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And as far as i'm concerned traduction Espagnol

394 traduction parallèle
As far as I'm concerned, there's only two kinds of people : Right and wrong.
En lo que a mí concierne, hay dos tipos de personas... buenas y malas.
And he can stay out as far as I'm concerned.
Y puede quedarse fuera por lo que a mí respecta.
I'm glad I said it. And as far as I'm concerned, to the devil with all of you!
Me alegro de haberlo dicho y, por lo que a mí respecta, ¡ pueden irse todos al infierno!
So far as you're concerned, I'm through and went.
He terminado contigo.
And as far as I'm concerned, you're number one girl in the archipelago.
Y en lo que a mí concierne, tú eres la chica número uno en el archipiélago.
Then you can go out and bite something and get lockjaw as far as I'm concerned.
Luego puedes salir a morder algo y pillar el tétanos por lo que a mí se refiere.
Yes, lock it up and throw away the key, as far as I'm concerned.
Sí, por mí, cierra y arroja la llave.
As far as I'm concerned, you and old Campbell and the whole blasted army can go to blazes.
Y por lo que a mi concierne, tu y el viejo Campbell y el maldito ejército pueden irse al infierno.
Yes, and as far as I'm concerned, Morgan, you can keep goin'down and down and down.
En lo que a mí respecta, Morgan, puedes continuar bajando y bajando.
And, Mac, as far as I'm concerned, you can settle it any way you like.
Y, Mac, en lo que a mí concierne, arréglelo como quiera.
Now listen to me, young man. Nobody tells me what I can't do or where I can't go. And as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Geoffrey Leigh, you can go jump in the lake - river!
Escúchame, jovencito, nadie me dice lo qué puedo hacer ni adónde puedo ir o no y, por lo que a mí se refiere, ya te puedes tirar al lago.
And all I have to say to you is that as far as I'm concerned you're legally dead.
Todo Io que tengo que decirte... es que por Io que a mí respecta estás legalmente muerto.
And as far as i'm concerned, the devil can keep it!
Que el diablo se quede con este lugar.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't any third party and there isn't any book.
En lo que a mí concierne, no hay una tercera persona y no hay un libro.
And as far as I'm concerned, he simply doesn't exist.
En lo que a mí se refiere, ya no existe.
Well you used to be one of us, and, as far as I'm concerned, you still are.
Eras uno de los nuestros, y, por lo que a mí respecta, aún lo eres.
Now, as far as I'm concerned she and you and he can go wherever you wanna go.
Y ahora, sin que me importe, ella, tú y él, os podéis ir donde queráis.
As far as I'm concerned, it's in the next issue, and Mr. Craven will have read it in a half hour.
Por mi, estará en el próximo número, y el Sr. Craven lo habrá leído dentro de media hora.
And as far as I'm concerned, it still is.
Para mí lo sigue siendo.
No-one else. And as far as I'm concerned, you've turned out to be a first-class heel.
Estás actuando como un canalla.
Well, I hate to disappoint you, gentlemen, but the program as far as I'm concerned is one cigar, another drink and early to bed.
Siento decepcionaros, pero en lo que a mí respecta, el plan es un puro, otra copa y acostarme pronto.
When I see a gun pointed in my direction, so far as I'm concerned, I'm part and parcel to that deal, and I'm gonna act accordingly.
Cuando veo que me apunta un arma, hasta donde se, soy parte de ese asunto. y actúo como se debe.
And he can stay lost as far as I'm concerned.
Por mí, que no lo encuentre nunca.
And to coin a phrase... as far as I'm concerned, you can stew in your own juice!
Y para acuñar una frase, en lo que a mi respecta... pueden freírse en su propia sartén.
As far as I'm concerned, the past is over and forgotten.
Por lo que respecta a mí, está todo olvidado.
As far as she and everyone at the club is concerned, I'm just Johnny Hackett. A very shady character.
Para ella y todos los del club, sólo soy Johnny Hackett, un personaje oscuro.
And as far as I'm concerned, - Yeah? - "vi-ce ver-sa."
En cuanto a mí lo mismo te digo.
As far as I'm concerned, it's all past and done with.
Por lo que a mí respecta, el asunto está cerrado.
