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And for what it's worth traduction Espagnol

250 traduction parallèle
It's worth what you'd like to get for it, and he's a rich man.
Vale Io que esté dispuesto a pagar y es un hombre muy rico.
And I am thankful indeed that seated here today in this courtroom... are honest, wise, unsulliedjurors... who recognize Krayler's kind for what it is worth, and who must know in their hearts that they must set this woman free -
Y agradezco que hoy esté sentado en esta sala... un jurado honesto, inteligente e inmaculado... que sabe reconocer a Krayler por lo que es... y que, interiormente, sabe que debe dejar libre a esta mujer.
Guess they pay him high for what he does, but he's worth it, and he helps others.
Pero él lo vale, y ayuda a los demás.
Mr. Parrish, for what it's worth to remind you... My dad and mother helped you that first winter you came out here.
Sr. Parrish, por si sirve de algo, le recuerdo... que mis padres le ayudaron el invierno que llegó usted.
This year's imports of our casts will be worth 21 million zlotys in hard currency. This is only because some people and some companies confirmed the deliveries for 1969 and now it's the end of 1970 and we don't know what's going on.
Actualmente, el valor de la explotación del hierro colado es de 21 millones de zlotys, gracias a los distintos directores y a las distintas empresas que han confirmado los pedidos para el año 69.
He charges us 3 times what it's worth and wants to charge us for not getting our car back?
¿ Nos cobra tres veces lo que vale y encima por no devolvernos el coche?
It's just something you hear, and nothing you can prove... but for what it's worth, it seems that hotel bungalow... was supposedly the H.Q. of that rather spooky brigade of midnight minions... we used to call "l-lo ward's secret police -"
Es algo que simplemente escuchaste y no puedes probar, pero para lo que pueda valer, parece ser que el Hotel Bungalow era el supuesto Cuartel General de esa misteriosa brigada de lacayos nocturnos que llamábamos "policía secreta de Howard".
And for what it's worth I like your songs.
Oiga a mí me gustan sus canciones.
For what it's worth, Ming's got Dale, Zarkov and Barin.
Gracias. Por si acaso, Ming tiene a Dale, Zarkov y Barin.
Maxwell, for what it's worth to you, I don't think the old magic is there between Ariel and myself anymore.
Maxwell, si te sirve de algo, creo que la magia entre Ariel y yo ha desaparecido.
And for what it's worth, she didn't have to.
Y no tenía por qué hacerlo.
For what it's worth dead bodies and all, I did have fun.
Por si te interesa aún con cadáveres y todo, sí que me he divertido.
And for what it's worth, Dad would have been proud of you tonight.
Y por si te interesa, papá habría estado orgulloso de ti.
And for what it's worth, know that someone far away is thinking of you.
Y por lo que cuente, quiero que sepas que alguien muy lejos piensa en ti.
And for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
Y la que mereces, Lo siento.
And, for what it's worth, I really miss you.
Y, por si sirve de algo... te extraño mucho.
I gave Damien Ross her number, for what it "s worth, and Joy sounded interested, naturally, but I don" t know.
Le di su teléfono a Damien Ross, por si había suerte. Joy pareció interesada, naturalmente, pero no sé.
And, for what it's worth, I think he loves me as well.
Y, por fortuna, creo que él también me quiere.
Well, for what it's worth, those pictures aren't of you and your friends. You just happen to be in them.
Si ayuda, esas fotos no son acerca de ti y tus amigos, salen por casualidad.
For what it's worth, I believe you're a very sensitive woman, and I believe that people have taken advantage of you in the past.
No sé si esto te sirva de algo. Creo que eres una mujer muy sensible de la que la gente se ha aprovechado.
And for what it's worth, the man who gave the closing I miss him terribly.
Si sirve de algo decirlo, al hombre que dio el alegato final lo extraño muchísimo.
For what it's worth, Charlie didn't blink before he put his body between danger and Zoey.
Pero si de algo vale, debo decirle que Charlie no pestañeó para interponer su cuerpo entre el peligro y Zoey.
And anyway, for what it's worth I'm grading you on the effort, not the result.
Y como sea, para que sepas... Te calificaré por el esfuerzo, no el resultado.
And for what it's worth the guy also had a fever.
Y lo que es importante también tenía fiebre.
Green, for what it's worth people misinterpreted you and this situation.
La gente los ha malinterpretado a usted y a este asunto.
For what it's worth, Elena and Adam's welfare is my primary concern.
Si sirve de algo, el bienestar de Elena y Adam es mi principal preocupación.
General, for what it's worth, Anise and I are sorry.
