make you walk in your bed
With sarah out of the way, Mandy gets to stay on the show, and you get promoted.
Com a Sarah fora de cena, a Mandy fica no programa
Tracked down an ex of hers who said she showed up on his doorstep, scared out of her mind, told him she had come out from L.A. With Royce, but he had disappeared, so the ex let her stay the night.
Procurámos um ex dela, que disse que ela apareceu à sua porta, morta de medo. Disse que veio de LA com o Royce, mas ele tinha desaparecido, então deixou-a passar a noite.
* Оставайся, ох, Боже, Валентином *
Stay, oh, oh, God, Valentine
* Оставайся.. *
Я знаю о чём ты думаешь that you can stay strong, die before you tell us what we want to know.
Eu sei no que estás a pensar. Que resistes e que morres antes de contares o que queremos saber.
Stay here.
Fica aqui.
Мотель "Парквей" Сакраменто, Калифорния
Tell him... Stay out of my action.
Diz-lhe para sair do meu raio de acção.
- I can handle it. - I'm good to stay.
- Dou conta disto.
- Stay there.
- Fica aí.
I came to see my father, so I'm gonna stay.
Vim para ver o meu pai. Vou ficar.
* Вам не сломить меня сегодня * * Не важно, что мы делаем * * Не важно, что говорим *
don't you bring me down today no matter what we do no matter what they say when the sun is shining through then the clouds won't stay and everywhere we go, the sun won't always shine
# You go home but you can't stay # Because something's always pulling you away
Coloque a questão outra vez, para poder ouvi-la na cabeça.
♪ Well, right now we can stay frozen ♪ Внимание!
Traduzido para PT-PT por :
Stay back!

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