Against all odds traduction Espagnol
213 traduction parallèle
I didn't like this boy to begin with, but no man that wasn't sincere could stage a fight like this against all odds.
No me gustaba ese chico, pero ningún hombre que no fuese sincero podría llevar a cabo una lucha así contra todas las cosas posibles.
Do you think of Negroes as weak men competing against all odds?
¿ Ve a los negros como débiles compitiendo con todo en contra?
" On he plods against all odds
'Trabajando contra viento y marea
I think it's so gallant that the poor countess was struggling against all odds...
Creo que tiene valor la pobre condesa, luchando contra todas las dificultades...
As I was saying, the exceptional years were 1541, 1694, 1728 and 1888, when, against all odds, it snowed on July 13th.
Como iba diciendo, los años insólitos fueron 1541, 1694 1728 y 1888 cuando ocurrió algo muy extraño.
"Maybe if I'd given him 10 minutes, " against all odds, he would have changed my mind.
"Si le hubiera concedido diez minutos, quizá habría cambiado de parecer".
Against all odds, what is expected never happens.
Contra todo pronóstico. Io esperado no se cumple.
Now we've got to deal with it. We've got to test our loyalty against all odds.
Tenemos que enfrentarlo, poner a prueba nuestras lealtades.
I'm going back, against all odds.
Voy a volver, como sea.
Against all odds and as a matter of fact, and with this table not being occupied we should celebrate our reunion.
Aunque de hecho parezca increíble, y con aquella mesa desocupada debemos celebrar nuestra reunión.
- Against all odds, I'd say.
- Contra todo pronóstico, diría yo.
Against all odds, I have arrived here.
No obstante, hacia allí era donde yo me dirigía.
He will try and try and try, against all odds, against all prejudices, to get home.
Tratarán una y otra vez contra viento y marea contra todos los prejuicios de volver al hogar.
It allows us to do great things, like saving a landmark against all odds.
Esto nos permite hacer grandes cosas, como salvar un punto de referencia contra todo pronóstico.
And there, against all odds against the merciless logic of the universe itself he thrived.
Contra todo pronóstico, contra la cruel lógica del universo... prosperó.
Especially songs like In The Air Tonight and Against All Odds.
Sobre todo en canciones como "In The Air Tonight" y "Against All Odds."
Against all odds, and your own natures... you have survived!
Contra todo contra nuestra propia naturaleza... Han sobrevivido.
Unexpectedly and against all odds, that day I found my true vocation.
( Valentín ) Inesperadamente y con todos en mi contra yo había encontrado ese día mi verdadera vocación.
Tom, over five years ago, doctors told actor Christopher Reeve that he would never walk again. But the resilient actor fought back, struggled against all odds, and has now built his very own Legion of Doom.
Tom, hace unos cinco años, los médicos le dijeron a Christopher Reeve, que no podría volver a caminar, pero el resistente actor lucho para volver a hacerlo, ha luchado contra todas las probabilidades, y ahora ha creado su propia Legión de la Perdición.
Against all odds, my tumour disappeared.
Contra todo pronóstico, mi tumor desapareció.
Only a few hours ago, I received word that a small group of people survived in New York City against all odds and in the face of tremendous adversity.
Hace unas horas, me avisaron que un pequeño grupo de gente sobrevivió en Nueva York a pesar de todo y ante una tremenda adversidad.
Against all odds, we survived.
Contra todos los riesgos, sobrevivimos.
'She has a body like a flower filled with honey'l will arrest you in my embrace'l will guard you against all odds
Tiene un cuerpo como una flor repleta de miel Te encerraré en mi abrazo Te protegeré de todo lo malo
They won one of the best games of all time against all odds.
Acaban de ganar uno de los mejores partidos de todos los tiempos contra todo pronóstico.
At last, after eight months on the river and against all the odds, in August, 1542, 0rellana reached the mouth of the Amazon,
Al final, después de ocho meses de travesía y contra todos los pronósticos, en Agosto de 1542, Orellana alcanzó la desembocadura del Amazonas.
With all the odds against him... he bet on Stardust at the Melbourne Cup.
Con todas las probabilidades en contra de él... apostó a Stardust en la copa de Melbourne.
The instant any attempt is made... to use these air fields for bombing raids... against the Japanese homeland, the jaws will close... launching off another surface struggle for air bases... with the odds all in favor of the Japs... whose supply lines are much shorter than ours.