General, por si sirve de algo Anise y yo lo sentimos.
For what it's worth, he tried to warn me about the rebellion, and by the time I listened, it was too late.
Por si sirve de algo, trató de advertirme acerca de la rebelión, y cuando escuché, ya era demasiado tarde.
Joey just so you know for whatever it's worth, and I don't know what that is, but I just didn't....
Joey... Sólo para que sepas, si sirve de algo y no sé para qué, pero yo no...
And for what it's worth, I've met your mom, and you're nothing like her.
Además, conocí a tu mamá y no eres como ella.
Professor May, I just wanted to say that although I have hardly any experience as a teaching assistant... um, actually, zero experience... um, I'm incredibly enthusiastic and hard-working, and, for what it's worth, I think I'd do a great job.
Profesora May, sólo quería decirle que aunque apenas tengo experiencia... De hecho, ninguna experiencia. Soy increíblemente apasionada y trabajadora y si le sirve de algo, creo que haría un trabajo genial.
I'm not arguin', and for what it's worth, that's what this guy that first found Mulder told me.
No estoy discutiendo. Es lo que me dijo el que encontró a Mulder.
This gallery has obviously got something to do with it, and for what it's worth, I don't like the curator.
La Galería, aparentemente, tiene que ver con ello. Si tengo algo que decir, no me gusta el Director.
And for what it's worth, the directors of the CIA, NSA, FBI and Naval Intelligence agree.
Si le interesa, los directores de la cia, NSA, fbi e lnteligencia Naval están deacuerdo.
And for what it's worth, neither do I.
Y por si te interesa, yo tampoco.
For what it's worth, I dated a Peter in high school and he wasn't very nice.
Por si os interesa, salí con un Peter en el instituto y no era muy majo.
Yeah, and you know, for what it's worth, it's kind of the name of the appendage that he has that surprised us all so much. It might get him teased in school.
Sí, y veréis, por si os interesa suena al nombre del apéndice que tiene que nos sorprendió tanto a todos.
And for what it's worth, I was gonna stop seeing her after tonight.
And for what it's worth, I was gonna stop seeing her after tonight.
Angel if there's a woman out there who you find truly attractive who you think about, let's say, most of the time who represents even part of what you think makes the world worth fighting for and who doesn't view you as an entirely sexless shoulder to lean on you have to do something about it.
Angel... si ahí fuera hay una mujer... que encuentras realmente atractiva, en la que piensas, digamos, la mayor parte del tiempo, que incluso representa parte de lo que importa y por lo que merece la pena luchar y que no te ve como un hombro asexuado sobre el que apoyarse... tienes que hacer algo con eso.
And for what it's worth, George Michael, you cannot let people get away with that.
George Michael, no dejes que nadie te haga eso.
And for what it's worth... I would seriously consider prayer.
Y le recomiendo... que también considere la oración.
And for what it's worth, seven months from now, you'll have my vote.
Y si de algo vale, dentro de siete meses, usted tendrá mi voto.
The photo tech said it was from composition and aperture stop, for what it's worth.
El técnico de fotos dijo que es una parada de composición y apertura por lo que vale.
And for what it's worth, yes, I do trust you.
Y por si te interesa, sí, confío en ti.
And, uh, for what it's worth... wow!
Y por si vale de algo...
And for what it's worth, I-I. There hasn't been any new developments lately. A couple discussions, but that's about it.
Y ya que estamos, últimamente no ha habido novedades, un par de charlas, pero... nada más.
And for what it's worth, I was gonna stop seeing her after tonight.
Por si te sirve de algo, iba a dejar de verla después de esta noche.
And we're-we're going long on this, but it's worth talking about, because that's what this game is about. TOM : I signed on for the game.
y ahora mirando hacia atras, definitivamente, definitivamente lo veo de una manera diferente luego del discurso de Lex.
For what it's worth, those men were up there illegally and probably got between the saw and her cubs.
Eran cazadores furtivos... quizá interfirieron con una osa y sus cachorros.
Oh forget it... this give and take of hearts takes a lot of heart... and doing it so boldly for the world to see... it's a woman's art you see ln this winning and losing of hearts what are men worth?
Oh, olvídalo... Lleva mucho esfuerzo dar y recibir corazones Y hacerlo tan brillantemente para que el mundo lo vea es un don femenino
For what it's worth, I was really really pysched to see today. I meant everything I said and I'm sorry that you still feel like you can't talk to me about anything that matters.
Para serte sincero, me parece muy triste que después de todo lo que te he contado aún sientas que no puedes hablarme de las cosas importantes

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