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Want traducir portugués

524 traducción paralela
♪ I want it Iong, straight curIy, fuzzy
Quero-o comprido, liso, em caracóis, carapinha,
Crazy people knockin''Cause they want some more
Gente louca batendo à porta Porque querem mais
Do you want to dance?
"Queres dançar?"
" Я хочу быть частью этого
"I want to be a part of it"
# There's five things I want to ride #
Tem 5 coisas que eu quero dirigir
Моя миссия завершена.
I want Jack to know that the beach belong to me
"Партридж Фэмили" с песней "Кто не хочет быть желанным?" и Эдисон Лайтхаус с песней "Любовь расцветает, где моя Розмари цветёт".
Escutaram a Partridge Family com "Doesn't Somebody want To Be wanted", seguida de Edison Lighthouse com "Love Grows where My Rosemary Goes",
We all want the hand.
Todos queremos isso.
Want меня, чтобы косить лужайку?
Queres que corte a relva?
Surely anyone would want to take eternity in hand.
Certamente qualquer um quereria ter a eternidade na mão.
Surely anyone would want to take eternity in hand.
Certamente qualquer um quereria ter a eternidade na mão. ZEN ZEN, embora aja como se não me preocupasse com nada, olha para mim, eu estou apaixonado por ti!
Это мой праздник и я буду орать, раз хочу
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Буду орать, буду орать, раз хочу
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
Но ты не захочешь следовать моему примеру, Ричард.
But you don't want to follow me. Acredita em mim.
роме того, это то чего хотела бы мо € сладенька €.
Besides, it's what my waddly-kiddles would want.
Мне кажется, что девушки хотят быть любимыми и желанными.
E o meu palpite é que as raparigas só querem queAnd my hunch is girls just want guys to like'em and hang out with'em. eles gostem delas e andem com elas.
Heffron, l want you to fall back now!
Heffron, recua agora! Vamos!
Мнoгo ли людeй eздят пo странe, чтoбы надрать кoму-тo задницу
How many people want to kick some ass
Мнoгo ли людeй eздят пo странe, чтoбы надрать кoму-тo задницу Мы eздим, мы eздим
How many people want to kick some ass l do, I do
И удаeтся ли им этo У даeтся... На сайтe Мovieрooрshoot. сom... ты писал, чтo Джeй и Мoлчун Бoб... цитирую... " ублюдки, и eсли бы oни сущeствoвали пo-настoящeму...
And how many people are sick ofholding it back I want... você disse Jay e Bob Silenciso são repito : " Palhaços fodidos, e se eles fossem reais...
И как вам этo удаeтся
How many people want to kick some ass
Мнoгo ли людeй eздят пo странe, чтoбы надрать кoму-тo задницу У нас всe пoлучаeтся
How many people want to kick some ass l would ifl could
Я Я наблюдал за тoбoй Я думаю, я хoтeл бы знать
l l've been watching you I think I want to know you
О-ee-o-ee-o-e Думаю, я хoчу пoзнакoмиться с тoбoй
O-ee-o-ee-o l think I want to know you
Ты купила классную машину Думаю, я сoглашусь ee пoвoдить
You got a pretty car l think I want to drive it
Да, да, да Думаю, я хoчу тeбя
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah l think I want to know you
And I don't want that memory to be и я не хочу, чтобы эта память была о больном человеке, лежащем в больнице.
E não quero que essa recordação seja a daquele homem prostrado num hospital.
If you want to vanish, why go through the trouble?
Se se quer desaparecer, para quê dar-se a esse trabalho?
Он живёт счастливо с женой и двумя дочерьми и работает в музыкальном бизнесе.
"You're gonna feel lonely " And want me only
are you sure this is where you want to be?
Você tem certeza que é aqui que você quer estar?
take a good look just between you and me are you sure that this is where you want to be?
Dê um boa olhada Apenas entre você e eu Tem certeza que é aqui que você quer estar?
are you sure that this is where you want to be?
Tem certeza que é aqui que você quer estar?
I want two more milligrams of potassium chloride in the lV.
Quero mais dois miligramas de cloreto de potássio no soro.
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You really want to know?
Queres mesmo saber?
You answer the door. I don't want to get smacked.
Não quero apanhar porrada.
Давай. Пошли!
( I can do whatever I want )
It doesn't matter what your sisters want or what I think.
Não importa o que as tuas irmãs querem ou o que eu penso.
No, you love who you want to love.
Tu amas quem quiseres amar.
Составил субтитры : Tigers Проверил :
You Kent always says what you want
A gay wedding is hardly the place to stop someone from being who they want to be.
Um casamento gay não é o sítio ideal para se impedir alguém de ser quem quiser.
I'll go back in if you guys want, but I'm actually really hungry. - Yeah, whatever you want.
- Sim, como queiras.
I want to give you something.
Quero dar-te uma coisa.
Want some cash.
Querem dinheiro
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want : to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
A parte difícil é conciliar as coisas que queremos, ser cirurgiões e tudo o resto que queremos.
You can say you movin'on all you want, but are you really?
Pode dizer que está a seguir em frente à vontade, mas seguiu?
I want to hold your hand.
- "I wanna hold your hand." - "I wanna hold your hand."
Мы разыгрывали "Девочки хотят повеселиться".
Costumávamos recriar o "Girls Just Want to Have Fun".
Give me a reefer when I want to get high а потом это...
Give me a reefer when I want to get high E aí vamos para...
I know you want to laugh.
Eu sei que te queres rir!
Surely anyone would want to take eternity in hand.
DAN DAN, pouco a pouco, estou a ficar encantado, és a última esperança que resta a este planeta. Certamente qualquer um quereria ter a eternidade na mão.

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