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Eggsy traducir inglés

73 traducción paralela
- Adın ne senin, genç adam?
What's your name, young man? Eggsy.
Merhaba Eggsy.
Hello, Eggsy.
Buna gözün gibi bak, Eggsy.
You take care of this, Eggsy.
Eggsy, buraya gel.
Eggsy, come here.
Eggsy'nin annesi resmen afet.
Eggsy's mum is well fit.
Patron, Eggsy'nin annesiyle yatıyor diye hakkımızda ileri geri konuşabileceğinizi mi sandınız?
You think you can chat shit about us and we won't do nothing... just because our guvnor's banging Eggsy's mum?
Lan Eggsy!
Hey! Eggsy!
Gazla be Eggsy.
Floor it, Eggsy!
Eggsy arabamı çaldı amına koyayım.
Look, it's me. Eggsy just stole my fucking car.
Eggsy, hırsızlar arasında sadakat olmaz.
Eggsy, there is no such thing as honor amongst thieves.
Benim adım Eggsy Unwin.
My name's Eggsy Unwin.
Kusura bakma Eggsy, gizli bilgi bu.
Sorry, Eggsy. Classified.
Anlayacağınız Eggsy'le olan derdiniz neyse, ki kesin haklı taraf sizsinizdir ben şu güzelim Guinness birasını bitirene kadar bizi rahat bıraksanız çok minnettar kalırım.
I'd appreciate it enormously... if you could just leave us in peace... until I finish this lovely pint of Guinness.
Gerçekten özür dilerim, Eggsy.
Now, I do apologize, Eggsy.
Çok minnettarım, Eggsy.
Much appreciated, Eggsy.
Eggsy, hemen kaç buradan. Adam fena...
Eggsy, just go, please, because he's gonna...
- Söyle gitsin be Eggsy!
Just tell him, Eggsy!
Eggsy, sana bahsettiğim terzide buluşalım.
Eggsy, meet me at the tailor I told you about.
Yavşak herif.
Eggsy, you fucking maggot!
Gel lan buraya konuşacağız!
Eggsy, you fucking... Come here, son!
- Ben de Eggsy.
- I'm Eggsy.
- Yok, Eggsy diyorum.
No, "Eggsy".
Eggsy, iki taraflı aynayı fark ettiğin için tebrikler.
Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror.
Sabırlı olmamız gerek, Eggsy.
We need to have patience, Eggsy.
- Eggsy, hiç bulaşma.
- Eggsy, forget it!
Eggsy, özel konuşmamız lazım, sen çıkabilirsin.
Eggsy, I need to have a private conversation. You're dismissed.
- Eggsy, bunu yapabileceğimi sanmıyorum.
Eggsy, I really don't think I can do this.
Eggsy, bekle.
Eggsy, wait!
Tamam, Eggsy!
Okay, Eggsy.
İyi fikir, Eggsy.
Good plan, Eggsy.
Eggsy, Roxy, tebrik ederim.
Eggsy, Roxy, congratulations.
Patronumun sana iki sorusu var, Eggsy.
My employer's got two questions for you, Eggsy.
Yapma be Eggsy, az önce aynı cevabı veren iki arkadaşını geberttim.
Eggsy, I just killed two of your friends who gave me the same bullshit answer!
Eggsy, baban da bu noktaya kadar gelmişti, haberin olsun.
Eggsy, you should know your father reached this point.
Olay şu ki Eggsy, hiçbiri için teşekkür almadım.
The point is, Eggsy, nobody thanked me for any of them.
- Hayat felsefesidir bu, Eggsy.
Words to live by, Eggsy.
Hayır, Eggsy.
No, Eggsy.
Onu yerine bırak, Eggsy.
Put it back, Eggsy.
- Eggsy!
Eggsy, n'olur bulaşma adama.
Eggsy, please, just don't get involved.
- Silah kuru sıkıydı, Eggsy.
- It was a blank, Eggsy.
Bayağı iyisin, Eggsy.
You're very good, Eggsy.
- Bir de sen varsın, Eggsy.
And you, Eggsy.
Haydi gel, Eggsy.
- Yeah. Eggsy, come on.
İyi görünüyorsun, Eggsy.
Looking good, Eggsy.
Bugün bayağı duygusal bir gün geçirdim.
I've had a rather emotional day... so whatever your beef with Eggsy is, and I'm sure it's well-founded...
- Amelia, bu Eggsy.
Amelia, Eggsy.
- Merhaba Eggsy.
Hi, Eggsy.
Hey Eggsy!
Hey, Eggsy!

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