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And as far as i can tell traduction Espagnol

153 traduction parallèle
I put 2 and 2 together, and as far as I can tell, you don't have anybody to depend on.
He estado dándole vueltas, y lo tengo muy claro. Usted está demasiado sola.
In New York, I didn't exactly hang out with a lot of other girls, okay? I mean, I've never even had close girlfriends and as far as I can tell, neither have you.
En Nueva York no tenía demasiado contacto con las otras chicas es más, nunca he tenido una amiga de verdad y por lo que yo sé, tú tampoco.
And as far as I can tell, the husband's on the level.
- No. Y en mi opinión, el marido es sincero.
And as far as I can tell there's no cure.
Y hasta donde sé... No hay cura.
And as far as I can tell, there's no evidence that she has ever left the studio.
Y por lo que yo sé, no hay pruebas de que haya salido del estudio.
And as far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong with that girl.
Y hasta donde yo puedo decir, no me equivoque con esa muchacha.
I've just gone to a certain restaurant for dinner, and I'd understood it to be one that you like, and as far as I can tell, it's lived up to expectations at least 100 percent, I would say.
Hemos venido a este restaurante a cenar y entendí que era el que a ti te gustaba y que yo sepa, estuvo a la altura de tus expectativas yo diría, al cien por ciento.
Then you came along. And as far as I can tell she's still the same person she's always been.
Y hasta donde yo puedo decir, ella sigue siendo la misma persona que siempre ha sido.
And as far as I can tell, you do too.
Y por lo que puedo ver, tú también
You got good instincts... and as far as I can tell, you're a decent supervisor.
Tiene buenos instintos... y hasta donde puedo decir, es un supervisor decente.
And as far as I can tell, my life hasn't added up to much more than a shitbag full of empty promises.
Y hasta donde sé en mi vida no he sido mucho más que un despreciable lleno de promesas vacías.
As for the rest of you, the Daleks will enter the station at Floor 494, and as far as I can tell, they'll head up, not down.
En cuanto al resto de ustedes, los Daleks entrarán en la emisora por la planta 494 y por lo que sé irán hacia arriba, no hacia abajo.
And as far as I can tell, I'm the best-looking person here.
- Me parece... que soy la persona más atractiva de aquí.
And as far as I can tell, they were all made by a right-handed cutter.
Y desde mi punto de vista todos esos cortes fueron hechos por una persona diestra.
And as far as I can tell...
Y por lo que sé- -
His name is Gregory Malina, and as far as I can tell, Katie told
Su nombre es Gregory Malina y hasta dónde sé, Katie dijo...
And As Far As I Can Tell, You're Only Getting Better With Age.
Y hasta donde puedo decir, has mejorado con los años.
And as far as I can tell, you're pretty much full of shit.
Y por lo que veo, usted es un embustero.
As far as I can recall, and it seems funny to tell it now...
Y si no recuerdo mal, esto tiene su gracia contado ahora...
Well, as far as I can tell, he's as strong and as fast as Groppo.
Bueno, lo que puedo decirles es que él es tan fuerte y veloz como Groppo.
Según lo que he visto, parece un tipo muy disciplinado.
Dylan is a young man with, as far as I can tell, absolutely no goals and no ambition whatsoever.
Dylan es un joven que carece, según mi opinión de objetivos y ambición.
The only thing to do as far as I can tell is find a safe harbor and fix the boat.
Lo único que puedo hacer es encontrar un puerto y arreglar el barco.
What you don't know, and, as far as I can tell, haven't bothered in the least to discover is who they are.
Lo que aún no saben y tampoco se han molestado en averiguar es quiénes son.
And I'll tell you the same thing I told her, which is, as far as I'm concerned, the only way she can help you... is by her example.
Te diré lo que le dije a ella : Para mí, la única forma en que puede ayudarte es con su ejemplo.
He'll come up for arraignment tomorrow morning and then, as far as I can tell, he'll probably be released on his own recognizance.
Mañana habrá una vista y probablemente lo suelten bajo fianza.
As far as I can tell, by disarming the Indians and the Chinese you only postponed what was an inevitable resumption of nuclear hostility.
Pero usted desarmó a hindúes y chinos, y eso solamente retrasó la guerra nuclear.
Cos as far as I can tell, we go out, we fly around and we come back.
