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Translate.vc / ruso → turco / [ E ] / Earthquake

Earthquake traducir turco

4 traducción paralela
Speak through the earthquake, wind and fire
Depremle, rüzgarla ve ateşle konuş
Если ты не вернешься, эта постановка станет величайшей катастрофой в Калифорнии со времен землетрясения 1905 года.
this play's gonna be the biggest disaster in California since the earthquake in 1905.
The earthquake was a 5.8 and AP is reporting it caused a crack in the Washington Monument,
Deprem 5.8 büyüklüğündeydi ve AP depremin süresiz olarak kapatılacak Washington Anıtı'nda...
Although I wonder where your family's concern for its fellow citizens was when they ordered the construction of the earthquake machine that killed 503 people.
Gerçi merak ediyorum 503 kişiyi öldüren deprem makinesinin yapım emrini verirken ailenizin halk hakkındaki düşünceleri neydi.

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