And you're in traduction Espagnol
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You're just the guy who chops up the bodies and dumps them in a vat of acid.
Solo eres el tipo que descuartiza a los cuerpos y los introduce en un bidón de ácido.
If what you're saying is true, and there is something in that safe, then that's no longer the case.
Si lo que estás diciendo es cierto, y hay algo en esa caja, entonces ese ya no es el caso.
A couple weeks ago, you were telling me how you believed in me and my instincts, and now you're encouraging Wally to do exactly the opposite?
Hace un par de semanas, me estabas diciendo que confiabas en mí y en mis instintos, ¿ y ahora animas a Wally a hacer exactamente lo contrario?
And one note, you're to do so without disturbing the grave site in the slightest, specifically that footprint there.
Y una puntualización, debéis hacerlo sin perturbar el sitio de la tumba en lo más mínimo, específicamente esa huella de ahí.
The mafia, the cartels, when they hear that we have you in custody, and they think for a second about your... ingenious pizza code, they're gonna want to keep you quiet.
La mafia, los carteles, cuando escuchen que te hemos detenido y piensen por un segundo sobre tu... ingenioso código de pizza, van a querer mantenerte callado.
So, I've written you up for Valium in case you're experiencing anxiety, and for Risperdal... It's an anti-seizure drug.
Le daré una prescripción para Valium por si siente ansiedad, y para Risperdal, medicamento para convulsiones.
Why is Russian control of 20 % of U.S. uranium so troubling? If you're in an era where nuclear weapons are a reality, where nuclear energy is an important component of energy production in the United States, and increasingly around the world, control of uranium is absolutely crucial.
¿ por qué es el control ruso del veinte por ciento de nosotros uranio tan preocupante si estás en una época donde las armas nucleares son la realidad, donde la energía nuclear es un componente importante de la producción de energía en los Estados Unidos y
That's why you're governing in minority, because Villaviciosa is sick of the caste and its arrogance.
Por eso gobiernas en minoría. Porque Villaviciosa está harta de la casta, y de su prepotencia.
You didn't know about that re-zoning and you were nearly in court.
Ya, tampoco sabías nada de esa recalificación, y estuviste a esto de que te imputaran.
If you took half of Qualia's cash pile, along with whatever we're learning here, and put it in THAT line of research, you could fix the environment, Milo.
Si coges la mitad del dinero de Qualia, junto con lo que sea que aprendamos aquí, y lo pones en esa línea de investigación podrías arreglar el medioambiente, Milo.
Y-You said you weren't gonna get sucked in, and it seems like you're getting sucked in. Sucked in?
Y-Dijiste que no se va a conseguir aspirado, y parece que usted está consiguiendo aspirado.
I'm disappointed in your story,'cause you're first saying that she's fat and annoying, and then you all of a sudden turn around and you're making out with this bitch.
Estoy decepcionada de tu historia, Porque primero estás diciendo que ella era molesta y gorda, y luego de pronto te das la vuelta y te estas besando con esta perra.
Only you got knocked in the head last night, and you're... you know, the naked thing, that... that was weird, but otherwise, you're handling this amazingly well.
Es solo que te golpeaste la cabeza anoche, y estás... bueno, el tema del desnudo... eso fue raro, pero por lo demás, estás manejando esto asombrosamente bien.
'Cause anything good in my life, Eli tries to take. And you're the best thing.
Porque Eli intenta quedarse con cualquier cosa buena en mi vida.
And he says you're a month in arrears...
Y le comentó a Reg que debéis un mes...
Noah's life is in danger, and you're still keeping me in the dark.
La vida de Noah está en peligro, y tú sigues sin explicarme nada.
- And by the time you're back in San Jose,
- Y para el momento en que regreses a San José,
And you're doing Christmas in Texas with his family, I know.
Y celebras la Navidad en Texas con su familia, lo sé.
And then you reminded me how easily you toss people aside when you feel like they're in your way.
Y entonces me recordaste lo fácilmente que abandonas a las personas cuando crees que se interponen un tu camino.
You're a whole piñata full of issues, and for this to work, you need to let me in.
Eres una piñata llena de complejos, y para que esto funcione, tienes que abrirte a mí.
There's only a handful of shooters in the world who would take a shot from 3 / 4 of a mile away, much less a headshot, and make it, and you're one of'em.
Pocos tiradores en el mundo dispararían a 3 / 4 de milla de distancia, mucho menos a la cabeza y con éxito. Tú eres uno de ellos.
We don't stop the roaches, in five, ten, 20 years from now, you're still gonna get kids born that way, and then they're gonna breed.
Si no paramos a las cucarachas en cinco, diez, veinte años, seguirán naciendo niños así y después procrearán.
No sign of any malfunction or dropout with your Mass implant. And physically, you're in exemplary shape.
No hay nada raro ni ningún fallo en el implante de tu máscara y tu forma física es ejemplar.
The last time I was in London, I went to Harrods to buy pantyhose, and so, I go to the lingerie department, and Harrods had their own brand of pantyhose, and they're the only ones I wear, and you can only buy them at that counter.
La última vez que estuve en Londres, fui a Harrods a comprar unas medias, así que fui al departamento de lencería, y Harrods tenía su propia marca de medias y son las únicas que uso, y solo puedes comprarlas en ese mostrador.
You're in the E.D., and there are rules.
Estás en urgencias y hay reglas.
And if you're interested in the future, then you'll have to join us. Mmm.
Y si a ustedes les interesa el futuro, pues se van a tener que unir a nosotros.
And now you're losing faith in Pablo.
Y ahora pierdes la fe en Pablo.
