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Harbiden traducir inglés

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Siz harbiden benimle oynuyor musunuz?
Are you guys seriously playing with me?
- Harbiden mi?
- For real...
Harbiden benden sonsuza kadar kaçabileceğini mi düşünüyordun?
Did you really think you could avoid me forever?
Harbiden bak Lucas'ı öldüreceğim.
I mean, seriously, I'm going to kill Lucas.
Harbiden şef Jeff mi?
Really, chef Jeff?
Harbiden kötü şans olurdu ama hiç ihtimal vermiyorum.
That would be bad luck indeed, and extremely unlikely
- Puştun tekisin harbiden.
- You are a wanker, do you know that?
Harbiden ciddi misiniz?
Harbiden bilmek istemiyorum.
I really don't want to know.
Harbiden bilmiyorum.
I really don't know.
Harbiden gidiyorum.
I swear I would.
Harbiden nefret ediyorum senden.
I seriously hate you.
- Culper tarihini harbiden biliyorsun.
You really know your Culper history.
- Harbiden de casusmuşsun!
Hah! You really are a spy!
Harbiden mi?
- Harbiden mi?
Oh, seriously?
Adam harbiden kafayı sıyırmış amına koyayım.
Man, he has really lost his fucking shit.
- Harbiden mi?
- Harbiden mi ya?
- Oh, are you really?
Harbiden hatırlamıyor musun?
You seriously don't remember me?
Teklifi kabul edememem harbiden kötü oldu.
It's a damn shame you can't take this job.
- Harbiden mi?
Vay be Schmidty, Cece'nin çitasini harbiden de asagiya çektin.
Oh, wow, Schmidty, you really lowered Cece's bar.
Bunun bir açiklamasi olmali, Kistepesinin Lordu ya da seyinin harbiden ise yaramasi gibi.
There's got to be an explanation for this, like he's the Lord of Winterfell or he's working with a real piece of pipe.
Bıyıkmış harbiden.
Oh, now it is a mustache.
- Harbiden mi?
- For real?
- Harbiden uzunmuşsun.
- You're really tall.
Hangileri harbiden iyi biliyor musun?
You know which ones are really good ones?
Harbiden mi, Trump?
Really, Trump?
- Harbiden mi?
- Really?
Harbiden de bıraktılar seni, değil mi?
Oh...! Oh yeah, you really was cut loose, weren't you?
Biliyor musun, bu harbiden de berbat bir şey Liz.
Wow, you know, that's really messed up, Liz.
Exeter harbiden bok gibiydi.
Exeter was shit to be honest.
Seni harbiden kendi öz kardeşimmişsin gibi severim.
I like you, really, as if you were my own brother.
Onun ki harbiden iyiydi.
That one was good.
Bu işi çok iyi beceriyorum harbiden!
I'm really digging this hard house.
- Evet, harbiden öyle.
Yeah, yeah, that shit's for real.
- Harbiden mi?
For real?
Harbiden güzelmiş.
Wow. A real beauty.
Tanrım, harbiden de seksi!
God he's Hot!
Harbiden sıkışmış ya
Oh, boy. It's really jammed in there.
El atsana baba harbiden.
Yeah. Why don't you hop on in there, dad?
Jenna harbiden idare etmesi zor biri, ha?
That Jenna sure is a handful, huh?
Sanırım on yada on iki kişi. Fevkaladenin fevkinde olurdu ama lanetler olsun ki. Harbiden herkes oradaydı.
I think there were ten or twelve people there, but the créme de la créme, the merde de la merde.
Harbiden bilmiyor.
And he truly doesn't.
Siz harbiden Mutant değilsiniz herhalde.
You really Mutants, I figure.
Harbiden öyleler.
Yeah, they is.
- Evet, o harbiden berbat durumda.
- Yeah, he's a mess.
Bacakların harbiden çalışmıyormuş.
Looks like your legs really are dead.
Belki de harbiden bu iş cazip geliyordur ona.
Maybe she actually has a shot at this.
Evet, harbiden.
Yes, no shit.

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