Fabious traducir inglés
50 traducción paralela
Prens Fabious!
Prince Fabious!
Hey, Prens Fabious, Biz tapıyoruz sana!
Hey, Prince Fabious, we adore you!
Evine hoşgeldin, Prens Fabious.
Welcome home, Prince Fabious.
Sen benim kralımsın, Prens Fabious.
You're my king, Prince Fabious.
O Prens Fabious!
It's Prince Fabious!
Prens Fabious, Senin için ben burdayım.
Prince Fabious, I'm here for you now.
Birkez daha Prens Fabious beni bir baba olarak onurlandırabileceği kadar onurlandırdı.
Once again, Prince Fabious has made me as proud as a father could ever be.
Sen, Fabious, Sen bencil ve açgözlüsün.
You, Fabious, you're being selfish and greedy.
Bugün annen burada olsaydı, Çok gururlanırdı, Fabious.
If your mother were here today, she would be a very proud woman, Fabious.
Kardeşiniz Fabious'ın parladığı o başarılı geceleren biri daha....
Yet another glorious achievement in the whole firmament of starring moments for your brother Fabious.
Çünkü, Fabious, Doğru.
Because, Fabious, it's true.
Fabious'la kaç göreve çıkmışımdır?
How many quests have I been on with Fabious?
Fabious, serviks için sonuna kadar bekleyemicem.
Oh, Fabious, I can't wait until the cervix is over, and to lie together as one.
Cesur Fabious.
Oh, brave Fabious.
Thadeous, Bu Fabious'un 28'inci görevi.
Thadeous, this is Fabious'28th quest.
Fabious'la Simon, ve benle Steven. Harika iki dostuz.
Fabious has Simon, and now I have Steven, a far superior creature companion.
Ben Fabious, aşkın
'Tis I, Fabious. Your love.
Fabious gerçekten sen misin?
Fabious, it's really you.
Mesela, Prensin Fabious, Birçok adamıyla yatağını paylaşıyormuş
For example, I have heard that your Prince Fabious has made his bed recklessly with many maidens.
At arabasından çık Fabious,
Leave him in his carriage, Fabious.
Ben Prince Fabious, ve kardeşim
It is I, Prince Fabious and my brother, Prince Thadeous.
Fabious çocukluğundan beri gelmiyor sanırım.
Fabious has been coming here since he was a boy.
Kendini toparla, Fabious, lütfen.
Handle your shit, Fabious, please.
Prens Fabious'ı canlı getir.
Bring Prince Fabious to me alive.
Prens Fabious, Sorun nedir?
Prince Fabious, what is wrong?
Fabious'u yakalayın, diğerlerini öldürün!
Capture Fabious and kill the rest.
Fabious, geliyor
Fabious, he's coming!
Fabious bizim dengimiz değil
Fabious is of no purpose to us.
Kahretsin Fabious, Atlar Kaçıyorlar.
Shit! Fabious, the horses! They're escaping.
Ben Mourne'un Prensi Fabious Ve bu kardeşim Thadeous, Ve genç yardımcısı Courtney
I am Prince Fabious of Mourne and this is my brother, Thadeous, and his squire, young Courtney.
Bazen senin zırhını ödünç alıp avluda ordan oraya zıplar ve kılıcını çekip "Ben Fabious"
Sometimes he borrows your armor and he prances around the courtyard, flailing your sword, going, " I am Fabious!
Fabious bu yüzden bana geldi.
That's why Fabious turned to me.
Ve Fabious hiçbir zaman birinin duygularını önemsemedi.
And Fabious, throwing his goddamn tantrums with no regard for anyone else's feelings.
Oraya gidip pusulayı alacağız, Onu Fabious'a vereceğiz. Söylediklerinden dolayı onu pişman edeceğiz,
We go over there, we get the compass back, we give it to Fabious, we make him feel horrible for the way in which he treated me, and then you and I head for home.
Bunu görünce Fabious'un o salak yüzünü görmek istiyorum.
I can't wait to see the look on Fabious'silly face when he sees this.
Fabious ne olacak?
What about Fabious?
Oh, Fabious.
Oh, Fabious.
Fabious Leezar tarafından yakalandı.
Fabious has been captured by Leezar and his men.
Kılıçsız, Fabious, Lezaar'a karşı çaresiz olacak
Without the blade, Fabious will be helpless against Leezar.
Ünlü Prens Fabious.
The pesky Prince Fabious.
Fabious sana söylemem gereken birşey var.
Fabious, there's something else I should tell you.
Benim çok fazla şey yapamayacağımı düşünmüştün Fabious,
I know you do not expect much from me, Fabious.
Usta Fabilious.
Master Fabious.
Fabious da biraz yardım etti tabii.
Fabious did help where he could.
Bu gerçekten çok nazikçe bir hareket Fabious.
Well, that was very nice of you, Fabious.