Porque por lo que yo sé, salimos, volamos y volvemos.
And... as far as I can tell, you never had a contract.
Y... hasta donde sé, tú nunca tuviste un contrato.
As far as I can tell there are still Magog on board and internal defenses won't be restored for another 20 minutes, 17 seconds.
Negativo. Por lo que puedo decir todavía hay Magogs a bordo.... y las defensas internas no se restaurarán por otros 20 minutos y 17 segundos.
As far as I can tell, she's perfectly fit, physically and mentally.
Por lo que puedo decir, ella está totalmente sana... física y mentalmente.
This is a buyer's market and, as far as I can tell, nobody's buying. But those days are over.
Pero esa época se acabó.
As far as I can tell, American Embassy is talking to the D.E. A... and I think they're gonna see this as a big misunderstanding...
Por lo que sé, la embajada de EE.UU Está hablando con la DEA... y creo que van a comprender que esto es un gran malentendido...
And even YOU are hardly in the picture, far as I can tell!
¡ Y tú apenas sales en una foto!
He doesn't talk much and, as far as I can tell... thoroughly enjoys the way I dress.
No habla mucho y creo que le gusta como visto.
Then as far as I can tell, Hammond and SG-1 have done an extraordinary job under very difficult circumstances.
Entonces, por lo que puedo decir, Hammond y el SG-1 han hecho... un extraordinario trabajo bajo unas circunstancias muy difíciles.
You know, it's so funny. What I notice about this group of six is that, as far as I can tell, no one wants to take a leadership position and say,
lo que note de este grupo de seis es que, hasta donde puedo decir, nadie quiere tomar la posición de liderazgo y decir,
The Arabs and the Israelis... are perfectly compatible as far as I can tell.
Los árabes e israelíes... son compatibles, a mi parecer.
And far as I can tell, your life revolves around yourjob.
Parece que tu vida gira en torno a tu trabajo.
As far as I can tell it's a washed id, with a valid social security number and credit card history.
Todo lo que puedo decir es que es una identidad limpia, con un valido número de la seguridad social, y un historial de tarjeta de crédito.
As far as I can tell the only kids in that area who didn't know were Mike Zizzo and the L.O.D.
- Que yo sepa los únicos que no lo sabían eran Mike Zizzo y sus seguidores.
And you know, as far as I can tell, from this equation...
Y como sabes, por lo que puedo decir, de esta ecuación...
As far as I can tell, they're all male and different races.
- No me parece. Por lo que veo, son todos hombres y de distintas razas.
Well, the outer edge of the field extends as far as I can tell in either direction, and it has a slight curve to it. I mean, for all I know, it could form a complete circle.
Bueno, el borde exterior del campo se extiende tan lejos como puedo ver en todas las direcciones y tiene una ligera curva, por lo que sé podría formar un círculo completo.
As far as I can tell, she had a bad day and you're going to jail.
Según parece, ella tuvo un mal día y tú irás a prisión.
No deployments and, as far as I can tell, she never set foot on a ship.
Sin comisiones, y por lo que puedo ver, jamás pisó un barco.
Claudia seems to be falling apart because of it, and joseph, as far as I can tell, is shrugging it off as weird.
Claudia parece desmoronarse a causa de eso... y Joseph hasta donde puedo decir, no le da importancia.
As far as I can tell, we got cops on one side, drug dealers on the other, and Rhonda Brewer caught somewhere in the middle.
Entonces, por lo que puedo ver, tenemos policías de un lado, traficantes por otro, y Rhonda Brewer atrapada en algún lugar en medio.
It's a list of contact numbers That don't exist as far as i can tell And a series of dates.
Es una lista de números de contactos que no existen y una serie de fechas.
- Good. And if Vic thinks he can avoid my warnings by ducking calls tell him as far as I'm concerned, he just got it.
Y si Vic cree que puede evitar mis advertencias eludiendo mis llamadas dile que lo considero advertido.
And I'm not crazy in the name of getting on his feet, he's writing in some sort of idea book, which is, as far as I can tell, is just a notebook in which he writes ideas.
Y no estoy loca sobre el hecho de que con la excusa de conocerse a sí mismo, esté escribiendo un libro de ideas, lo cual es, según veo, sólo un block de notas donde escribe ideas. - ¿ Qué?

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