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Rohde traducir inglés

42 traducción paralela
- Mette Rohde siz misiniz?
Are you Mette Rohde?
Peki Martin Rohde?
And Martin Rohde? - The same.
Sorgulayan kişiler ; Malmö Emniyetinden Saga Norén ve Kopenhag Emniyetinden Martin Rohde.
Saga Noren, Malmö County Police, and Martin Rohde are present.
Stefan Lindberg, ben Martin Rohde.
This is Martin Rohde.
Bu esnada Hotel Rohde açık kalmaya devam etsin.
In the meantime Hotel Rohde stays open.
Malmö Emniyetinden Saga Norén. Martin Rohde'nin evi burası mı?
Saga Norén, Malmö County Police.
- Evet. - Evde mi?
ls Martin Rohde at home?
- Evet? - Rohde.
- Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde ile mi görüşüyorum?
Is this Martin Rohde? - Yes.
Arayan Martin Rohde'du. Cesedin yarısını teşhis etmişler.
Martin Rohde has probably identified the second body.
- Merhaba. Adım Martin Rohde.
I'm Martin Rohde.
Bu bey Kopenhag Emniyetinden Martin Rohde. - Selam.
- This is Martin Rohde.
- Merhaba, evet Rohde.
- It's Rohde.
Adım Martin Rohde. Danimarka Emniyetindenim.
I'm Martin Rohde from the Danish police.
Martin Rohde Monique Brammer'in günlüğüne ulaşmış.
Martin Rohde found Monique Brammer's diary.
Malmö Emniyetinden Saga Norén. Kopenhag Emniyetinden Martin Rohde.
This is Martin Rohde from the Copenhagen Police.
- Bir isminiz var mı? - Martin Rohde.
- Have you got a name?
- Merhaba. Bu bey Martin Rohde. Kendisi Danimarkalı.
This is Martin Rohde from Denmark.
- İsmim Martin Rohde.
- My name's Martin Rohde.
- Mette Rohde siz misiniz? - Evet.
Are you Mette Rohde?
Peki Martin Rohde?
- Martin Rohde?
Mette Rohde.
It's Mette Rohde.
- Merhaba. Ben Mette Rohde.
- Hi, I'm Mette Rohde.
Kopenhag Emniyetinden Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde is from the Copenhagen Police.
Martin Rohde'yi görmeye geldim.
I'm looking for Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde, Kopenhag Polisi.
Martin Rohde, local police.
Ben emniyetten Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde, police.
- Martin Rohde.
- Martin Rhode.
Merhaba Julian. Ben Kopenhag Emniyeti'nden Martin Rohde.
It's Martin Rohde From the Copenhagen police.
Bu da Kopenhag Emniyeti'nden Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde, Copenhagen Police.
Ben Kopenhag Emniyeti'nden Martin Rohde.
Copenhagen Police, Martin Rohde.
Ben Martin Rohde, Saga'nın iş arkadaşıyım.
Martin Rohde, Sagas colleague.
- Kopenhag Emniyeti'nden Martin Rohde.
- Martin Rohde.
Evet ama soruşturmayla ilgilenen kişiler Norén ve Rohde.
- But Norén and Rohde are the responsible.
Bu da Kopenhag Emniyeti'nden Martin Rohde.
This is Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde.
Martin Rohde here.
Kopenhag Emniyeti'nden Martin Rohde. Açın lütfen.
Martin Rohde, Copenhagen Police.
- Roh ne?
- Rohde?
Rohde, rot.
Rohde, Foure...
Ortağım Martin Rohde.
This is Martin Rohde.

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