The advice we have and the best practice we follow is not wear gloves, because you lose the sensitivity in your fingers and you're more likely to damage the book by wearing gloves than not.
El consejo que damos y la mejor práctica a seguir es no usar guantes, porque se pierde la sensibilidad en los dedos. Es más fácil dañar el libro si usas guantes que si no lo haces.
And then it's as you're reading it, you're making the sounds in your head.
Y el resultado es ese libro que usted lee. Los sonidos, usted se los imagina en su cabeza.
You're in Rome, but your heart's in Secondigliano and our home's a time bomb.
Tú estás en Roma, pero tu corazón sigue en Secondigliano. Y nuestra casa es una bomba de relojería, Gennà.
- Well, like, there could be delayed swelling in your brain, and you're gonna stroke out from an embolism.
Podría haber una inflamación en tu cerebro y vas a tener un ACV por una embolia.
You said that you wanted to do this. You're in limbo, and you can't stop it...
Dijiste que querías hacer esto, que estabas en el limbo, y no podías...
You're the most famous dead assassin in history, and I'm a semi-disgraced FBI agent.
Usted es el más famoso asesino de muertos en la historia, y yo soy un agente de semi-deshonrado FBI.
Frank brings Little Jay and pals, makes sure Little Jay trades the cash for Chester's fine product, and then you duck,'cause we're coming in hot and nasty.
Frank trae a Little Jay y sus amigos, asegúrate de que Little Jay intercambia el dinero por el producto de Chester, y luego agáchate, porque vamos a llegar a tope y desagradablemente.
You know when you're drawing a cat or a house and you picture that cat or that house in your mind and it looks so perfect but you just can't get your hand to live up to that picture in your head?
¿ Sabes cuando dibujas un gato o una casa y te imaginas a ese gato o esa casa en tu mente y se ve tan perfecto, pero simplemente no consigues que esté a la altura de esa imagen en tu cabeza?
If you're Lydia Spring, bark three times and turn in a circle.
Si eres Lydia Spring, ladra tres veces y gira en círculos.
You can't just tell someone that they play with the blood, and that they're gonna be a great conductor, and then just throw them in a shark tank way before they're ready- -
No puedes decirle a alguien que toca con la sangre y que va a ser una gran directora y después arrojarla a los tiburones antes que esté lista... - Oye.
What they've done is make something that looks and feels enough like a restaurant for you to think that what you're doing is having dinner, when in reality, you're having an experience that you can decide is dinner or theater, or performance or therapy, or, you know... whatever the hell you walk away from feeling and thinking about it.
Han creado algo que se parezca lo suficiente a un restaurante pero en realidad es una experiencia que tú decides si es una cena o un teatro o una actuación o una terapia...
And you're not intelligent enough, at that point, to figure out how all of those things work in synergy.
Tampoco eres lo bastante inteligente para saber cuáles funcionan en sinergia.
You know, when I used to live in France, you know... you hang out with your friends and they're at your house until three, four o'clock in the morning.
Cuando vivía en Francia salía con mis amigos y venían a mi casa hasta las tres o cuatro de la mañana.
We live close by and heard you're going to be in the neighborhood.
Oímos que estaba en el barrio.
You're eating at Pujol, and you're eating a taco in one of the greatest restaurants in the world.
Si comes en Pujol, te comes un taco en uno de los mejores restaurantes del mundo.
I think that Mexicans love to have a good time... and if you're gonna have a restaurant in Mexico, you need to be a reflection of that, no?
A los mexicanos les encanta pasarlo bien. Si tienes un restaurante en México tiene que ser un reflejo de eso, de gente divirtiéndose.
You're using Mexican ingredients in a very shy way and you should know your culture better, and you have a responsibility as a Mexican cook to do Mexican food. "
Usas ingredientes mexicanos tímidamente y deberías conocer mejor tu cultura porque tienes la responsabilidad, como mexicano, de hacer comida mexicana ".
But then, you're in the midst of eating said thing, and suddenly you are surprised by how spectacular the food is.
Pero cuando te lo comes te sorprende lo espectacular que es.
So, when you're saying, "Hey, cell phone tower, can you hear me?" Instead, a man in the middle, somebody with an IMSI catcher in the trunk of their car, in a briefcase, in their office has it send a louder signal back to you Uh-huh. Than the cell phone tower and say, "I'm the cell phone tower."
Y cuando dices : "Torre celular, ¿ me escuchas?" un intermediario con un IMSI catcher en el maletero de su auto, maletín u oficina te envía una señal más fuerte que la de la torre celular y dice que es la torre celular.
You know which ones they are, because they have immensely long beards and they're in their shirts, because their uniforms have been stripped off them.
Se los reconoce porque tienen barbas muy largas y están en camisa, porque les han arrancado los uniformes.
And, you're standing in the queue, and someone grabs you by the arm and says something, with their kind eyes... [PLAYING CELLO]
O entras en un horno para comprar pan... por ejemplo... y al hacer cola... alguien te agarra del brazo y te dice algo con cara amable.
And it actually really exciting to sing the same if you're in a room together, to sing to something,
♪ Hacia el mar ♪
We've been here for 400 years and now he tells us that maybe in 40 years, if you're good, we may let you become president.
Hemos estado aquí 400 años y ahora nos dice que tal vez en 40 años, si eres bueno, tal vez te dejemos ser presidente.
You're a pain in my bottom but at least you're a fresh kind of pain and for a head teacher that's almost... marriage.
Es insufrible, pero al menos es una bocanada de aire fresco y para un director eso es casi un... matrimonio.
and you're welcome 67
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153