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And as it turns out traduction Espagnol

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And as it turns out, they're right :
Y resulta que tienen razón :
- Well, we get to talking and as it turns out, the woman knew Gandhi.
- Pues nos pusimos a hablar y resulta que la mujer conoció a Gandhi.
And as it turns out, despite our best efforts you're the only people car pooling in all of Chicago.
Y resulta que, a pesar de nuestros esfuerzos Ustedes son los únicos compartiendo el auto en Chicago.
I checked over the figures on those foreign bonds you bought, and as it turns out, you haven't made $ 43 million, you've lost it.
Revisé los números de Ios bonos que compró y resulta que no ganó 43 millones de dólares. Los perdió.
And as it turns out, she detests the design of the Bilbao Art Museum as much as I do.
Resulta que detesta el diseño del Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao tanto como yo.
And, and as it turns out, she's dynamite in the sack.
Y, cuando todo se voltea, ella es como dinamita en un bolsillo.
And as it turns out, the woman purported to be Andrea Mazar was in fact a woman by the name Emma King.
La mujer que se hace pasar por Andrea Mazar es en realidad Emma King.
However, we did run a check on the victim... and as it turns out he's wanted in Virginia.
Pero investigamos la víctima y nos enteramos que está buscado en Virginia.
And as it turns out, Washington Square Park could be a safer place to leave my daughter than my own closet.
Y según parece el parque de la Plaza de Washington puede ser un lugar muy seguro para dejar a mi hija mas seguro que mi armario.
And as it turns out Billy was packing 10.
Y resulta... -... que el de Billy medía veinticinco.
Okay, yeah, it was a real imposition on you and as it turns out, it had kind of a negative impact on Alan too.
De aceurdo, sí, fue todo un suplicio para ti pero también resultó afectar negativamente a Alan.
I put in my two weeks notice because by then, I'll have enough money to pay my car insurance... and as it turns out, I'm not so big on the working thing. Seriously?
¿ En serio?
He's a water dog, Jake, and as it turns out, not a half-bad teacher.
Es un animal de agua, Jake... y, al parecer, bastante buen maestro.
It turns out that she's not even making a record of those who are absent the pupils are taking advantage of this, and their grades are suffering as a result.
Al parecer no toma nota de las demoras... y las alumnas se aprovechan.
Well, the car's been identified as Mrs. Peabody's, all very well and good... except it now turns out that nobody's seen Mrs. Peabody for at least a week.
El coche ha sido identificado como de la señora Peabody, todo bien y en orden... excepto que nadie ha visto a la señora Peabody desde hace una semana.
And it turns out that the dying mane was only pretending so as to avoid torture.
Y en cuanto al agonizante, resultó que fingía para evitar el tormento.
It turns out, with due respect, when all is said and done, that there's no such thing as you!
Resulta que, con el debido respeto, una vez dicha, no queda nada como usted.
When a man is a killer, arsonist, a cheat and a coward, it's hardly surprising if he turns out to be a liar as well.
Los asesinos, pirómanos, tramposos y cobardes también suelen ser embusteros.
Quite foolishly, as it turns out, I agreed and brought them together.
Tontamente, ahora lo sé, acepté y los reuní.
* You'd be too... * As it turns out, this was the hottest club in Honolulu where only the finest people came to dance and drink.
Parece que este era el club más importante de Honolulu donde sólo la gente elegante venía a bailar y tomar unas copas.
Oh, as it turns out, he was only wounded, and although he suffered, uh, years of torture, see, uh, uh, somehow, he managed to, uh, dig a tunnel with a pair of chopsticks
Oh, como resulta, él sólo estaba herido, , y aunque sufrió, uh, los años de tortura, ver, uh, uh, de alguna manera, se las arregló para, uh, cavar un túnel con un par de palillos de y... hacer su camino a una, uh, teléfono público
And if... Dinky, is it? Turns out to be as right a candidate for Lancer as we think, we'll have her tucked away by the weekend.
Y si Dinky es una candidata adecuada para Lancer, se integrará en una semana.
As it turns out, cellular and biological activity is halted for a period of time when electricity is introduced.
Resulta que la actividad biologica y molecular se interrumpe cuando es afectada porla electricidad.
Aunt Juley regards this... now it turns out it's safe as houses, and Mr. Bast should never have left... at a greatly reduced salary.
La tía Juley considera que esto... y ahora resulta que son muy confiables, y el Sr. Bast nunca debió dejar por otro puesto a un salario mucho menor.
As long as I'm here now and have come this far, – – well, I might as well stay here and see how it all turns out.
... y ya que ya hemos llegado hasta aquí tal vez me quede para ver en qué termina todo.
As it turns out Mr. Shimokawa collects junk cars and he wants to buy yours.
Resulta que el Sr. Shimokawa colecciona coches chatarra y quiere comprar el tuyo.
And now, it turns out she's in the café just as this little bauble arrives.
Y ahora resulta que está aquí justo cuando llega este regalo.
As it turns out, after I left the hospital, some poor devil used my name to jump the line and he dropped dead of a heart attack. Oh.
Resulta que después de que dejé el hospital, algún pobre diablo usó mi nombre para saltar su turno y cayó muerto de un ataque cardiaco.
