And we're in traduction Espagnol
15,043 traduction parallèle
We're going to split into two groups, circle around, try to catch a scent and close in on him.
Vamos a dividirnos en dos grupos, haremos círculos, intentemos captar un olor y acercarnos a él.
Dr. Palmer, in case you weren't aware, you are on an open channel, and we can hear everything you're saying.
Dr. Palmer, en caso de que no se haya dado cuenta, están en un canal abierto, y podemos oír todo lo que dicen.
Besides the fact that I've never seen this place beyond a few aerial photos and we're basically going in blind?
¿ Quitando el hecho de que nunca he visto este sitio aparte de en unas cuantas fotos aéreas y de que vamos a ciegas?
Some things are best left behind, Jack, and besides, I let you take your bow and arrow. Not exactly sure what we're gonna hunt in the French Quarter, though. Hipsters.
Te llamo después, te lo prometo. ¿ Cami?
Then you're gonna meet me in the alley out back so we can have some real fun, and turn your hat around.
Después te vas a encontrar conmigo en el callejón de ahí fuera para que podamos pasárnoslo realmente bien, y gírate la gorra.
Maybe this is a new problem and we're getting stuck in old thinking.
Quizá este es un nuevo problema y estamos atascadas en viejas formas de pensar.
And sooner than we both think, you're going to be stuck in a situation where you have to make a decision that requires you to hide things from me again.
Y antes de lo que pensamos, vas a estar atrapado en una situación donde tienes que tomar una decisión que requiere que vuelvas a esconderme cosas.
I-I guess we just got too caught up in your success and forgot that you're just a baby.
Supongo que nos metimos demasiado en tu éxito y olvidamos que eres solo un bebe.
Okay, so we're all in agreement, Bonnie and Brian are terrible people.
Ok, entonces todos estamos de acuerdo Bonnie y Brian son personas terribles.
We're in the middle of a take and he just walks off set.
Estamos filmando y se va.
In fact, we're amazing men now, and we're true playboy pimps for real.
De hecho, ahora somos hombres geniales y unos auténticos playboys de verdad.
We're not... We're not gonna take a moment and let that soak in?
¿ No vamos... no vamos a tomarnos un momento para asimilarlo?
Okay, uh, everybody, drop your shovels, and... and just pretend like we're, um, we're playing in the sand.
Todos, dejen las palas... y finjan que estamos jugando en la arena.
And... and we blow it in the truck directly. I see what you're getting at, uh, blue ribbon for creativity, amazing idea.
Sé a qué te refieres.
You just swoop in, and act like we're fucking friends when we're not
Actúas como si fuéramos amigos.
Someone's covering something and we're definitely looking in the right place, or they wouldn't have bothered trying to warn us off.
Alguien está encubriendo algo. Se ve que estamos buscando... en el lugar correcto. Sino porque se han molestado tanto en advertirnos.
And then I want you to call DS Boyd in Glasgow and I want you to tell him that we're going to need a search warrant for Calvin Sarwar's home and his office, as soon as possible.
Luego quiero que llames a DS Boyd en Glasgow. Le dices que vamos a necesitar una orden de allanamiento de la casa y oficina de Calvin Sarwar, tan pronto como sea posible.
I'll loop in Joe and Jenny, and we'll clean up the image, figure out what we're dealing with.
Me pondré en contacto con Joe y Jenny, limpiaremos la imagen, y descubriremos a qué nos enfrentamos.
- We're interested in the period between 11.30 and 7am.
- Nos interesa el lapso de 23 : 30 a 7 : 00.
Punch a hole in Maguire's alibi and maybe we're in business.
Haz un agujero en su coartada. Así estaremos en el negocio otra vez.
We're still waiting on some tox results, but initial findings show alcohol and marijuana in his system.
Estamos esperando los resultados definitivos de toxicología. Pero el examen inicial muestra alcohol y marihuana en su sistema.
We had a fire alarm in the night and what with the memorial, we're all a bit out of sorts.
Sonó la alarma de incendio anoche... y con lo de la conmemoración, estamos todos algo malhumorados.
Someone's covering something and we're definitely looking in the right place or they wouldn't have bothered trying to warn us off.
Alguien está cubriendo algo. Y se ve que buscamos en el lugar correcto. Si no, no se habrían molestado tratando de advertirnos.
If these are the centre of London... well, then we're here, north, and your father, in case you were worrying, will join you in a couple of hours.
Si esto es el centro de Londres... bueno, estamos aquí, al norte, Y tu padre, por si estás preocupada, se reunirá contigo en un par de horas.
And we have the capacity to listen to several rooms we've parked people we're interested in.
Tenemos la capacidad de escuchar varias habitaciones... donde hemos puesto a personas que nos interesan.
We should really enjoy this moment, Kathy, because they're going to be moving us out of this office in a month, and there'll only be four of us left.
Deberíamos disfrutar realmente este momento, Kathy, porque nos van a sacar de esta oficina en un mes, y sólo quedaremos cuatro de nosotros.