En el momento que intentemos... usar esas bases para bombardear... las islas japonesas, responderán rápidamente... mediante una ofensiva terrestre contra las bases aéreas, y con todo su favor... porque sus líneas de suministros son más cortas
If you do, you'll have thrown away everything you've done... all you've built up for your country and yourself... with such labor against such odds.
Si lo hace, habrá tirado todo lo que ha hecho, todo lo que ha construido para su país y para usted, con tanto trabajo y frente a tantas dificultades.
All this monkey business with the training to run the odds up against Marlowe, and you're not really training at all.
Esta publicidad es para que crean que Marlowe perderá. Y en realidad, no te has entrenado.
Well, losing Frank and all, that only puts us two against one. Now, a man like Cody, that ain't good odds, Ben. - That ain't good odds at all.
Habiendo perdido a Frank nos deja 2 contra 1, y con un hombre como Cody no es una buena proporción, Lane.
Stronger, in fact, because he has to overcome all the odds against him.
Más que fuerte, pues debe vencer lo que hay en su contra.
The force which drove that woman towards the fulfilment of her biological animal urge to procreate against all the odds? Was this force more important than sacrificing herself for a man who lived at her side, who suffered, who thought, who loved and who needed her and who chose death when she left him?
¿ la fuerza que empuja a las mujeres a cumplir su instinto biológico de dar a luz a pesar de todo, era más importante que dedicarse al hombre que vivía con ella, sufría, pensaba, amaba y la necesitaba?
Leading his troops against overwhelming odds... with shells bursting all around him... until that one shell with his name on it caught up with him.
Comandaba a sus tropas en una épica batalla, con los proyectiles silbando a su alrededor hasta que el que iba dirigido a él lo alcanzó.
What are the odds against finding a pocket full of coins all dated the same?
¿ Cuales son las probabilidades de encontrar una cartera llena de monedas de la misma fecha?
Look, first of all the odds are four to one against there being any problem at all this time.
Mira, en primer lugar, las posibilidades de que algo salga mal esta vez son 1 contra 4.
And all of a sudden you strive to fuck, all odds against, has if nothing had happened.
Y de repente te empeñas en follar, con todo en contra, Como si no hubiese pasado nada.
A man with a record of success against all the odds.
Un hombre con un record de éxitos contra todos los pronósticos.
I appreciate all your cooperation, considering all the odds against you.
Aprecio su cooperación, considerando todas las pruebas en su contra.
The odds against getting them all wrong are huge.
Las posibilidades de poner todas mal son enormes.
Short-stacked and long odds against, all their outs gone, one last card in the deck that can help them.
Pocas fichas y muchas chances en contra todas sus salidas tapadas. Una última carta en el mazo que los puede ayudar.
That is why I set up the Ali G Foundation to reward children who'as done amazing'fings against all de odds. So tonight is our first Kids Wiv Courage Awards.
que han hecho cosas increíbles contra todo pronóstico así que está noche son los primeros Premios Críos con Koraje
I painted it because I thought we could all use a daily reminder that if you believe in yourself, even when the odds seem stacked against you anything's possible.
La pinté para que recordemos que si creemos en nosotros mismos aunque todo esté en contra podremos lograr cualquier cosa.
" And against all possible odds, we did it.
¿ Toda la noche despiertos y contra todas las posibilidades lo logramos?
Andy Mochan is alive today because he took a huge risk... when all the odds were stacked against him.
Andy Mochan está vivo hoy porque arriesgó desmedidamente... cuando todo parecía estar en contra.
All I ´ m really doing with this system is evening my odds against the dealer?
¿ Solo veo mis probabilidades en contra del que tira?
This happened against all the odds.
Esto acabó con todas las probabilidades.
Against all the odds she has finally given birth.
En contra de todas las posibilidades, ella finalmente ha parido a su cría.
The one who fought against all rational odds
El que luchó contra viento y marea
But, against all the odds, pipping those two by a single point, are this year's winners of the striking competition -
Pero, contra todo pronóstico, estos dos equipos fueron superados por un punto, y este año el ganador en la competencia de campanas es,
Would you do it against all odds?
- ¿ No lo harías? - No.
Against all the odds Satan could muster.
Han vencido los designios de Satanás.
odds 32
odds are 57
again 7789
against 107
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
odds are 57
again 7789
against 107
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108