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Olayi traducir inglés

211 traducción paralela
Onunla evlenip olayi örtbas edemez mi?
Could he cover up by marrying her?
Bildiklerini söylemezsen nasiI aydinlatabiliriz olayi?
How can we turn up anything if you don't tell us what you got?
Ben bölge savcisi Bryan'la konusurum. Herkesi tutuklamaya kalkarsa isin çok karisacagini... ama Wilmer'la ugrasirsa olayi kolayca çözebilecegini... anlatirim.
I can show Bryan, our DA, that if he goes around tryin'to collect everybody he'll have a tangled case but if he sticks to Wilmer here, he can get a conviction standing on his head.
Yetenek olayi...
And about the amateur...
Bubber'in son hapse girisinden bir gece önce biri ona bu olayi anlatmis.
Night before Bubber goes to jail this last time somebody tells him the story.
Silah calma olayi sekiz Ekimde Yokosukadaki Amerikan deniz ussunde meydana geldi.
His stealing of a pistol occurred on the eighth of October at the US naval base in Yokosuka.
Nellie sanirim size olayi kendi tarafindan anlatmis.
Nellie apparently has her own version of the truth.
- Bu olayi nasil rapor edecegiz?
How do we get an ass for the verge, Sarg.
Olayi kendi elleriyle bitirmek istedi.
So he took matters into his own hands.
Bay Frankl ¡ n, s ¡ zden ve Bayan Hayes'den... Bay Gard ¡ ner'la ¡ Ig ¡ l ¡ bu olayi g ¡ zl ¡ tutmanizi r ¡ ca etmek zorundayim.
Mr. Franklin, I must ask you and Ms. Hayes to keep this incident with Mr. Gardiner strictly to yourselves.
Zamani dogru olarak belirleyebilme olayi dünyanin her yerinde yayginlasan uzun deniz yolculuklarina ve kesiflere olanak sagladi.
Precise timekeeping permitted great sailing ship voyages of exploration and discovery which bound up the Earth.
- Saldiri olayi.
- An assault.
Olayi büyütmek istemiyorum.
I don't want to make a big deal out of this.
Bence onu bulmanin tek yolu... olayi en az onun kadar sanssiz birisine vermek.
I say the only way to find her... is to give the case to a man as unlucky as she is.
Bir olayi çözmek için tesadüflere güvenmem.
I don't rely on coincidence to solve a case.
- NGOC-LINH OLAYI - TEK KURTULAN - "Tek kurtulan"?
"Sole survivor"?
Bu olayi çözmek için Foley'le gizli çalışmamız gerekti.
That's why we had to go undercover with Foley to solve this case.
Olayi kaptim.
But I dug it.
Fatura sisirme olayi o kadar yayginlasti ki, kimse umursamiyor.
You know, this overbilling's gotten so common, nobody gives it a thought.
250 posta sahtekarligi olayi var.
There's 2 % 0 acts of mail fraud there.
1 97 4`te, bomba olayi sirasinda neden ingiltere`de bulundugumu... anlatabilmek için... en iyisi memleketim olan Kuzey irlanda `ya dOnelim.
To explain how I happened to be in England in 1974... at the time of the bombing... I'd better take you back to Northern Ireland, where I come from.
Ön siradaki dÖrt sanik, Guildford puB BomBalama olayi ve ve Bes kisinin Öldürülmesiyle, ilgili olarak 1 1 ayri suçtan yargilaniyorlar,
The four defendants in front... are charged with 11 counts in relation to the explosion of the Guildford pub... and the murders of five people.
Bir de Bir fahisenin soyulmasi olayi vardi,
And there was this question of the robbery of a prostitute.
Ama yakinda bu kast olayi tüm haydut kralligini alt üst edecek.
But soon the caste thing will turn the whole bandit kingdom upside-down.
Eglence olayi ne olacak?
So, what about entertainment?
Olayi nasil kaydettigin umurumda degil.
None of my business how you got the story.
Bu olayi çözene dek acilarimiz sürecek.
Our pain's not gonna stop until we figure all this out.
Bu sadece kiz erkek olayi degil. Gredin.
This isn't a boy-girl thing, Gredin.
Elimizde bir de cinayet olayi var ki, sizinkilere pek benzemez.
We've had a homicide, and not your garden variety, either.
Hatfield ipucunu ele geçirdi ve kamu önünde büyük bir tutuklama olayi sergiledi.
Hatfield got the tip and stages a huge public arrest. By the time I'm...
Ama, Ullman olayi kapatti.
Ullman hushed it up, though.
Dropkick.Gotunuse gore Boucher olayi bitirdi.
Dropkick. Looks like Boucher knocked him out cold.
O gece odasina girip olayi haber vermesem... ne olurdu diye dusunup duruyorum.
In my mind, I imagine what would've happened... if I hadn't gone to that room and told him.
bir bayan aramak konusunda, bence olayi tamamen cözmüssün.
I think you've pretty much got it covered there.
Biliyorsun, belki büyücülük olayi degildir.
Maybe it's not witchcraft after all.
buz gibi donarken etrafta her kez izliyormus bu olayi
Running as he looked over his shoulder... the thief tripped over the curb.
O çiIgina döner ve olayi kavrayamaz.
She loses it, doesn't get it.
"Selam tatlim, geldim." olayi
T.A., and, "hi, honey, I'm home!"
Gerilim gerçekten olayi tirmandirir.
The tension actually hurts.
Geçen seferki dogum öncesinde ortaya çikan bit olayi yüzünden.
What with the recent outbreak of pre-natal lice.
Just like World War II killed the New Deal, well there ain't gonna be World War III, I promise you.
The Cuban crisis, two Cuban crisis, Berlin, Dominican,
My son, uh... he has em as well.
ve bunun herhangi bir hafta içi günde yapmakdansa, bunu bir hafta sonu olayi olarak yapmayi düsünün.
And instead of it happening just on any old weekday,... think about making it a weekend event.
olan olayi çalisirken... çogu kez profesyonellerin sansi olmaz...
It's not often a professional has the chance to study a phenomenon as it happens.
- Olayi ilginç kilan da bu.
- That's why it's so very interesting.
Josie, olayi idare etmeye çalisti.
Josie tried to make light of it.
Rahatlikla diyebiliriz ki........ bu, rastgele bir vur-kaç olayi degil.
I think we can safely say this was no ordinary smash and grab.
Bu "çocuk" olayi nedir?
The child will not be harmed.
olayi tam olarak ogrenmeliyiz onu yuz ustu birakamayiz.
But we can't just pretend this is not happening.
They'll put him through to me.

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