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Macready traducir inglés

64 traducción paralela
- MacReady!
- MacReady!
- Hadi, MacReady.
- Quit griping, MacReady.
Öyleyse, hadi, MacReady.
So, come on now, MacReady.
Kahretsin, MacReady.
Damn it, MacReady.
- MacReady, Bennings'i 10 yıldır tanırım.
- MacReady, I've known Bennings for ten years.
İyi atış, MacReady.
Good shot, MacReady.
- Kulübene ne dersin, MacReady?
- What about your shack, MacReady?
R.J. MacReady, helikopter pilotu, ABD 31 Nolu Karakol.
R.J. MacReady, helicopter pilot, U.S. Outpost Number 31.
Fakat, MacReady, düşünüyorum ki, eğer bu şeyin küçük bir parçası bile tüm bir organizmayı ele geçirmek için yeterli ise, herkes kendi yemeğini hazırlasın, ve yanlızca konserve yemeyi öne sürüyorum...
But, MacReady, I've been thinking. If a small particle of this thing is enough to take over an entire organism, then everyone should prepare their own meals. I suggest we only eat out of cans.
MacReady nerede?
Where's MacReady?
- MacReady?
- MacReady?
Bu MacReady.
It's MacReady.
Sen ölü bir adamsın, MacReady!
You're a dead man, MacReady!
Harika, MacReady.
It's cool, MacReady.
Nasılsa uyuyacaksın, MacReady.
You're gonna have to sleep sometime, MacReady.
- Yanıyoruz, MacReady!
- We're on fire, MacReady!
- Aklında ne var, MacReady?
- What do you got in mind, MacReady?
MacReady, yak şunu!
MacReady, burn it!
MacReady, vur!
MacReady, shoot!
- Acele et, MacReady!
- Hurry up, MacReady!
Ölmüş, MacReady!
It's gone, MacReady.
Elimde sadece Hemşire Macready'nin cerrahi yaralar losyonu var.
I've only got some of Nurse Macready's surgical bruise lotion.
- Bayan Macready.
- Miss Macready.
Sıkışmıştım Bayan Macready.
It was a call of nature, Miss Macready.
Affedersiniz Bayan Macready.
Excuse me, Miss Macready.
Tuvalete gidebilir miyim Bayan Macready?
Can I go to the toilet, please, Miss Macready?
Ses pencereden geldi Bayan Macready.
It was the window, Miss Macready.
Üniversiteden Dr. Pierce telefonda Bayan Macready.
It's Dr. Pierce from the university on the phone.
Ama 3 harika profesör derslerine katılmama izin verdiler. Macready, Horn ve Langtree.
But there were three wonderful professors... kind enough to let me to sit in their classes.
Bilhassa mahkemedeki ve Macready ile Kirk Douglas arasındaki sahneler.
and scenes between Macready and Kirk Douglas.
Düşündüm ki Bay MacReady'i yanımızda...
I thought we'd bring Mr. MacReady...
MacReady ile konuştum.
I spoke with MacReady.
Haydi, deh!
MACREADY : Come on, hup!
- Korkarım benim.
Macready? - I'm afraid so.
Önemli değil.
It's all right, Mrs. Macready.
- You bowled it! MACREADY : What on earth is goin'on?
The Macready! Come on!
Şimdi karşınızda başkan Jack MacReady.
I would like to introduce Mayor Jack MacReady.
Eğer istedikleri Jack MacReady'yse hepsinin canı cehenneme.
They wanna put a cock in Jack MacReady, they can kiss my ass.
Bu tarafa, MacReady.
Over here, MacReady.
Mindy Macready.
Mindy Macready.
İlerideki açıklığa doğru gidiyor MacReady!
He's running towards- -
Violet MacReady, lütfen hemen acil servise rapor verin.
Violet MacReady, please report to the ER immediately.
O kötü kız ise Violet Macready.
The other tart is Violet Macready.
Paul Macready.
Paul Macready.
Diyor ki, güneş gözlükleri John A. Macready diye birinin olabilirmiş.
So it says here the sunglasses might have belonged to a John A. Macready.
- Oysa biri denemiş. Mindy Macready.
It turns out somebody had.
Başkaları da vardı.
Macready, Horn, and Langtree, among others.
- Bayan Macready?
- Mrs.

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