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Wagoneer traducir inglés

22 traducción paralela
Jipte mi?
Of the Wagoneer?
Arabayı vurdun.
You hit a wagoneer.
- Witter Vagon'a ne dersin?
- How about the Witter Wagoneer?
Arabasıyla Bay Ridge'den geliyor. 1 986 model Grand Wagoneer Jip.
He drives in from Bay Ridge in a 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer.
Hatırlıyor musun, sana Wagoneer'la araba kullanmayı öğretiyordum. Sen bir taksiye yandan çarpıp aynasını kırmıştın.
So do you remember when I was teaching you how to drive in the Wagoneer, and you sideswiped that taxi and knocked off his side mirror?
Yani nasıl bulamazlar ki öyle - parçalanmış, koyu renkli, büyük bir kamyoneti.
I mean, how do you not find - - a smashed-up, dark-colored grand wagoneer.
Fırtınanın olduğu gece olduğuna emin misiniz?
You were in your Wagoneer. You're sure it was the night of the storm?
Fırtına gecesi bir kaza yaptınız. Son model bordo rengi Grand Wagoneer'inizin ön tarafını dağıttınız. Ve sonra da kimse sizi görmeden yolunuza devam ettiniz.
So, you had an accident the night of the big storm, you smashed the front of your late-model maroon Grand Wagoneer, and then you drove away without anybody seeing.
Bu sırada, farklı bir son model Grand Wagoneer aynı gece, aynı saatte içinde oğlumun olduğu arabaya çarpıyor ve yoluna devam ediyor.
Meanwhile, a different late-model maroon Grand Wagoneer crashed into my son's car on the same night at around the same time, and then also drove away.
Wagoneer arabanıza çarptığında nereden geliyordu?
When the Wagoneer hit Lauren's S.U.V., where was it coming from, north or south?
Arabada bulduğum şişe Phidian'dı.
The bottle I found in the Wagoneer was Phidian's.
Sonra tam şuradan bir Wagoneer geldi.
♪ Hard to be ♪ And then the Wagoneer came from right there.
Wagoneer'ına bin ve git.
Get the fuck out of here with that Wagoneer.
Wagoneer'ına bin ve git.
Get the fuck out of here with that wagoneer.
Gelen haberlere göre Lucy Robbins'in cesedi aracının ön koltuğunda Newberry Springs'in 20 km batısında, Mojave Çölün'deki bir hendeğin dibinde bulunmuş.
All that came through the wire was that the body of Lucy Robbins was found in the front seat of her Wagoneer at the bottom of a ravine 15 miles west of Newberry Springs in the Mojave Desert.
Bu yolculuk için Jeep'i seçmemin sebebi 1963'te Wagoneer ile SUV'yi icat etmelerindendi.
The reason I picked the Jeep for this journey was because they invented the SUV in 1963 with the Wagoneer.
Evet belki eski klasiklerden ya da sedanlardan... 76 model sedan falan.
Yeah, like maybe one of those old internationals or a wagoneer, like a'76 wagoneer or something.
Aslı "Wagoneer Oasis".
The Wagoneer Oasis.
Wagoneer'ı dışarıda değil.
Her Wagoneer's not out front.
My wagoneer.
- Witter Vagon mu?
- The Witter Wagoneer?
You were in your Wagoneer, and you were with your friend, Mr. Phidian. Absolutely.

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