And right now, as far as I'm concerned, this talk is finished.
Y por lo que a mí respecta, le diré que hemos terminado.
A slimy tricky man of cleverness and cupidity, but so far as I'M concerned, sir, you are so apparent, that your artifice and your guile serve only to show the shallowness and the stupidity of one who tries to confound the truth with smirks and grimaces and a tawdry imitation of frankness and sincerity!
Un gusano tramposo lleno de ingenio y codicia,... pero en lo que a mí respecta, esta totalmente claro que todo su artificio y argucias sólo sirven para mostrar la simpleza y estupidez de alguien que quiere confundir la verdad con muecas y risas y con una chabacana imitación de la sinceridad.
It's all over and done with as far as I'm concerned.
Todo se ha terminado en lo que a mí respecta.
As far as I'm concerned, we aren't your family and you're not our mother.
Por lo que a mi respecta, No somos tu familia, y tu no eres mi madre.
As far as I'm concerned, I Iike things everyone can understand, and that... -.. are useful.
Sin embargo, a mí me gustan las cosas que todos entienden, y que sirven para algo.
And it never has to be as far as I'm concerned.
Y en lo que a mí respecta, no terminará nunca.
As far as I'm concerned you and the hammer and sickle boys can go fight it out among yourselves.
Por lo que a mí respecta, ustedes y los chicos de la hoz y el martillo pueden seguir luchando hasta resolverlo.
As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your horse and keep riding.
Por mí, puedes montar tu caballo y seguir tu camino.
As far as I'm concerned, he can have China, Guadalcanal and the whole stinking Pacific and Pearl Harbor.
Por mí, se pueden quedar con China, Guadalcanal y con todo el asqueroso Pacífico, incluido Pearl Harbor.
Now you're back and maybe you have changed your mind as far as I'm concerned.
"Ahora que ha regresado quizá haya cambiado de intención en lo que a mí concierne".
Suddenly, l`m pulled off that job and sent over here... and plunked down at a desk at this lnter-Service, whatever it is... where, as far as l`m concerned, there`s absolutely nothing to do. All so as I can be with Eileen.
De repente, me sacaron de ahí y me trajeron acá a sentarme en un escritorio de no sé qué Departamento y ya saben, por lo que veo, no hay nada que hacer aquí y todo para que esté con Eileen.
And as far as I'm concerned, you can go too.
Y hasta donde me concierne, tú también te puedes ir.
And as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to the cinema, to have a good laugh.
Y por lo que a mí respecta, me voy al cine, a echarme cuatro risas.
And as far as I'm concerned, you are executive material.
Por lo que a mí concierne, tienes madera de ejecutivo. - ¿ La tengo?
A second administrative assistant has to be a pretty good judge of character. And as far as I'm concerned, you're tops.
Srta. Kubelik, uno no llega a Segundo Asistente Administrativo si no sabe juzgar a las personas, y hasta donde sé, usted es la mejor.
As far as I'm concerned, there's only one bastard in this family and I don't mean it's Rafe.
Por lo que a mí respecta, solo hay un bastardo en esta familia y no me refiero a Rafe.
I'd like you to know I have no hard feelings... and as far as I'm concerned, we're still the same friends.
Quiero que sepas que no te guardo rencor... y por lo que a mí respecta, seguimos siendo igual de amigos.
And as far as blackmail is concerned... you only think I'm going after Nancy.
En lo que concierne al chantaje... sólo piensa que iré tras Nancy.
But, so far as the hotel, immigration and taxi drivers are concerned, I'm here to buy special steel products.
Pero, en lo que concierne al hotel, oficina de inmigración y taxistas, estoy aquí para comprar acero.
I heard you and as far as I'm concerned it stays on.
Te he oído. Y por mí, así se queda.
"Look, Doña Lola, as far as I'm concerned, if you remove the legs and kisses, movies are over for me."
"Mire, doña Lola, para mí, si me quitan las piernas y los besos, se acabó el cine."
This is where you belong and as far as I'm concerned... this is where you're going to stay.
Aquí es adonde perteneces y en lo que a mí concierne... aquí es donde te quedarás.
And as far as I'm concerned... [Doorbell Chimes]
Pero en lo que a mí respecta- -

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