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You're bothering me about a few brats?
¿ Y para eso me molesta?
Şarkısı "I'm Wild About Harry".
Y la canción es "Estoy loca por Harry".
Don't you know any better than to bring your brats here today of all days... when Senor Gallardo is about to make his first formal appearance... in his hometown?
¿ No se les ocurre nada mejor que traer a sus mocosos hoy justamente... cuando el señor Gallardo está por hacer su primera aparición formal en su ciudad?
Sesinde bana karşı bir öfke var, Marthe.
Well, you sound very bitter about me, Marthe.
Forget about it.
It's not really easy to like something you know nothing about.
No es nada fácil Es algo que no conoce.
Do you know about it?
¿ Que sabes acerca de eso?
Please remember how l feel about you l could never really live without you
Por favor recuerda lo que siento por ti. Realmente nunca podría vivir sin ti.
Saldırı filosu hakkında daha fazla şey öğrenmeye çalışıyorum.
Trato de descubrir un poco mas sobre esa flota de invasión, I'm trying to discover a little more about this invasion fleet, querida.
Evet, Zarbi, Spearhead'e gitmek için burayı terk ettti.
Sí, la Zarbi ha dejado aquí para ir a la punta de lanza. It's just about...
# Nedendir
♪ Why think ♪ ♪ About ♪
# Eğer ruhum İmparatorun yanında olursa # # Kendim için endişelenmem #
If my spirit can be near the Emperor I would not be regretful about myself
Tanrım, almak üzere olduklarımız için about to receive... bizi minnettar kıI.
Señor, por lo que vamos a recibir
"Talking about very free and easy."
"Talking about very free and easy."
"... to dream about.
"... to dream about. I know her. "
"... and felt about each other. "
"... and felt about each other. "
I can't have them gossiping about the clients.
No pueden chismear sobre los clientes.
Yiyecekleri ile ilgili öğrenebileceğim her şeyi öğrenmeliyim.
I must find out everything I can about his food.
bana ne yapmaya calistigini düsün.
~ Think about what you're trying to do to me
Thinkabout whatyou're trying to do to me
~ Think about what you're trying to do to me
Hey, thinkabout it
~ Hey, think about it
You, thinkabout it
~ You, think about it
- Yeah, thinkabout it, baby
~ - Yeah, think about it, baby
To the bone Thinkabout it right now
~ To the bone Think about it right now
- Thinkabout it, baby
~ - Think about it, baby
Thinkabout it, baby
~ Think about it, baby
Thinkabout it, yeah, yeah
~ Think about it, yeah, yeah
Thinkabout it
~ Think about it
O konuda düsünmeyi biraksan iyi edersin.
~ You had better ~ Stop and think about it
Well, lheardabout the fella you've been dancing with
~ Well, I heard about the fella you've been dancing with
And what about the frug
~ And what about the frug
What about the bugaloo
~ What about the bugaloo
She hada dream about the King ofSweden
~ She had a dream about the King of Sweden
They're talking about it all up and down the "superslab."
Todo el mundo sabe de la barricada.
I guess you must have misconstrued my remark... about my mother planning to purchase Southern California... as an attempt to influence your giving me a ticket, Officer.
- Firme aquí. - No creerá que cuando le dije del plan de mi madre para comprar California era un intento de evitar que me boleteara, oficial.
The closer we get to Mithra... the more everyone gets to thinking about being redesigned.
Al acercarse a Mithra... todos tiemblan porque los van a rediseñar.
Photographs about which you've had hallucinations... which you believed you held in your hand.
Fotografías sobre las cuales has tenido alucinaciones... que hasta pensaste que las tuviste en las manos.
Say what you were about to say, Winston.
Di lo que estabas a punto de decir, Winston.
I don't know anything about that!
¡ No sé nada de eso!
Nobody does that and lives to talk about it.
Nadie que haya hecho eso sobrevive.
That's what being a man is all about.
Eso es ser un hombre.
"Wanna tell you a story about a guy with a roll"
"Ésta es la historia de un tío con suerte"
Sanırım Mr Brewster'e vasiyetname şartlarından bahsetmek yeterince insaflı olur. about the conditions of the will.
Es lo unico agradable para decir Señor Brewster acerca de las condiciones del finado.
Fransızca hakkında fazla bir şey bilmiyorum seninle beraber olmak ne kadar harika bir dünya...
Don't know much about the French I took could be with you what a wonderful world...
Aşkını elde edebilirim tarih hakkında fazla bilmiyorum ve bilmiyorum seni ne kadar çok sevdiğimi ve senin de beni sevdiğini bilirsem dünya ne kadar harika olur.
I can win your love for me Don't know much about history don't know much that I love you and I know that if you love me too what a wonderful world this would be.
You didn't say anything about going out.
No me dijiste que saldrías.
I keep thinking about the hospital.
Sigo pensando en el hospital.
Düşen her damlayı saymak beni öfkelendiriyor...
Counting every drop About to blow my top
"... about a-working all summer, just to try and earn a dollar. "
"... about a-working all summer, just to try and earn a dollar. "
"Don't bother about the love I gave."
"Don't bother about the love I gave."
"Going to dream about her, I know I am."
"Going to dream about her, I know I am."

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