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And before i knew it traduction Espagnol

301 traduction parallèle
Days passed, and before I knew it, weeks.
Pasaron días y, antes de que me diera cuenta, semanas.
And before I knew it, I was married... ... to this pillar of the mortgage, loan and trust.
Y antes de darme cuenta, estaba casada con este monumento de hipotecas, préstamos y créditos.
I know it's ridiculous for me to think that you could think that I could write some words but the melody kept saying the words over and over while you were playing and before I knew it, I had a song. - You have?
Ya sé que es ridículo pensar que tú podrías creer que yo podría escribir una letra pero la melodía repetía las palabras mientras la tocabas y antes de darme cuenta, tenía una canción. - ¿ Sí?
I happened to mention I was a bit nervy... and before I knew it I'd agreed to spend a few days with her.
Se siente sola... y le dije que estaba algo nerviosa... y acepté ir a verla.
I sort of wondered about them, and before I knew it I popped a quarter in and a whole lot of fruit started spinning around like...
Me preguntaba cómo funcionarían y de repente estaba echando una moneda, y un montón de frutas empezaron a girar como...
It's like Dr Lennox told me. I got in the same old routine and before I knew it I was on it again.
El doctor Lennox me previno, empecé de nuevo con las drogas y... sin darme cuenta, volví a las andadas.
I saw you, I wanted you and before I knew it, I was Alexander Dumas.
Te vi, te deseé y antes de darme cuenta, era Alexandre Dumas.
I seemed lost after that, and before I knew it, I was his.
Yo estaba como perdida tras lo que hice, y casi sin darme cuenta, me entregué a él.
Human beings exploded out of this tight little circle that was singing the song. And before I knew it, there were two circles, dancing, you know... one dancing clockwise, the other dancing counterclockwise... with this rhythm mostly from the waist down.
La gente estallaba... de ese pequeño círculo que cantaba... y se formaron 2 círculos de gente que bailaba, uno para un lado y el otro para el otro lado.
And before I knew it... he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
Y sin darme cuenta, asumió la identidad de Remington Steele.
And before I knew it, He assumed Remington Steele's identity.
Y sin darme cuenta, asumió la identidad de Remington Steele.
And before I knew it... He assumed Remington Steele's identity.
Y sin darme cuenta, asumió la identidad de Remington Steele.
And before I knew it... he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
Me iba de maravilla hasta que apareció él con sus ojos azules y su misterioso pasado.
I merely flagged a policeman to ask for directions, and before I knew it, he dragged me to the police station.
Solo paré a un poli para preguntar una dirección, y antes de darme cuenta estaba en la comisaria.
i don't know. all i did was turn the engine on, and before i knew it, i was on the freeway.
No lo se, solo encendí el motor, Y antes de darme cuenta estaba en la autopista.
Anyway, one thing led to another... and before I knew it, this old country boy... finished his y oo-hoo and went right home.
Espera un minuto, Philip. Ir de nuevo a donde usted acabó el y oo-hoo.
And then one thing led to another and before I knew it, we were shopping. - Aah.
Y luego una cosa llevó a la otra y cuando nos dimos cuenta, estábamos de compras.
And before I knew it... you had control of the channel changer.
Y sin darme cuenta controlabas el mando a distancia.
Y antes de darme cuenta, estaba subido a un pino, totalmente desnudo, tratando de escapar de todos esos insectos gigantes. ¿ Ves?
I-I just took one step, a step that seemed perfectly reasonable, and that step led to another and another and before I knew it, I was involved in something I didn't know how to handle.
Solo di un paso que parecía perfectamente razonable ese paso llevó a otro, y así me vi envuelto en algo desmedido.
Before I knew it, he rushed to the table drawer and opened it.
De repente, corrió hacia el cajón y lo abrió.
But we got past the rapids all right. And I'd just left the bridge to go down to get a pot of tea and before you knew it, that orangatang at the wheel runs the nose right in the mud bank.
Ya habíamos pasado los rápidos bajé a hacerme un poco de té y ese gorila que estaba al timón nos metió en un banco de fango.
I knew I had hold of a red-hot poker... and the time to drop it was before it burned my hand off.
Había tomado un hierro candente... y tenía que soltarlo antes de quemarme la mano.
And before I went back to school the last time, I knew you knew it
La última vez que me fui, sabía que lo sabías.
Before I knew it, you were married to her. And you were in love with her.
Antes de darme cuenta te habías casado con ella y estabas enamorado.
Well, before I knew it, I popped in another quarter and that was the last of the haircut.
De repente, eché otra moneda, con la que iba a pagar el corte de pelo.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Así lo quería pero cuando te vi en la choza y me tocaste y rezaste por mí ya no me gusta estar solo y tenía la necesidad de verte antes de irme para averiguar si sentía lo mismo que sentía anoche.
