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Şahaneydi traducir inglés

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This is great.
- Şahaneydi!
She was magnificent!
Bu şahaneydi!
Oh, that's wonderful!
Ama mehtap şahaneydi.
But the moon was magnificent.
It was great!
Kusursuzdu, şahaneydi, efendim.
Pops, it was... Sir, it was flawless, brilliant.
Ciddiyim konuşman şahaneydi.
Your speech was really great and I mean it.
Ama sonra şahaneydi!
But later on, it was fantastic!
Şahaneydi, oğlum.
- That's gorgeous, man.
- Şahaneydi.
- Marvelous.
Tam anlamıyla şahaneydi.
It was absolutely fantastic.
Aslında işler şahaneydi.
In fact, business was marvellous.
Sesin şahaneydi.
Your voice was superb.
Muharebe talimleri şahaneydi.
Their battle drill was fantastic.
Carlo, şahaneydi.
Carlo, it was wonderful.
Yemeği tadı yoktu, ama çok iddialı sunulmuştu. Ama ikinci bölüm şahaneydi.
The food was tasteless, presented very pretentiously.
- Şahaneydi.
- It was extraordinary.
- Şahaneydi.
- Wonderful.
Her şey şahaneydi.
Thanks very much. It was wonderful.
- Bu akşamkiler şahaneydi.
- What I tried tonight was terrific.
Bence şahaneydi.
I thought it was great.
- Hayvanlar.Gerçekten şahaneydi.
- Animals. Really fantastic. Really smashing.
O an şahaneydi.
I had the moment.
- Şahaneydi.
- It was fantastic.
Bir noktada şahaneydi.
At one point it was remarkable.
- İkinci bölüm şahaneydi.
- The second act was wonderful.
Et şahaneydi değil mi?
Wasn't the veal fabulous?
It was wonderful.
Her zaman şahaneydi.
It was always choice.
Rahibe Concepta ; "Geçen sene buradaki ayin şahaneydi" dedi.
Sister Concepta said that last year's Mass here was fabulous.
Şahaneydi. Peder Harry Coyle'u izledik.
Fantastic, Father Harry Coyle there.
Şahaneydi. "Do That Thing You Do."
Because they do That thing you do!
Bu geceki konser şahaneydi.
- No, but I heard it was great. - Oh, thanks. Thanks.
Tatilim dinlendiriciydi, şahaneydi, harikaydı.
Oh, my vacation was restful, resplendent, magnificent.
Bu çok şahaneydi.
It was so glorious...
İblisi Angel'a sıçratman şahaneydi Will.
- Puttin'that demon into Angel was brill.
Gerçekten şahaneydi.
Really bitchen.
Yaptığın şahaneydi.
What you're doing is fabulous!
1933-45 yıllarında Stalin yönetimindeki Sovyetler Birliği'ne kıyasla 45'ten 46-47'ye kadarki Almanya şahaneydi.
And comparable to the Soviet Union under Stalin in 1935 to'45, '45 to'46-47 in Germany was, er, wonderful.
Evet şahaneydi.
Yes it was delightful.
— Şahaneydi, Şef. Güzel şovdu!
— That was wonderful, Chef.
Şahaneydi çocuklar!
That was Cher-iffic boys!
Yulaf ezmesi ile yaptığın o şey, şahaneydi.
That whole thing you did about oatmeal... fantastic.
Oh, bu şahaneydi.
Oh, that was wonderful.
- Evet, saçları da şahaneydi.
Yeah, and he had great hair.
Tek kelimeyle... şahaneydi.
It was... really charming.
- Bu şahaneydi, kardeşim.
- That was ice-cold, bro.
- Ama son fikrim şahaneydi.
- But this last idea was incredible.
It was awesome.
- Şahaneydi.
- lt's fantastic.

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