And you're still here traduction Espagnol
396 traduction parallèle
And--oh, Chi Chi, you're still here.
¡ Chi Chi todavía estas aqui!
And you're still sitting here in judgment.
Y todavía está sentado aquí, juzgándome.
And if you're still here, it's gonna be you or me.
Si seguís estando aquí, seréis vosotros o yo.
- And you're still here?
- ¿ Y aún no te has ido?
I still can't believe it that you're here and you're safe,
Todavía no puedo creer que estés aquí y a salvo,
- Here. I still think you're lying, and I'll soon find out.
Buldeo, yo sigo creyendo que mientes y pronto lo sabremos
And you're still not supposed to be in here.
Sigo pensando que no debería estar aquí.
We're still here! We'll always be here! Why don't you come and get it?
¡ Estamos todavía aquí!
So you're the one, who Gisa... and you still dare to come here?
Así que es Ud. el que Gisa... ¿ Y aún se atreve a venir aquí?
This is the third time he has called and you're still here.
Es la tercera vez que llama, y tú sigues aquí.
I also warned you, and you're still here, in this neighborhood.
A ti también te avisé. Sigues en este barrio al que nunca habrías debido venir.
Go live seven years with my wife... and then if you're still in your right mind, come back here and tell me about it.
Váyase a vivir 7 años con mi mujer... y si para entonces no ha perdido la razón, venga aquí y me lo cuenta.
And you're still here.
Y usted todavía está aquí.
I'm going out with Richard tonight if he'll still see me, and when I get back... if you're still living here, I'm going to move to the YWCA.
Voy salir con Richard esta noche, si viene a verme y cuando vuelva,... si sigues viviendo aquí, me mudaré al Albergue de Jóvenes.
They're pinching us in here and you're still sorting things around?
¿ Aquí nos dan pellizcos y tú aún colocando las cosas?
Here I've been trying for five, six months to learn you the business... and you're — you're still shaving, taking a bath.
Llevo seis meses intentando enseñarte este oficio... y sigues afeitándote y dándote baños.
You're still alive, and you're here.
Estás vivo y estás aquí.
- And you're still here?
- ¿ Y sigues aquí?
I'll stay and keep a fire going. They'll think you're still here.
y creeran que seguís aquí.
- And you're still here? - I'm still here.
- ¿ Y todavía estás aquí?
But somebody not from here, some peddler passing through he'll go right back to Lincoln and tell them you're still around.
Pero alguien que no es de aquí, un buhonero de paso volverá a Lincoln y les dirá que sigues por aquí.
Hey, you! All the extras have gone to the sets and you're still here!
¡ Todos los extras están preparados y usted todavía aquí!
Still, you're here and I'm sure you're going to stay.
Aún así, está aquí. Y estoy seguro de que se quedará.
And you're still here.
¡ Todavía está aquí!
But Drew's still here... and you're both still alive and... and I'm still here.
Pero Drew sigue aquí... y los dos siguen vivos y... Yyo sigo aquí.
Comes morning, you're still here, pick up your gear and walk out of here.
Si no te has ido al alba, recoge tus cosas y márchate.
Here we are, China, Hong Kong, and you're still trying to save the world.
Estamos en China, Hong Kong, y tu todavía tratando de salvar el mundo.
You still haven't told me who you are and why you're here!
Aún no me ha dicho quién es y por qué está aquí.
See they're all lying here dead, and you're still walking.
Todos han muerto y usted continúa caminando.
Six dead, and you're still here.
Seis muertos y ustedes siguen aquí.
There is a pattern here... and the key to that pattern is this boy you're still searching for...
Aquí hay un patrón... y la clave es el chico que aún están buscando...
You see, I invited a few friends over and they're still here.
Verás, invité a unos amigos y todavía no se van.
Here we are, going out on what normally would be described as a date and you're still calling me Mr. Carsini.
Aquí estamos, saliendo a lo que normalmente se llamaría una cita y todavía me dice Sr. Carsini.
I've just got in, I'm exhausted, I have a ton of work, and you're still here
Acabo de llegar, estoy agotado, tengo una tonelada de trabajo, y Ud. aún sigue aquí
Any minute now those rats are going to bust in here, and you're still fussing around with some lousy jars.
Esas ratas entrarán en cualquier momento, y sigues jugando con unos tontos frascos.
I'll call security and have you thrown out if you're still here.
Llamaré a seguridad y haré que te echen si sigues aquí.
Before I tell you all the rules, I must remind you again you're here voluntarily and you're still free to leave.
Antes de decirte todas las regla, debo recordarte de nuevo que estás aquí por tu voluntad, y todavía erres libre para irte.
And incidentally, that's why you're still here.
Por eso sigue usted aquí.
You're all dressed up, and the Americans are nearby... while the Germans are still here.
Ustedes están tan elegantes, y los estadounidenses se acercan... mientras los alemanes siguen aún aquí.
-'I'm still here, Happer, and you're still a useless mo...'
Aún estoy aquí, Happer, y sigues siendo un...
And now you're down here pretending all this crap is still fun.
Y ahora estás aquí, fingiendo que toda esta mierda es divertida.
He and Rick are here to pick me up for a business trip, which I am taking, if you're sure you still have someone else for the case.
él y Rick estan aquí para recogerme para un viaje de negocios, que estoy tomando Si usted está segura que todavía tiene a Alguien más para el caso.
But now he has vowed his revenge. He still wants to rule the world with his army, and that's why he ΄ s here. - And that's why you're here.
- Pero ahora esta buscando revancha, aun quiere dominar el mundo con su ejercito
Darn right it's changed, but we're still regular Army, you and me, Decker, and that means one way or another, we get the job done, so here, you pack your trash,
Todo el mundo está cambiando. Si, ha cambiado, pero tú y yo aún estamos en el ejército, Decker. Lo que significa, que de una forma u otra vamos a terminar este trabajo.
I bring you down here to the Paris, France of Central America.. and you're behaving like you're still in some hamlet in the woods some..
Te traigo aquí al París de América Central... y te comportas como si estuvieses en una aldea en el bosque -
I still think you're beautiful. And your eyes tell me to come over here.
Sigo diciendo que eres preciosa, y tus ojos me dicen que me acerque.
I still can't believe you're alive... And here.
Todavía no consigo creer que estás vivo... y aquí.
And you're still here?
Todavía estás aquí?
After three years here... I still haven't been able to find what I'm looking for... that which used to make you smile, and perhaps you're smiling at this minute... namely the highest form of perfection, both internal and external.
Aquí, en estos tres años, no he conseguido encontrar lo que busco, aquello que te hacía sonreír, y que seguirá haciéndolo.
The odds are still heavy that you're here to keep Ray and Susan together. Now there's this outside chance that maybe she could die.
Las probabilidades son aún grandes... de que estés aquí para que sigan juntos... pero ahora hay una posibilidad de que ella muera.
I don't mean to step on you here, but I can't believe you're still going to the dance with that loser after all that went down between him and Steve.
No quiero meterme en tus cosas pero no puedo creer que vayas a bailar con ese perdedor luego de todo lo que pasó entre él y Steve.
and you're welcome 67
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153