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Translate.vc / ruso → turco / [ E ] / Effectively

Effectively traducir turco

3 traducción paralela
Введение системы искусственного оплодотворения вместе с нейтрализацией оргазма... постепенно приведет к... эффективной ликвидации семьи.
The introduction of artsem, combined with the neutralization of the orgasm... will effectively render obsolete the family... until it becomes impossible to conceptualize.
... and it was thought we could destroy targets more efficiently and effectively.
Hedefleri daha isabetli ve etkin biçimde vuracağımız düşünülüyordu.
Well, beta blockers are used to treat the condition quite effectively.
Beta engelleyicilerle oldukça iyi tedavi edilebiliyor.

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