Before I knew it, I was carrying a gun - and I wished I weren't.
Cuando menos lo pensé, ya estaba armado... aunque deseaba no haberlo estado.
And you were gonna tie me up before I knew anything about it.
Te disponías a atarme sin que yo supiera nada.
My wife and I, for three days, have been telling what we knew. We've been before every committee and commission in Washington. It's time we did something.
Mi mujer y yo llevamos tres días respondiendo ante todas las comisiones.
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Supongo que sabía que lo que él hacía era contrario a la ley de alguien. Mi abuelo lo había hecho antes que él... su papá antes que él y así retrocediendo hasta Irlanda.
There's a restaurant in Boston called Jimmy's at the Pier, I don't know if it's still there or not, and they knew Hitch, he had been there before.
Había un restaurante en Boston llamado Jimmy's, en el muelle, no sé si sigue allí, y conocían a Hitch porque ya había estado allí.
Then before I knew it, there was a hundred people in there and we had drinks out of paper cups and somebody sent out for sandwiches and we just had a ball.
Había unas cien personas allí, y bebimos en vasos de papel. y alguien envió a por sándwiches y lo pasamos bien.
I've listened to that Peach Boy story a hundred times before and never knew what the treasure really was. Because, my brother, you've always had it.
He escuchado esa historia del chico Durazno cientos de veces y nunca supe cual era el tesoro, porque, hermano, tu siempre lo tuviste.
It is why I said before that I thought that no one but Nicholas and myself knew about this.
Es por lo que antes dije que creía que solo Nicholas y yo sabíamos eso.
When they took me out I realised they'd brought me to San Servolo... an old hospital where I knew everyone and where everyone knew me. In fact, it was right here at San Servolo that several years before... i'd applied for a position as a volunteer assistant.
Cuando me sacaron vi que me habían llevado al San Servolo, un viejo hospital donde conocía a todo el mundo.
Lots of times before, if you were afraid and I never knew it.
Nunca has demostrado que tuvieras miedo.
My sinful turmoil almost served as my consolation I knew that the door was closed and locked by Raimondo,... Before, it had filled me with anger, but it now gave me security.
En mi pecaminosa turbación casi me servía de consuelo saber que la puerta estaba cerrada con llave por Raimondo,... que si poco antes me llenaba de ira, ahora me daba seguridad.
I always knew it was a matter of time before another professional came in and noticed the discrepancies.
Siempre supe que era una cuestión de tiempo... antes de que otro profesional viniese y se diese cuenta de las discrepancias.
Usually, I got groggy after the salad, and before you knew it, I was face down in the entree.
Estaba grogui tras la ensalada y sin notarlo estaba en el plato principal.
Before I knew it, my old fear of flying evaporated, and I spent all the money I had left on 24 cases of beer.
Antes de darme cuenta, mi viejo miedo a volar se evaporó... y gasté todo el dinero que llevaba en 24 cajas de cerveza.
There are plenty of girls, and i knew it wouldn't take long before i met one of them.
Había muchas chicas en Nueva York y en poco tiempo conocería alguna.
I guess we just got to talking, and before we knew it, it was past midnight.
Supongo que nos pusimos a charlar... y cuando me di cuenta, ya pasaba de la medianoche.
I knew there was pain before we boarded, and I just thought it would go away.
Ya me dolía antes de abordar. Pensé que se me quitaría.
Your husband offered me one, and I took it before I knew what it was.
Tu marido me ofreció uno, y lo acepté sin saber lo que era.
I liked it before I even knew who Martha Paxton was and, frankly, I don't think that woman bathes.
Me gustaba desde antes de saber quien era Martha Paxton, francamente, no creo que esa mujer se bañe.
Before I knew it, every charlatan and shitheel was imitating me.
Ahora, cualquier jodido charlatán me imita.
Only Pettit I knew played for the St. Louis Hawks, and I'm pretty sure that was way before your time. Stop it, all right?
Louis Hawks y estoy seguro que eso fue antes de que nacieras.
"Before I knew it, I was aboard the hover vessel and was heading into inner space, toward the earth's molten core, for that is the domain of the third alien, whose name, he soon told me, was Lord Kinbote."
"En un instante, me encontraba en la nave rumbo al espacio interior, hacia el núcleo de la tierra, dominio del tercer alienígena, cuyo nombre, me dijo, era Lord Kinbote".
Before I knew it, it was shaking me back and forth.
Me sacudió de un lado a otro.
Photos piled up without me even realizing it, and then before I knew it, it was all over.
Las fotos se habían ido acumulando sin que me diera cuenta, y entonces, sin yo saberlo, todo se había acabado.

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