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Whitely traducir inglés

36 traducción paralela
Aynen öyle Bay Whitely.
That's right, Mr. Whitely.
Şuna bak, Whitely.
Look here, Whitely.
Bu Bay Whitely'nin.
This is Mr. Whitely's.
- Whitely?
- Whitely?
- Yeter, Whitely.
- That's enough, Whitely.
Bay Whitely haklı.
Mr. Whitely's right.
Vay be, peki Bay Whitely ve Madam Barelli?
Gee, what about Mr. Whitely and Madame Barelli?
Maalesef parmak izleri silinemez Bay Whitely.
Unfortunately, fingerprints obliterated by Mr. Whitely.
- Buna ne diyeceksin, Whitely?
- What about it, Whitely?
Whitely's'den tabii.
Whitely's, of course.
White kayalığının açıklarında tekneyle ava çıkardı.
He ran a trawler out of Whitely Reef.
Ne çeşit çarpık bir çocukluğun oldu, Adam Whitely?
What sort of bent childhood did you have, Adam Whitely?
Bizimle yemek yiyeceksin Adam, ya da odanda TV izleyeceksin.
You come and have supper with us, Adam Whitely, or you'll stay in your room by yourself and watch TV.
Evet. Bir tanesi de David Whitely.
The main one was David Whitely.
İyi şanslar diliyorum kendisine.
Good luck to him, I say. David Whitely.
- Neşeniz yerinde, Bay Whitely.
You're cheerful, Mr Whitely.
Dave Whitely istediği fiyatı aldı.
Dave Whitely's got the price he wants.
Belki de Richard'ı sırf bundan dolayı David Whitely öldürmüştür.
Maybe David Whitely killed him for just that reason.
Richard Bayly, Agnes Sampson, Ian Eastman ve David Whitely.
Richard Bayly, Agnes Sampson, Ian Eastman... 'And David Whitely.'
- Whitely'i son görüşümüzü hatırlıyor musun?
Eh? Remember when we saw Whitely?
Neşeniz yerinde, Bay Whitely.
You're cheerful.
Whitely bize her şeyi söylemişti.
Whitely tells us it can go ahead.
Richard Bayly, Ian Eastman ve Dave Whitely, hepsi aynı okulu gitti.
Richard Bayly, Ian Eastman, and Dave Whitely all went to the same school.
Üç ölü ; Bayly, Whitely ve...
So, all three deaths :
Hepsinin bir ortak noktası var.
Bayly, Whitely - That's what connects them.
Bayly, Whitely, Fletcher ve senin hakkındakileri bilmek istiyorum.
I want to know about Bayly, Whitely, Fletcher, and yourself.
Whitely öldürüldü, Fletcher da öyle.
Whitely has been killed, and so has Fletcher.
Richard Bayly, David Whitely, Simon Fletcher.
Richard Bayly, David Whitely, Simon Fletcher.
Stephen Wentworth, sizi Richard Bayly, David Whitely ve Simon Fletcher cinayetlerini işlemekten dolayı tutukluyoruz.
Stephen Wentworth, we arrest you for the murders of Richard Bayly, David Whitely and Simon Fletcher.
Bowmaster V. Whitely'e göre anlaşma taraflarından biri anlaşmanın reddi ile şaşırtılmışsa, mahkeme hazırlanması için makul bir zaman tanıması gereklidir.
According to Bowmaster V. Whitely, if the party to a settlement is surprised by the repudiation of the settlement, then the court must provide a reasonable amount of time to prepare for the trial.
Yüzbaşı Whitely.
Captain Whitely.
Gerçek adı Perry Whitely.
His real name is Perry Whitely.
David Whitely.
David Whitely.
David Whitely.
I think I know that name.
Adamın David Whitely olduğu kesin mi?
You sure that's David Whitely?

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