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Translate.vc / turco → inglés / [ H ] / Hightower

Hightower traducir inglés

304 traducción paralela
Robert Hightower.
Robert Hightower.
Olacaksın, öyle değil mi, Bob Hightower?
You will be, won't you, Bob Hightower?
İsmi, Robert William Pedro Hightower olacak.
I call him Robert... William Pedro... Hightower.
Onun adı Robert William Pedro Hightower.
His name is Robert William Pedro Hightower.
Bir şeyden emin olabilirsin, Bob Hightower o küçük yavruyu asla ben ve Perley'den daha iyi birilerine emanet edemezdin.
One thing you can count on, Bob Hightower... you couldn't find better hands to leave the little mite in... than Perley's and mine.
Sana cezanı vermeden önce, Robert Marmaduke Hightower...
Before passing sentence upon you, Robert Marmaduke Hightower- -
Robert Marmaduke Hightower bu mahkemenin seni 20 yıl hapishaneye gönderme gücü ve yetkisi vardır.
Robert Marmaduke Hightower... it is within the power of this here court... to sentence you to a term of 20 years in the penitentiary.
- Bay Hightower.
Size yazabilir miyim, Bay Hightower?
Can I write to you, Mr. Hightower?
Toplanıyoruz, Kardeş Hightower.
- Moving out, Brother Hightower.
Bastır, Hightower!
Let's go, Hightower.
Hadi, Hightower.
Come on, Hightower.
Bastır, Hightower.
Let's go, Hightower.
Hightower, kalan eşyaları emir subaylarının odasına götür, tamam mı?
Hightower, take the rest of this gear to adjutant's quarters, will you? Yes, sir.
Erkek Çerkez, İkamet yeri 11 Hightower Road.
Male Caucasian, residing 11 Hightower Road.
Memur Hightower.
This is Officer Hightower.
Akademiye niye girdin Hightower?
Why are you at the Academy, Hightower?
Hightower, ilk sensin.
Hightower, you're first.
Bu harika Hightower, ama... saat sabahın iki buçuğu.
That's terrific, Hightower, but it's 2 : 30 a.m.
İşte bu, Hightower!
Attaboy, Hightower!
Sakin ol Hightower.
At ease, Hightower.
Herkesten çok Hightower bu işi becerir diye düşünüyordum.
Out of everybody, I thought Hightower would make it.
Hayır, Hightower yaptı.
No, Hightower did.
Memur Moses Hightower... ve Carey Mahoney.
Officers Moses Hightower and Carey Mahoney.
Memur Hightower.
Officer Hightower.
- Hightower.
- Hightower.
- Hightower'a benzer.
- lt would look like Hightower.
Selam, Hightower.
Hey, Hightower.
Hightower, girme.
Hightower, don't go in there.
Çavuş Hightower, cevap ver.
Sgt. Hightower, come in.
Hightower, külotlu çorabını çıkar da derhal akademiye gel.
Hightower, get rid of the pantyhose and report to the academy immediately.
- Hightower!
- Hightower!
- Sağol Hightower.
- Thanks, Hightower.
- İyi atıştı Hightower.
- Nice throw, Hightower.
Fikrini kendine sakla Hightower.
Hold that thought, Hightower.
Hightower sadece birkaç blok ötede.
Hightower's only three blocks away.
Hightower, Gower bölgesinde dolaşan bir çete var.
Hightower, there's a roving gang in the Gower district.
Memur Hightower, yeni "Devriye" programına katılmaya geldim.
Officer Hightower, I'm here to join the new C.O.P. Program.
Mahoney, Hightower'a pas veriyor.
Mahoney throws a pass to Hightower.
Hightower ve smaç sayısı!
And then Hightower he...
Hayır Hightower.
No, Hightower.
- Bu çok yanlış.
HIGHTOWER : It's just not right.
Çavuş Hightower.
Sergeant Hightower.
Hightower, şuna bak.
Hightower, check this out.
- Ona yardım edelim mi?
- Shall we help her? HIGHTOWER :
Hightower, tamam, hadi bakalım.
Hey, Hightower, okay, here we go. Come on.
Aferin House!
HIGHTOWER : Way to go, House!
- Şimdi!

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