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And you didn't tell me traduction Espagnol

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You knew for three months and you didn't tell me.
Lo supiste por 3 meses y no me dijiste nada.
You've been glued to the newspaper since this morning and didn't even tell me!
estás pegada en la prensa desde esta mañana Y ni siquiera me lo dices!
Look at me Look me in the eyes and... tell me you didn't take that magazine from my room
Mírame Mírame a los ojos y... dime que no tomaste ese magazín de mi cuarto
There is a demon in the attic and you didn't tell me?
¿ Hay un demonio en el ático y no me lo dijiste?
So, you slept with Jane and didn't tell me.
Entonces, dormiste con Jane y no me dijiste.
And why didn't you tell me about that?
¿ Y por qué no me lo dijiste?
And to tell you the truth, I really didn't give a shit.
Y a decir verdad, me importaba una mierda.
And you didn't think maybe you should tell me about that?
¿ Y no deberías habérmelo dicho?
You had sex in my studio and you didn't even tell me.
Tuviste sexo en mi estudio y ni siquiera me lo dijiste.
I suppose I didn't tell you because I've been feeling so well and bringing it up makes me have to deal with it again.
No se lo dije, porque me encontraba bien. Y hablar me obliga a enfrentarme otra vez con eso.
He told how, you know, you-you were gonna tell me at prom and-and then-then you didn't and you know, it's no big deal.
Me dijo que ibas a decírmelo en el baile y después no lo hiciste. No es para tanto.
- And you didn't tell me?
- Y no me dijiste?
I mean, I tore my panty hose this morning, and I didn't tell you about it.
Se me han roto una medias esta mañana y no te lo dije
And you do not have the right... to make me feel guilty because I didn't tell you anything.
Y no tienes derecho a hacerme sentir culpable si no lo hago
We hit the club bar, and I didn't want to sound dumb... and just order a beer, because it's nitwit juice... so I had what your dad was having, which was whiskey something... more whiskey than something, let me tell you...'cause I can't even see straight.
Llegamos al bar, yo no quería quedar como un tonto... y en vez de pedir cerveza, que es bebida de fracasados... pedí Io mismo que tu padre, un whisky con no sé qué... más whisky que no sé qué, debo admitir... porque no logro ver claramente.
Well, you know, you told me that you were in love with that woman and that now you're sleeping with another woman, but... you didn't tell me you were a dyke.
Bueno, me dijiste que estabas enamorada de esa mujer y que ahora te acuestas con otra pero no me dijiste que eras tortillera.
Your wife is out at night, you have a young child, and you don't know where she is? ( Elbisi ) She didn't always tell me.
Su esposa está fuera de noche, tiene una criatura ¿ y usted no sabe dónde está?
You went after Sawyer and didn't tell me?
¿ Has ido por Sawyer y ni siquiera me lo has dicho?
You got rid of our baby and you didn't tell me?
¿ Te deshiciste de nuestro hijo y no me lo dijiste?
- And you didn't tell me?
- ¿ Y no me lo contaste?
- You had the words and didn't tell me?
- ¿ Tenías la carta y no me lo dijiste?
You were with Chris then, and you didn't tell me?
¿ Estuviste con Chris entonces, y no me dijiste?
Well, if he didn't tell you and he didn't tell me, then who did he tell?
Bueno, si no te lo ha dicho a ti, y a mí tampoco, ¿ a quién demonios se lo ha dicho?
You were always the one good thing in my life, and if I didn't tell you enough, I care about you more than you'll ever know.
Siempre fuiste lo mejor de mi vida, y me preocupe por ti mas de lo que nunca sabras.
When you dropped me off, I could tell that you didn't want the night to end... and neither did I, so...
Cuando me dejaste, pude ver que no querías que terminara la noche y yo tampoco así que...
Clark... you found your biological father, and you didn't tell me about it?
Clark hallaste a tu padre biológico, ¿ y no me lo dijiste?
I can't believe you saw my mother topless and didn't tell me about it right away.
No puedo creer que hayas visto a mi madre en topless y no me lo dijiste.
So why didn't you tell me and Luc?
¿ Y por qué no nos dijeron nada a Luc y a mí?
- And you didn't tell me about this before because?
¿ Por qué no me lo dijiste antes?
Amber- - you didn't have to tell me that Boston Rob and you were gonna bring us to the final six.
Amber- - no tenias que decirme que Boston Rob y tu iban a llevarnos hasta los ultimos seis.
She said earlier that she-she really didn't, uh, care for me when we first went out there. And I'll tell you truth : when I first went out there, I thought she was a little snob.
y pienso que el fue probablemente el mas... pienso que fue la persona mas competitiva aqui en todos los retos.
You knew and you didn't tell me.
Lo sabías y no me Io dijiste.
You knew this and you didn't tell me?
¿ Lo sabías y no me lo has dicho?
And I didn't tell you that he hit me.
Y no te dije que me golpeó.
And you didn't tell me.
Y tu no me dijiste.
Hans didn't tell him anything, cause he has wife and three children here, you have to tell me the damn truth, I am asking you.
Hans no lo dijo nada porque tiene mujer y tres hijos. Tienes que decirme la verdad.
Why did you tell me she neglected and didn't want me?
¿ Por qué siempre me han dicho que no me cuidaba, que no me quería a su lado?
And I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I've been wanting to tell you, but we have literally not had one minute together... Oh, babe.
- Me duele no habértelo dicho, quería...
With all due respect, sir, you knew about this and you didn't tell me?
Con todo respeto, señor. ¿ Usted sabía sobre esto y no me informó?
And you didn't tell me?
¡ ¿ Y no me lo dijiste?
And let me tell you, he didn't go anywhere.
Y déjeme decirle, no fué a ninguna parte.
Look me in the eye, and tell me you didn't.
Mírame a los ojos, y dime que no lo hiciste.
You have other responsibilities you can't ignore either. But you said I'm supposed to be able to sense my charges, and I didn't sense anything, so can you tell me what the hell is wrong with me.
Tienes otras resposabilidades que no puedes ignorar. así que puedes decirme que está mal conmigo.
You told Paige and you didn't tell me?
¿ Se lo contaste a Paige y a mí no?
I can't believe that you didn't tell me and let them put me in a coma!
y que me dejaras en coma
You knew and you didn't tell me.
Lo.. sabías.. y.. no... me.. lo... dijiste
I understand why you did it, Dad. And why you didn't tell me about Madison.
Entiendo por qué lo hiciste y por qué no me dijiste lo de Madison
I mean, you-you-you got pregnant. I got you pregnant and you didn't even tell me.
Te quedaste embarazada, te dejé embarazada y ni siquiera me lo dijiste.
You've been pregnant for two months and you didn't tell me?
¿ Llevas dos meses de embarazo y no me lo dijiste?
And she didn't tell me if I could say anything to you, so I just assumed I shouldn't.
Y no me dijo si podía decirtelo así que supuse que no debo hacerlo.
You had brain surgery and didn't tell me?
¿ Tienes una operación neurológica y no me lo cuentas?

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