Baktïm traducir inglés
104 traducción paralela
Zamanïnda çok ögrenciye baktïm, sen en kötülerdensin.
I've checked a lot of students in my time, but you're about the worst.
Düsük basïnç odasï ekipman listesine baktïm.
I've gone over these chamber equipment lists.
Bu çocuga ta küçüklügünden ber ¡ ben baktim. Ne okumayi ne de yazmayi ögrend ¡.
I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss ant and I'll say right now he never learned to read and write.
Her yere baktim.
I have been everywhere.
Alacagimdan degil, öylesine baktim. - Biraz abartili.
Not exactly, but that kind of idea.
O görüntülere baktim, sanki bütün bir 65 senesi az önce küllerle kaplanmis gibiydi.
I looked at those pictures, and it was as if the entire year'65 had just been covered with ashes.
Neden seninle ilgilenecegimi düsündün? Sana baktim mi?
Why do you think I'd be interested in you?
Masanin altina bile baktim.
I even looked under your desk.
Bu kagitlarin hepsine baktim, hicbirinde sayi yok.
I've been looking at this stuff, and there's no numbers listed.
Her yere baktim ama giremedigim bir oda var.
I've checked this place out, but there's one chamber I can't get into.
Etrafa baktim ve o türde bir kuskuyu hakli cikaracak..
I've had a look around, and I don't see any evidence...
Sana bir baktim ve siir dudaklarimdan süzülüverdi.
One look at you, and poetry flowed.
Simdiye kadar hep baskalarinin eline baktim.
Till now, I depended on others for my existence.
Her zaman Trabantinin burada olup olmadigina baktim.
I often checked to see if your Trabbi [the car] was here.
Clark, I've seen the charts,
- "Bay Masoudi" ve ben etrafima baktim ama ona dikkat ettim.
"Mr. Masoudi" and I turned around but I took care ofit.
Asagi baktim ve tüm bu insanlarin üzerinde dikiliyordum.
I looked down and I was standing on all these people.
Dürbünle baktim ve küçük gri sekillerden bir miktar gördüm sürekli daha fazlasi ve daha fazlasi ortaya çikiyordu
I focused the telescope and saw a number of little grey figures. More and more were appearing.
Ama ben kameraya baktim, kirmizi'kapali isigi'yaniyordu..
But I looked at the camera. The red off light was on.
- bir baktim ki o gitmis.
- the next minute he's gone. - Oh.
Niçin katillerimi arastirmiyor bu Sedat dedim baktim ki bizimki asik olmus.
I was wandering why you weren't trying to find my murderers and here you are, all in love.
Muhtardan dönüyorum aaa, bi baktim bizim Maria'nin kolundan tutmuslar, arabaya dogru çekiyorlar.
I'm coming back from the city council's office. ... and I see them dragging Maria by the arm and taking her to the car.
Baktim suratina biz iki salak asik kivranip duralim, kiz ortaliktan kaybolsun... ( Yankili bir ses ) Ama Fahri seni öldürmeye kalkti.
I looked at him. ... and here we are two stupid boys in love and she's nowhere to be found. But Fahri's organization tried to kill you.
Basimi uzatim içeri baktim ki, babam...
I looked inside and saw my father.
Baktim ki oglanin hali hal degil.
I realized he was troubled...
Acele ediyordum, saate baktim ve kapidan disari çiktim.
I was in a hurry, so I looked at the clock and I walked out of the door. - I... the gate.
Baktim ve dedim o damgali oldu.
Is he serious? I was thinking that he is crazy.
Emilio'nun icabina baktim.
I already took care of Emilio.
Arka camdan baktim ve caddede aksak aksak yürüdügünü gördüm.
I looked in the rear window and I saw him limping across the street.
Sonra, göstergeye baktim, bes olmustu. Ve senin bürona 25 dakika uzaktaydim.
I looked at his dashboard and it's five to, and it's, you know, another 25 minutes to your office.
Gözlerine baktim, ve o eglenir gibi, dostça bakiyordu. Bir seyleri yanlis yaptigimda babamin baktigi gibi.
And... he was sort of amused, kind of friendly... like my father looks at me when he thinks I've done something wrong.
Buzdolabina baktim... Hiçbir sey.
I went to the fridge, I look in - - nothing.
Evine gittigimde ona baktim.
So when I got to her place... I looked at her.
Nasil giyindigine, masaya baktim.
You know, I looked at how she was dressed, I looked at the table,
saraba baktim.
I looked at the wine, and...
Yakaladigim ilk sansti, onun direkt gözlerine baktim ve dedim ki :
So, listen, first chance I got, I looked her right in the eye and I said...
Dusa giderken bile ona baktim ve bir kere daha dedim...
Even on the way to the shower I threw in another,
Ayaklarima baktim, tam olarak denge aletinin üstündeydiler..
When I look back at my feet, they were right on the beam.
Ayaklarima baktim, tam olarak denge aletinin üstündeydiler.
When I looked back at my feet, they were right on the beam.
Hızla içeri daldım, bir de baktim ki Tom, adamları kırıp geçiriyor.
I rush in, I charge in, and there's Tom, busting heads.
Her yere baktim.
Yeah, I looked everywhere.
Her yere baktim.
I looked everywhere.
Beyler, söylüyorum size, ben daha bu sabah çikmadan önce baktim.
Guys, I'm telling you, I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not anywhere.
icabina baktim.
I took him out.
Teknenin güvertesine baktim her seyi alevler içinde görünüyordu, binbasiya geminin alevler içinde oldugunu rapor ettim, binbasi gemiyi terk etmemi emretti.
I looked to the boat deck and everything seemed to flame! I reported to the Major that the ship was aflame!
- Halinin altina baktim.
- I looked under the rug.
Kim oldugunu ogrenmeden once ona uzun uzun baktim.
I was staring at him for ages before I realised who it was.
Denedim... Tam olarak hatirlamiyorum fakat asagiya baktim ve iki damla kan gördüm.
I don't remember clearly - but I looked down and saw two trickles of blood.
Baktim, onlardan 4 tanesi orada yatiyorlardi, vizir vizir.
Hand grenade! I came up, there were four of them lying there, rattling.
- Her tarafa baktim.
- l searched the whole lot.
Baktim ona çok benziyor, kiraladim.
To see who looks just like it hired him