But try as we might, we keep coming back time and again to the subject of Anne, because on close inspection it turns out that she was, after all, historical prime cause number one.
Pero por más que lo intentamos, volvemos una y otra vez a la persona de Ana, porque si lo estudiamos en detalle resulta que ella fue, después de todo, la principal causa histórica número uno.
Up-chucked with about 40 ounces of Corcovado Gold tequila, which, as it turns out, she and her friends rapidly consumed in the woods while re-enacting The Blair Witch Project.
Se ahogó en un litro de tequila Corcovado, que ella y sus amigas se ventilaron en el bosque mientras imitaban a los de la bruja de Blair.
This guy turns around, he's got no shirt on, he's sweating, he's built like a brick shithouse, pulls out a knife, it's 12 inches long, and then starts running at me as fast as he can, going,
El tipo se da vuelta, no tiene remera, está transpirando, parece hecho de ladrillos, saca un cuchillo, como de 30 centímetros y empieza a correr hacia mí tan rápido como puede
Yeah, well, as it turns out, our guy stands very close to the wall and blows almost sideways.
Sí, pero parece que nuestro hombre se acerca mucho a la pared y espira casi de lado.
I interviewed the "K" who owns the crime scene... who I sniffed out as a lesser light of the underworld... and it turns out he's got a strip club.
Entrevisté al coreano dueño de la tienda... del cual tenía sospechas de su integridad... y resulta que tiene una discoteca desnudista.
But as it turns out, I had my appendix removed earlier this year and under anesthesia, I apparently proposed marriage to every nurse in the hospital.
Pero resulta que me quitaron el apéndice este año y, estando anestesiado, le propuse matrimonio a todas las enfermeras.
But as it turns out you're really funny and weird and now you're like this guy in my life that I care about.
Pero eres muy gracioso y extraño, y ahora eres una persona que importa en mi vida.
And I like sports, though it turns out not as much as I thought.
Me gustan los deportes, aunque no resultó tanto como pensaba.
Before taking off for India and Bangladesh, I finally went back into Lou's old office. As it turns out, one of the men who used to work for him has the place now.
antes de ir a India y Bangladesh fui a la antigua oficina de Lou y resulta que uno de los hombres que solía trabajar con él estaba en el lugar
Well it turns out that that was a rather naive concept anyways as corporations are always owed obligation to themselves to get large and to get profitable.
Resulta ser un concepto muy ingenuo, ya que las corporaciones siempre se deben a sí mismas para crecer y generar ingresos.
And then, as it turns out, marijuana is the only thing that kept me going this year.
Y la marihuana me ha mantenido vivo este último año.
And as it turns out, I have a son with a full classical music collection a CD burner and a flagrant disregard for piracy laws.
No lo prometiste. Bueno, tomé la iniciativa.
I thought it was a good idea, but as it turns out everything I think that is a good idea is actually really wrong. And, umm,
Pensé que era una buena idea, pero como resulta... que todo lo que creo que es bueno, termina siendo malo...
But as it turns out, your mother was well-behaved, you made a beautiful speech, and your hair looked great.
Pero da la casualidad de que, tu madre se comportó bien, hiciste un discurso precioso, y tu pelo estaba fantástico.
You spend your whole career trying to get in the room as if you're the one who can square every circle, and it turns out...
Pasas la carrera intentando entrar en esa sala... Un círculo es un círculo.
I never thought of her as my boss before, but it turns out she is and apparently I'm spending too much time here instead of...
Nunca pensé en ella como mi jefe pero resulta que lo es y estoy pasando demasiado tiempo aquí, en vez de- -
As it turns out, Reese... I am an only child! And my Daddy did play a bit of tennis!
Resulta, Reese... que soy hija única... y mi papá sí jugaba algo de tenis... y a mi mamá le gustaba su té con bizcochos a las 4 : 00 de la tarde... todos los días después de un tonificante partido de croquet.
As it turns out, she had gotten up early and had taken pain medication because of a hangover-related headache.
Resulta que sí se había levantado temprano para tomar un analgésico porque le dolía la cabeza por la resaca.
But, as it turns out, the company tracks its drivers via GPS, and they were kind enough, under threat of subpoena, to give me access to Mr. Bromley's route data for the last 24 hours.
Pero, como la compañía sigue sus conductores vía el GPS, y bajo amenaza de citación, me dieron acceso para las últimas 24 horas de la ruta del Sr Bromley.
Steve Samprass's center forward and his roommate, as it turns out. And they live in the same building where the blind victim was found.
El delantero centro de Steve Samprass y su compañero de habitación, y resulta que viven en el mismo edificio en que fue encontrada la víctima ciega.
And as mad as it made me, turns out he was right.
Y por mucho que me enfadase, resulta que tenía razón.
And, as it turns out... the opposite situation is also true. No Debt, No Money No Debt, No Money
Y, como resulta... lo contrario tambien es cierto.
Well, as it turns out, cars and trucks that turn into robots aren't really that blasphemous because my pastor says that machines can turn into other machines and it's not a sleight against God.
Bueno, resulta ser, que los autos y los camiones que se transforman en... robots no son tan blasfemos, porque mi pastor dice que las máquinas pueden transformarse en máquinas, y no es una estratagema contra Dios.

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