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And you know what that means traduction Espagnol

357 traduction parallèle
Besides, if you're seen around here with us... it'll break your parole, and you know what that means.
Tenemos una cita. Además, si te ven con nosotros... violarás tu libertad condicional yya sabes qué significa eso.
He's even knocking off gas stations and you know what that means.
Tiene gasolina en las manos, ¿ comprendes?
And you know what that means as far as you and I are concerned.
Sabes qué significa eso en lo que a mí respecta.
And you know what that means. Yeah.
- Y ya sabes lo que significa eso.
Grischa is full of enthusiasm, and you know what that means.
Grischa está entusiasmado.
You're a woman now and you know what that means.
Ya eres mujer y sabes lo que eso significa.
It's Cook's day off, and you know what that means.
Es el día de descando en la cocina, y sabes que significa.
And you know what that means.
Tú sabes lo que eso significa.
And you know what that means as well as I do.
Llevan navaja.
Sir, they're in Claymore, sir, and you know what that means, sir.
Señor, están en Claymore, señor, y ya sabe lo que eso significa, señor.
- And you know what that means?
- ¿ Entiendes lo que significa?
And you know what that means, Max?
- ¿ Sabes lo que significa, Max?
I'm fed up, and you know what that means.
Estoy harto, y ya sabe lo que eso significa.
And you know what that means?
¿ Y sabes que significa?
And you know what that means.
Y ya sabéis lo que quiere decir.
- And you know what that means?
- ¿ Y sabes lo que eso significa?
He is good, and you know what that means.
Es un excelente director, no sé si entiendes lo que quiero decir.
- And you know what that means?
- ¿ Y sabe lo que eso significa?
And you know what that means.
Sabe lo que significa eso.
If you don't take any action, County will, and you know what that means - demolition.
Si no hacen algo, el Condado lo hará. ¿ Y tú sabes lo que eso significa? La demolerán.
"Say, kid, Bebe's still out and she's wise that we squealed on her you know what that means!"
Escucha, Bebé está afuera y sabe que cantamos. Sabes lo que eso significa?
You know what that means, if they break through, they and the Indians... will loot and pillage every settlement this side of Lake George.
Si no nos ayudan, ellos y los indios conquistaran toda la tierra.
Do you know what that word means between him and me?
- Sí, pero pequeña...
I didn't want to, but your father kept saying that I shouldn't be a smarty and that I shouldn't know all the answers, and besides, you don't know what a fur coat means to a girl
Yo no quería, pero tu padre me dijo que dejase de hacerme la lista y que no quisiese saber todas las respuestas...
And if it comes out that you and Stretch are married, well, you know what that means.
Si se entera de que se casaron... ya sabe lo que significa.
You know what that means. He'll starve them and whip them.
Los matará de hambre y los latigueará. ¿ No los viste?
And to get that, you must know what discipline means.
Y para conseguirlo, debes saber qué es la disciplina.
And if you see that big ruffian Carl, give him my felicitations... not that he will know what it means.
Y si ves a ese gran rufián, a Carl, felicítale de mi parte, aunque no creo que entienda por qué.
Julie, si Morgan publica mi libro y si por un disparatado milagro se vende, ¿ sabes lo que significaría?
You know what I've been doing. You know what it means to the work, to the lives of thousands of people that I am free to reach America and continue my work.
Sabe lo que he hecho y lo que significaría para miles que desempeñe mi labor en América.
And I'm flattered that you want me... but, well, you ought to know what a sister act means.
Me halaga que me quieras... pero deberías saber qué significa una hermana.
You know what that means, financially and professionally.
Sabes lo que eso significaría, financiera y profesionalmente.
Get too big and those big guys back east move in. You know what that means.
Hazte grande y esos grandes del este se moverán, y ya sabes qué significa.
If he should have an attack and not have that with him, you know what that means.
Si tuviese un ataque y no la llevara con él ya sabe lo que le sucedería.
Do you know what you've just done? That's the first time you ever said "us." That-That means you and me.
Es la primera vez que dices "nosotros".
Did you ever work it out brother? In 20 years'time you could be sitting in Hoylake's chair, and that's as high as you can go. and that means a 1.000 £ a year, a semi-detached downtown, a 2nd hand Austin, and a wife to match, if you know what I mean.
Si trabajas duro, puede que dentro de 20 años llegues al despacho de Hoylake, y eso serían mil al año, una casa adosada, un coche de segunda mano y una mujer a juego, ¿ me sigues?
That means nobody wpll ever know what you said except you and your lawyer.
Nadie sabrá qué has dicho. Sólo tú y tu abogado.
And do you know what that means?
¿ Y sabéis lo que significa eso?
Do you know what that means? That you do not mind mixing white and black...
Que os da igual que se mezclen blancos con negros... porque no luchasteis para impedirlo.
Now if you don't know what that means, well, it means that he's going to live in one place, and, well, i'm going to live in another just as far apart as we can get.
Si no saben lo que eso significa, bueno, significa que él vivirá en un lugar, y yo viviré en otro tan distantes uno del otro como sea posible.
Now if you don't know what that means, well, it means that he's going to live in one place, and, well, i'm going to live in another just as far apart as we can get.
Si no saben lo que eso significa, bueno, significa que él vivirá en un lugar, y, bueno, yo viviré en otro tan distantes uno del otro como sea posible.
And you don't know what that means.
Y no sabeis lo que eso significa.
And you all know what that means, right?
Y todos saben lo que eso significa.
You and I both know what that means.
Vamos, sabemos qué significa eso.
And if it's little Linka... stall. You know what that means, stall.
Y si es la pequeña Linka... entreténgala.
And as for the charge that Socrates can corrupt youngsters do you know what this means?
"Y en cuanto a la afirmación de que Sócrates puede corromper a la juventud... " ¿ sabéis lo que quiere decir?
I don't know what it means, but he said for me to tell you that he met with Weasel and that the deal's okay. You can have half.
No se a que se referia pero me pidio que le dijese que hablo con Weasel, y que esta de acuerdo con el trato.
Daddy, what she means is that... well, we know it was bad between you and Mother.
Papá, lo que quiere decir es que... bueno, sabemos que las cosas iban mal entre mamá y tú.
Because you and I both know what that opposition means, don't we?
Porque ustedes y yo sabemos qué significa la oposición, ¿ no es cierto?
I told them "No, what this means is that you don't know how to treat women, and I do."
Yo les dije que "No, lo que pasa es que ustedes no saben tratar a las mujeres, y yo sí."
And a public defender, you know what that means!
Y un abogado de oficio, ¡ pues ya sabe usted!

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