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Yapacağiz traducir inglés

250 traducción paralela
Vurmadan önce kaç atlatma yapacağiz?
How many times are we gonna pass before we shoot?
Oğlunuzu bulmak için herşeyi yapacağiz.
Look, Mrs. Cappadora we'll do everything we can to find your little boy.
Belki çok aptalim, ama biz ati ne yapacagiz?
Perhaps I'm awfully stupid, but what do we want with a horse?
Ne yapacagiz Fay?
What's it gonna be, Fay?
- Biz de bunu yapacagiz.
- That's just what we're gonna do.
Bizler de öyle yapacagiz, kardesim.
So shall we all, brother.
Bunu yapacagiz.
That we shall do.
Ne yapacagiz?
What'll we do?
Onsuz yapacagiz.
We'll do it without him.
- Bu gece ne yapacagiz?
- What are we gonna do tonight?
Bebegi ne yapacagiz?
What about the baby?
Ne yapacagïz?
What do we do?
Ne yapacagïz?
What will we do?
- Ne yapacagïz?
- What'll we do?
Ne yapacagiz?
What are we going to do?
Kozmik Takvimin ilk saniyesinde olan biten sey, su anda bizim ne yapmayi planladigimizla ilgilidir, bunu da zekamiz, ve Evren'i bilmekle yapacagiz.
What happens in the first second of the next cosmic year depends on what we do, here and now with our intelligence and our knowledge of the cosmos.
Ne yapacagiz adamim?
What are we gonna do, man?
Kuzeye gidip, caddelerde duyuru yapacagiz.
We're going up north to put the word on the streets.
simdi ne yapacagiz?
What'll we do now?
Biz yapacagiz. Siz de yapabilirsiniz.
We're going to do it.
Bayan Michaels, simdi bir çekim denemesi yapacagiz.
Miss Michaels, we're going to do a camera test now.
Dorothy, tatlim, bir deneme yapacagiz. Tamam mi?
Dorothy, honey, we're going to try one.
Bag bozumu kutlamasi dansinin provasini yapacagiz.
I'm practising for the grape harvest.
- Komiserim, ne yapacagiz?
- Lieutenant, what's next?
- Nasil yapacagiz bunu?
( PHONE RINGING ) How do we do that?
Nasil yapacagiz peki bunu?
Look, I keep telling you, Sabrina.
simdi ne yapacagiz?
What do we do now?
Geçen Cuma, binadan çikarken... Sen, "Yemekte ne yapacagiz?" dedin
Last Friday, as we left the apartment... you said, "What are we doing for dinner?"
- Öyleyse ne yapacagiz?
- So what are we gonna do?
Ne yapacagiz?
What can we do?
Merak etme, öyle yapacagiz.
- Rest assured, we will.
Bu sehri birlikte dünyanin haber merkezi yapacagiz.
And together we going to make this city the centre for world news.
Mangal yapacagiz.Kertenkele sandovici.
There-There's a-a-a grill with the charcoal b-biscuits.
Cuma gunu o testi anfide yapacagiz?
We still havin'that test on amphibians and reptiles next Friday?
Simdi soyle yapacagiz.
This is what we're gonna do.
Yoksa birlesip bir seyler mi yapacagiz?
Are we going to ante up and do something about it?
Bir seyler yapacagiz!
Come here!
Eger sen hareket ettirmezsen, biz yapacagiz.
If you don't move it, we will move it.
Siradan bir dekorasyon isi yapacagiz.
We're gonna do a proper decoration job.
Zaferimizi kutlamak icin banyo yapacagiz.
We'll just have a bath to seal our victoy.
Ne yapacagiz?
What do we do?
Simdi babam gitti Kardesimi ne yapacagiz?
Now my dad's gone. What do we do about my brother?
Bugün ne yapacagiz?
So what are we doing today?
Until that time, we go to 3-a-day practices.
You continue to ignore each other, we'll go to 4-a-day practices.
We're gonna let these people know who's gonna win state.
They're spreading us out too far.
Ve biz ne yapacagiz?
And what are WE doing?
Ailen içinde sana öneri yapacagiz.
We are going to make some suggestions for your parents'data soon.
biliyorum, yani... ne yapacagiz?
and I know you want me to, so what do we do?
Bret ve ben Cuma aksami yemek yapacagiz.
Brett and I are cooking dinner on Friday night.

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