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Shaughnessy traducir inglés

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Adim O'Shaughnessy.
It's O'Shaughnessy.
Brigid O'Shaughnessy.
Brigid O'Shaughnessy.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy, bunlar da Tegmen Dundy ve Çavus Polhaus.
Miss O'Shaughnessy, Lieutenant Dundy and Detective Sergeant Polhaus.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy dünden beri benimle çalisiyor.
Miss O'Shaughnessy is an operative in my employ since yesterday.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy ile konuyu tartistik ve cinayetler hakkinda... tam olarak neler bildigini ögrenmeye karar verdik... ve onu buraya çagirdik.
Miss O'Shaughnessy and I discussed the matter and decided to find out exactly how much he knew about Miles'and Thursby's killings so we asked him to come here.
Bayanin adresi benim ofisim.
Miss O'Shaughnessy's address is my office.
O'Shaughnessy içeride.
Miss O'Shaughnessy's in there.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'yi mi temsil ediyorsunuz?
Are you here as Miss O'Shaughnessy's representative?
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'yi verir misin?
Let me talk to Miss O'Shaughnessy.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'ydi!
It was Miss O'Shaughnessy!
Onlara sizi ve Bayan O'Shaughnessy'yi versek?
Suppose we give them you or Miss O'Shaughnessy?
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'yi ise bunun disinda birakacagiz.
As for Miss O'Shaughnessy if you think she can be rigged for the part I'm willing to discuss it with you.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'de.
Miss O'Shaughnessy has it.
Thursby Bayan O'Shaughnessy'nin ortagiydi.
Thursby was Miss O'Shaughnessy's ally.
Eger onu ortadan kaldirirsak... Bayan O'Shaughnessy düsünür ve kendi iyiligi için... bizimle sahin konusunda anlasmaya yanasir diye düsündük.
We believed that disposing of him as we did would cause Miss O'Shaughnessy to stop and think that it would be best to patch up her differences with us regarding the falcon.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'ye sadik kalmaya fazlasiyla kararliydi.
He was quite determinedly loyal to Miss O'Shaughnessy.
IKaptan Jacoby'nin ölümü tamamen Bayan O'Shaughnessy'nin suçu.
Captain Jacoby's death was entirely Miss O'Shaughnessy's fault.
Ayrica Hong IKong'dayken IKaptan Jacoby ile... Bayan O'Shaughnessy'nin birlikte görüldüklerini hatirlamis.
He read of its arrival in the papers and remembered he had heard in Hong Kong that Jacoby and Miss O'Shaughnessy were seen together....
Sansimiz yaver gitti ve Bayan O'Shaughnessy hala oradayken yetistik.
We were lucky enough to arrive while Miss O'Shaughnessy was there.
Bu görüsme birçok açidan zor oldu, ancak sonunda... bizimle anlasmasi için onu ikna ettik, ya da biz öyle sandik.
In many ways, the conference was difficult, but we finally persuaded Miss O'Shaughnessy to come to terms, or so we thought.
Parayi verip kusu almak amaciyla... gemiden ayrilip otele yöneldik.
We then left the boat and set out for my hotel where I was to pay Miss O'Shaughnessy and receive the bird.
O ikisine Bayan O'Shaughnessy'nin dairesinde yetismeyi basardik.
We caught up with Miss O'Shaughnessy and Jacoby at her apartment.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'yi bize, IKaptan Jacoby'nin... sahini götürdügü yeri söylemesi için ikna ettik.
We persuaded, that is the word, sir, we persuaded Miss O'Shaughnessy to tell us where she told Captain Jacoby to take the falcon.
Sonra sizin ofisinizi arayip... Jacoby oraya gelmeden sizi ofisten uzaklastirmaya ikna ettik. Ne yazik ki onu ikna etmek... gereginden uzun sürdü.
We further persuaded her to phone your office in an attempt to draw you away, before Jacoby got there but unfortunately for us it had taken us too long to persuade Miss O'Shaughnessy.
Ve size bayan, hatira olarak masanin üstündeki... nadir parçayi birakiyorum.
And to you, Miss O'Shaughnessy, I leave the rara avis on the table there as a little memento.
Bir yanıt bulursan, adın Galileo, Edison ve O'Shaughnessy ile birlikte tarihe geçecek.
If you do find an answer, your name will go down in history along with Galileo, Edison and O'Shaughnessy.
O'Shaughnessy mi?
Her neyse, yaklaşık yedi ay önce bu avukat, Bay O'Shaughnessy, yalnız bir adamı teselli etmem karşılığında haftada bir yüzlüğü kabul eder miyim diye sordu.
Anyway, about seven months ago, this so-called lawyer, Mr O'Shaughnessy, asked me how I'd like to cheer up a lonely old man and pick up $ 100 a week at the same time.
Bay O'Shaughnessy veriyor. Yani onunla buluşup, hava raporunu ilettiğimde.
Well, Mr O'Shaughnessy does as soon as I meet him and give him the weather report.
Sadece Bay O'Shaughnessy'ye bir mesaj iletiyorum böylece o da oraya gerçekten gittiğimden emin olmuş oluyor.
Oh, that's just a message I give Mr O'Shaughnessy. So he'll know I've really been up there.
Ben sadece Bay O'Shaughnessy'e hava raporunu iletiyordum.
I'd just meet Mr O'Shaughnessy at Hamburger Heaven and give him the weather report.
Bay O'Shaughnessy!
Mr O'Shaughnessy!
Bay O'Shaughnessy!
- Come on, then. - Mr O'Shaughnessy?
- Bay Shaughnessy.
Mr. Shaughnessy.
- İyi günler, Bay Shaughnessy.
Good day, Mr. Shaughnessy.
- Merhaba, Shaughnessy.
- Shaughnessy.
- Bay Shaughnessy?
- Mr. Shaughnessy?
- Shaughnessy. Rose Shaughnessy.
- Shaughnessy, Rose Shaughnessy.
İyi günler, Bay Ryan, Bayan Shaughnessy.
Good day, Mr. Ryan, Mrs. Shaughnessy.
Götür şu sürtüğü buradan Shaughnessy.
Shoot that slut, Shaughnessy.
Bay Shaughnessy'yi bir yere çağırdılar, bugün derslere ben gireceğim.
Mr. Shaughnessy has been called away, so I'm taking class.
Charles Shaughnessy.
Charles Shaughnessy.
- Hoşça kal, Shaughnessy.
Goodbye, Shaughnessy.
Harrison Shaughnessy Madencilik'ten geliyorum.
I'm with M.H. Harrison Shaughnessy Mining Co.
Adı Harrison Shaughnessy mi neymiş.
It's Harrison Shaughnessy, something like that.
Shaughnessy'yi geri çevirdin.
You turned down Harrison Shaughnessy.
Harrison Shaughnessy için çalışmıyor musun?
You don't work for Harrison Shaughnessy?
Sanırım, Bay O'Shaughnessy.
Mr O'Shaughnessy, I guess.
- Geldiniz mi, Bay Shaughnessy?
- There you are, Mr. Shaughnessy.
- Kes sesini, Shaughnessy!
- Shut up, Shaughnessy.

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