Through traducir francés
343 traducción paralela
Whisper through the garden
Murmurent dans le jardin
Bir tanesi "Nehrin Üzerinde ve Ormanların İçinde" dir.
L'une d'elle est "Over the River and Through the Woods".
Something fell through in Washington and I have to take basic training.
D'habitude, tu sais feindre un tendre baiser au déjeuner.
Ama kesinlikle, tekrarlıyorum kesinlikle, "Marching Through Georgia" olmasın.
mais surtout pas, "Marcher sur la Géorgie."
" Sonrasında gece bütün yıldızları gördü.
- The stars were already gleaming "through up".
Bütün bildiğim bu fikre burada bana annen verdi, and I'm just bound to go through with it.
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que j'ai cette idée que votre mère m'a donnée et j'irai jusqu'au bout.
Şimdi bir kez de tek başınıza söyleyin.
Now, once through, on your own.
# All I do is dream of you the whole night through
" Je rêve de toi toute la nuit.
" A knight riding through the glade
Harpe - L'amour passa dans la clairière
What I went through to make all this come true.
C'est la Police Routière de la Californie.
Hey, clear the way in the old bazaar, Hey you, let us through, it's a bright new star, Oh, come, be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Bande de veinards, Dégagez le bazar Vous allez voir Ce que vous allez voir Venez applaudir, venez acclamer La star des stars
Through an endless diamond sky
Sous un ciel de purs diamants!
We'll fight them here, inch by inch, through the town if necessary. - Yes, sir.
Nous allons les combattre ici, mètre par mètre, à travers la ville si nécessaire.
General Ewell, I had hoped that after moving through the town you would've taken that hill.
Général Ewell, j'avais espéré qu'après avoir traversé la ville... Vous auriez pris cette colline.
Kalın çizgileri ve parlak yıldızlarıyla,
Through the perilous fight
Tanıtladılar tüm gece,
- Gave proof through the night
# That's what gets me through #
"Voilà ce qui me fait tenir"
She'll make it through the night.
Elle tiendra la nuit.
you are through here.
Vous êtes fichu.
Let's not go through that again.
Nous n'allons pas recommencer.
Beni birçok eğitici filmden hatırlarsınız Alice's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass ve The Decapitation of Larry Leadfoot gibi.
Vous m'avez vu dans des films pédagogiques comme : Les aventures d'Alice à travers le pare-brise et La Décapitation de Larry Pied-Lourd.
Yaşadık bir başka günü kutlamak için iyi bir bahane
We lived through another day It s a good excuse to celebrate
We're able to share our experiences through a telepathic link.
Nous pouvons partager nos expériences par lien télépathique.
Focus on American content production. Make Hoffmann pay through the nose.
Qu'il se concentre sur le contenu.
High above him, there's a swallow winging swiftly through the sky.
Au dessus de lui, se trouve une ombre volant rapidement à travers le ciel.
How the winds are laughing, they laugh with all their might laugh and laugh the whole day through...
Comme les nuages rigolent, ils rigolent de toute leur puissance ils rigolent toute la journée...
O içeride buz dolabını tamir ediyor. So I gather you and Donna are going through a rough patch.
Il est en train de réparer mon frigo.
Siz "Through" yu "T-H-R-U" diye yazıyorsunuz, bunda hemfikirim, çünkü biz onu "T-I-R-A-F" gibi yazıyoruz.
Mais vous écrivez "through" T-H-R-U, et je suis d'accord parce qu'on l'écrit "thruff".
Bunları yapabilmeni çok isterim. Bunları yaparsam siz sıradan kötüleri sömestr tatiline kadar oyalayabilir... is keep the run-Of-The-Mill unholy forces at bay through midterms misiniz? Yaz tatilinde de dönerim.
- Si je le fais, alors il vous suffit de tuer les forces impies pendant le trimestre, et je serai là pour la fête annuelle et à chaque période de vacances après ça.
- [PoolBalls Clacking] - / Looking through sympathetic eyes /
[Pool Balls Clacking] / Looking through sympathetic eyes /
"Through the perilous fight"
Dans les combats périlleux
Tıpkı dikenlerin arasından geçer gibi yavasça
Just as slow, crossing through the thorns
through the perilous night!
"through the perilous night!"
'Hey, hey Donna, I wanna sing to you, hey hey hey Donna, no one else will ever do, I've waited so long for school to be through,
Je veux chanter pour toi Personne d'autre ne le fera J'attends depuis si longtemps
A thing through which you can tinkle, Or play with, or simply let hang...
Un truc que vous pouvez faire tinter Ou laisser traîner.
I'll run it through our high-speed Romance-A-Logical Datafier.
Insérons la carte dans notre détecteur d'atomes crochus.
# En yoğundan en zayıfa kadar.
# Through the thick and thin
# Bakardı bana görmeden, farkıma varmadan...
# Look right through me, look right through me
You can't go through life being scared. If you do, you'll always wonder, "What if?"
Cesse de vivre dans la crainte, Marty... ou tu te demanderas toujours :
- You through?
- Vous êtes rassasié?
Keg coming through.
On livre les fûts! Salut, Preston.
~ Tüm gün boyunca ~
~ All day through ~ ~ All day through ~
You propose driving through a busy city with a captive poIiceman.
Vous proposez de traverser une ville animée avec un policier prisonnier.
They're in charge from the start, driving a stake through your heart.
Elles sont au gouvernail, et brisent ton coeur en éclats.
Düşen gölgelerin içinden
Through shadows falling
Pekala, lise için düzgün bir yolculuk dilemiştim, ama bu da işe yarar.
Okay, I was wishing for smooth sailing through high school, mais ceci fonctionnera.
Wandered through each other's secrets
On vagabondait sur les sentiers de nos secrets
¤'Alevler içinde bir ormana dalacağım. ¤'
¤'I will run through a forest offlames ¤'
¤'Eğer yaşadıklarımızın hepsi gerçekleşmese. ¤'
¤'If it weren't for all the things we ve been through ¤'
# I walked through the halls of karma #
Oh! - Allez viens, mec!
And it ripped right through the flesh
Qui tranchèrent