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Admired traduction Espagnol

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We're about to create a work of art here, a masterpiece, a masterpiece that's gonna be discussed and talked about a And admired for centuries.
Vamos a crear una obra de arte aquí... una obra maestra que será analizada y admirada durante siglos.
A masterpiece that'll be discussed, admired, and studied for centuries to come.
Una obra de arte que será analizada, admirada... y estudiada en los próximos siglos.
You can only be held responsible, you can only be found guilty or admired or respected... for things you did of your own free will.
Solo se te puede hacer responsable, solo puedes ser encontrado culpable, o admirado y respetado por cosas que has hecho por tu propio libre albedrío.
Damn, I've always admired Melinda's spunk.
Joder. - Siempre admiré el valor de Melinda.
I have admired your firm for quite awhile. I figured now would be a great time to join forces. Unfortunately, we're downsizing.
Y, valore, si hay alguien, eso viene de nuevo bastante ayune hacia arriba, entonces, usted es esto. ¿ No verdadero?
We'll his kid admired the guy so much That he took his name And then eventually stopped seeing his dad altogether
Su hijo le admiraba tanto que se puso su apellido.
I admired that.
Yo admiraba eso.
- He admired my
- ¿ Está sorprendida de mí?
We admired him, butwe all hated him because he didn'thave to join the Party.
Lo admiramos como director, pero lo odiamos porque sin pertenecer al partido, tenía todos los privilegios.
"The JewcomposerSchonberg is admired bythe Jewish lnternational."
".. el compositor judío Schonberg es admirado por la judería internacional. "
I admired her very much.
Yo la admiraba mucho.
But he admired, I think like, passion and commitment and loyalty.
Pero admiraba, creo la pasión, el compromiso y la lealtad.
I think, as a director I think that what we all admired the most was that it was a single vision.
Como director creo que lo que más admirábamos era su visión única.
He's a man I loved and admired with all the difficulties he had with him.
Lo he amado y admirado con todas las dificultades que tenía consigo.
Jung-ho admired Bruce Lee a lot.
Jung-ho era un fan de Bruce Lee.
Because I admired him for being so different.
Porque lo admiraba por ser tan distinto.
Watching both of you, I've always admired your great will.
Al mirarlos a ustedes... siempre he admirado su gran voluntad.
Not because you're queer or because you admired his balls.
No porque seas maricón o oprque te gustaban sus pelotas.
You want to be admired, Baye Sogi's worthy successor, the one who clears the fog away.
Quieres ser admirado, ser el digno sucesor de Baye Sogi, el que nos libra de la niebla.
Was much admired by Butcher Lin! Later, I learn from McMug...
Despues, se enteró por McMug que Butcher Lin era discípulo del gran rey del Kung Fu.
Merely that you admired her, but you were hesitant to make an overture... since you'd been told she was courting another.
Que la admirabas, pero que vacilabas porque te dijeron que ella cortejaba a otro.
Ms. Morgan, I hate to bother you, but I've admired you for a while and -
Señora Morgan, siento molestarla, pero siempre la he admirado y...
What I've always admired.
Lo que siempre he admirado.
Well, you know, I must say, Daphne, I've admired your resolve the past few days.
Bueno, sabes, Daphne, debo decir que admiro tu determinación.
- I've admired your work for years.
He admirado tu trabajo por años.
And I can assure you the real Madeline admired you tremendously.
Y te aseguro que la verdadera Madeline te admiraba inmensamente.
And I respected and admired him.
Y yo lo respetaba y lo admiraba.
You know, I've always admired you, Augustus, for being your own man, for keeping- - especially in this place- - a sense of decency and honor.
Sabes, siempre te he admirado, Augustus, por ser tu propio ser humano, por mantener, especialmente en este lugar, un sentido de la decencia y el honor.
- l've admired you for years.
- Llevo años admirándolo.
He told her he admired her balls.
Le dijo que ella realmente tenía bolas.
Now, you will not be held accountable for anything that has happened up till this point, in fact, you will be admired for the noble attempt you have made to honor your predecessor's commitment a commitment that has been exploited by that corrupt and self-destructive regime in South Vietnam.
Y nadie podrá echarle en cara nada de lo ocurrido hasta este punto... de hecho, Vd. Será admirado... por intentar ser fiel al compromiso de su predecesor... un compromiso que ha sido totalmente dinamitado... por el régimen corrupto y autodestructivo de Vietnam del Sur.
A perfectly decent life that I've always admired.
Una vida decente que siempre he admirado.
I've always admired you, Kent... but I had no idea you could be such a caring, good person.
Siempre te he admirado, Kent. Pero no tenía ni idea de que pudieras ser una persona tan buena y cariñosa.
I admired their, uh, courage.
Admiro su valentía.
Miss Fairfax, ever since I met you... I have admired you more than any girl... I have ever met since I met you.
Srta. Fairfax, desde que la conocí... la he admirado más que a cualquier chica... que alguna vez haya conocido desde...
To them, I'm a writer that Kay admired.
Para ellos, sólo soy un escritor a quien Kay admiraba.
To be admired.
Para admirarlas, ¿ no?
No doubt you've noticed and admired... the dress that I wear before you this afternoon.
Sin duda, habrá observado y admirado... el vestido que llevo puesto.
I have admired you for years and have... a complete collection of your press notices.
Le he admirado durante años y tengo... una colección completa de sus noticias de prensa.
If I'm to be completely honest with myself, I've always admired some of the ideas behind Cubism.
Si voy a ser honesto conmigo mismo, siempre admiré algunas de las ideas detrás del cubismo.
Imagine what it feels like to be admired all day long.
Imagínense qué se siente que te admiren todo el día.
Ali and Jackie Kennedy were considered the two most admired women in America.
Ali y Jackie Kennedy eran las mujeres más admiradas de América.
And so successful, loved and admired all over the world.
Y tanto éxito, amado y admirado en todo el mundo.
- I've been an admired of your work for many years and...
- He admirado su trabajo por muchos años y quisiera...
But I've always admired your great political skills.
Pero siempre admiré... tu gran habilidad política.
We spurn the thoughts of such a sage... while he ´ s admired abroad in China.
Nosotros rechazamos los pensamientos de este sabio mientras es admirado fuera, en China.
This merely proves that your talent is more admired than mine.
Esto simplemente demuestra que tu talento es más admirado que el mío.
He's very much admired here.
Un cineasta sumamente admirado aquí.
We respected and admired Glauber... for his cinema, which we had seen... the Cinema Novo movement and what he meant in it.
En fin, el respecto, la admiración que todos teníamos por él... por el cine que habíamos visto... todo el movimiento del Cine Novo y su importancia dentro de ese movimiento.
The man used to be admired by people of all walks of life.
Gente de todos los niveles sociales lo admiraban.
Siempre he admirado a la gente creativa.

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