It's a most unusual invitation... an actress that he knows has a small part in a film, and they're filming the scene at night by a lake, and we can go and watch.
Es una invitación muy inusual... na actriz supo que tiene un pequeño papel en una película, y están filmando la escena por la noche en un lago, y podemos ir a ver.
That's a tempting idea, Victor, but we're hardly going to be able to walk in and "grab" them, are we?
Es una idea tentadora, Víctor, Pero difícilmente podremos entrar y "cogerlos", ¿ verdad?
We're supposed to climb the elevator shaft and waltz in the vault unnoticed? What now?
¿ Y ahora?
We're eating and she might make me fill in for someone.
Estamos comiendo, y tengo miedo de que me endose un reemplazo.
And, you know, I think I can get you in. And it's gonna be amazing, and we're gonna do it.
Y creo que puedo meterte, y será asombroso y lo haremos.
And we're singing in the fallout shelter,
Estamos cantando en el refugio antiatómico,
Brothers and sisters, we're only days away from first night and the coronation of our new Bren'in.
Hermanos y hermanas, estamos a solo unos días de la primera noche y de la coronación de nuestro nuevo Bren'in.
And that's why we're forced to answer in kind.
Y por eso nos vemos obligados a responder en especie.
We're in debt because of that school, and for what?
¿ Estamos en deuda con esa escuela o qué?
And when we're up in Big Bear with Beau, where will you be?
Y cuando estemos en Big Bear con Beau, ¿ tú dónde estarás?
And we're producing a feature film... But we want to produce something different, out of the ordinary, that causes fear in people, a scare!
Y estamos produciendo un largometraje... pero queremos producir algo diferente, fuera de lo común,
Well, we're gonna die if we stay in here, and we're gonna die if we go out there.
- Así es. - Moriremos aquí. Y moriremos si salimos.
I won this fight in Los Angeles, and fate has brought me here to Florida, and together, there's no way we're gonna lose.
Yo gané esta pelea en Los Ángeles y el destino me trajo aquí a Florida. Y juntos, no hay manera de que perdamos.
We're in debt because of that school, and for what?
Estamos endeudados por culpa de esa escuela, ¿ y para qué?
We're two days away from the competition, and I hope you're proud of yourselves because, literally, hundreds of mascots wanted to compete in this year's competition.
Estamos a dos días de la competencia. Espero que estén orgullosos de sí mismos, porque, literalmente, cientos de mascotas querían participar en esta competencia.
My friend put in a word about the transplant. And we're hoping for a positive answer.
Mi amigo ha intercedido por usted en lo del trasplante y esperamos que la respuesta sea positiva.
We're no longer on the verge of the personal computer revolution. We're right in the midst of it with more and more people jumping aboard every day.
Ya no estamos en el inicio de la revolución de la computadora personal sino que estamos en medio de ella, con más y más incursionando a diario.
And unless we're prepared, that darkness will spew forth with the reek of a sewer... drowning us in its corruption.
Y al menos que estemos preparados, esa oscuridad, será vomitada con el hedor de una alcantarilla ahogándonos, en su corrupción.
So, basically, we're hiding out in the Old West and hoping your boogeymen don't find us here.
Así que básicamente, nos ocultamos en el Viejo Oeste y esperamos que esos espantos tuyos no nos encuentren aquí.
If we release Stillwater, we're back to square one and the town is still in danger.
Si liberamos a Stillwater, volvemos al comienzo y el pueblo seguirá en peligro.
And the fact that she's had it in for us ever since we started asking questions tells us we're on the right track.
La tiene contra nosotros desde empezamos a indagar. Eso nos dice que estamos bien encaminados.
In the interim, we need you to keep your head down and avoid trouble while you're in here.
En el ínterin, necesitamos que sea discreto y evite problemas mientras esté aquí.
I also picked up on the fact that we're in London just a few days before Savage tries to kill your wife and son, and you're not trying to get them to safety.
También me he dado cuenta de que estamos en Londres solo unos días antes de que Savage intente matar a tu mujer e hijo y no intentas ponerles a salvo.
And even if we wanted to, we're in a hangar surrounded by an entire armada of timeships.
Y aunque quisiéramos, estamos en un hangar rodeados por una armada entera de naves temporales.
If we're going to infiltrate Lord Technologies, we cut the power in the rear of the lab and infiltrate the basement.
Si estamos tratando de infiltrarnos en Tecnologías Lord, cortaremos la energía atrás del laboratorio y entraremos por el sótano.
and we're off 44
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and we're 60
and we're out 44
and we're here 22
and we're like 16
and we're clear 51
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and we're 60
and we're out 44
and we're here 22
and we're like 16
and we're clear 51
and we're not 31
we're in this together 190
we're in deep shit 22
we're in position 87
we're inside 26
we're in the middle of something 36
we're in the same boat 27
we're in pursuit 19
we're in trouble 174
we're in the right place 16
we're in this together 190
we're in deep shit 22
we're in position 87
we're inside 26
we're in the middle of something 36
we're in the same boat 27
we're in pursuit 19
we're in trouble 174
we're in the right place 16