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Yatagina traducir inglés

29 traducción paralela
- Geç yatagina.
Get in bed.
Ve sen, bile, en iyi arkadasina kapiyi gösterip yatagina gideceksin.
And you, too, will shove your best friend out the door and go to bed.
Onu yatagina götür ve doktor çagir.
Take him to bed and call the doctor.
Yatagina dön Polly.
You go back to bed, Polly.
Yatagina dön canim.
Go back to bed, sweetheart.
Sadece yatagina git.
Now just go back to bed.
Basbakan bugünkü konusmasinda hicbir vatandasin yatagina ac gitmeyecegine ve herkesin bir evi olacagina dair garanti verdi.
In his speech today our Prime Minister has assured he people that no citizen will have to go to sleep without food and everybody will have a home to live.
Samansa'yi yukari çikarip güven içinde yatagina yatirdi.
She got Samantha upstairs and safely to bed.
Jesus... yatagina git.
Jesus... go to sleep.
Ve onu saat 8 de yatagina götür.
And you put them to bed at 8.
Bobby, yatagina dön.
Bobby. Go back to bed.
Max ve ben pizza ismarladik, sonra onu yatagina yatirdim.
I mean, Max and I ordered pizzas, then I put him to bed.
Onun yatagina kendim gittim.
I got into his bed.
Ve sonra Laura, senin en seksi hastan hayatta tek dilegi yatagina girebilmek çünkü saniyor ki tüm cinsel sorunlarini çözecek.
And then laura comes along, your sexiest patient yet, and her only wish in life is to get you into bed because she thinks that's gonna solve all of her sexual hangups.
- Onun yatagina ben gittim.
- I got him to his bed.
- Git yatagina.
- Get to bed.
Seni Tyson'a ve o sicak rahat yatagina geri götürecegiz
We're gonna get you back to Tyson And your cozy tiger bed
Gecenin ucunde herkes İbrahim hastalandi diye kalkmisti ve o tuvaleti bulamayip, Katya'nin yatagina kusmustu.
At 3 : 00 a.m., when everyone's awake because Ibrahim is sick and he can't find the bathroom and he just puked in Katya's bed.
- Onu yatagina birakin! - Hepsi gitmek zorundalar.
- Put him back in his bed!
Bu gece annemin yatagina gidebilecegimi hiç sanmiyorum
Tonlght, I don't think I'll go to my mum's bed.
Git bir dus al ve yatagina gir.
Get yourself a shower and go to bed.
Riley, yatagina git.
Riley, go to bed.
En son yatagina girdigimde bir adami öldürüp suçu bana atmistin.
The last time I was in your bed, you murdered a man and blamed me for it.
Yatagina git, tatlim.
Go to bed, honey
Yatagina git.
Go to bed.
Sonra, yatagina oturup sohbet ettik, birbirimize komik suratlar yaptik.
And after that we just hung out on his bed and talked and made goofy faces at each other.
On karavanin uzerinden atlayip su yatagina inecegim.
- Yeah. I gotta jump over ten trailers and land on a waterbed.
Eski yatağina kivrilip uyuyor.
He just crawls into his old bed and sleeps.
Malinger in your own bed, Mrs. Munchausen!

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